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Last Posted July 13, 2023 at 1:21 PM
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#7 Ubersaw vs Vita-saw post-pyro update in TF2 General Discussion

If you're mega scared you could run it to mids you think you're almost certain going to die. Ubersaw is better though.

posted about 6 years ago
#28 Why did Valve nerf Ambassador so harshly? in TF2 General Discussion

Perhaps I'm full of shit on this, but from my perspective it just seems like NA teams have a lot more aggression than EU teams. Because of this, to me atleast it seems that Invis-backstab plays are a little easier in that there is more chaos and opportunity. EU has a tendency to sit still until the very moment of the push, leaving little room for error on the Spy's part. It mostly feels like suicide plays.

Again, I could totally be talking bollocks on that.

But I think as a concept atleast, the Dead Ringer makes sense. I don't believe there's anything inherently wrong about Gunspy, as you trade gamechanging plays for some consistent damage output. As a Spy I think it's nice to have that option if you're having one of those games where you just can't seem to achieve anything with conventional play. I mean, you pretty much have to use it for Gunspying, as nobody competent ever really buys that you've died.

Personally I feel that the Amby nerf is a little harsh. At the absolute max range you're hitting 50 damage headshots, and past that you're not even hitting those. In a sense, the stock Revolver is a better long range weapon than the Amby. Imo there shouldnt be a range limit, and I think we should be doing 70 damage headshots across the board.

Also no I won't use Diamondback. It's a retarded weapon that should be removed. Rework it into a niche or something. Enforcer was retarded, then they nerfed it, and now it's bad for everything except wrecking Vaccinator Meds, which is fun af.

posted about 6 years ago
#42 Jungle Inferno after action in TF2 General Discussion

My FPS is pretty wrecked (dropping down to 50 at times in casual, lowest before update was 110), Pyro stuffing is gonna be ridiculous on certain lasts, I don't care for his items too much, Amby got nerfed unfairly and DR needed a counterbuff or a rework, current nerf just kills it.

Changes to casual queuing and partying are great QoL changes (so long as they actually work), Lazarus is a cool map, stupid amount of bugs (thats tf2 for ya), a couple interesting balances, mostly uninteresting balances.

Overall it's a pretty average update that would have been fine if it was a few months wait (not including the SFM).
Pretty shit imo for a 420 day update.

I am very interested to see if Vita-Saw will be allowed now. I could definitely see it being on par with Ubersaw.
Run Vita-Saw to mid, switch to Ubersaw once you respawn perhaps.

Panic Attack is also kind of a direct upgrade to Shotgun for Pocket Solly's imo. Am curious to see what others think of it.

posted about 6 years ago
#922 I've updated some huds in Customization
HypnotizeShould be good now, if its not let me know!

Also i'll focus on updating the huds for the new update before doing anything else!

Works great now! Thanks for your hard work!

posted about 6 years ago
#919 I've updated some huds in Customization

m0rehud-Black-2.0 (atleast for me) is suffering from heavy frame drops when lighting multiple players on fire as Pyro. I believe it has to do with the damage numbers, not sure.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 carlost25 in The Dumpster


posted about 6 years ago
#23 Lawbreakers in Other Games

I played it before in both closed and open beta, and while the gunplay is sorta addictive it didn't have much depth, plus it was kinda easy. Might be alright now though, not sure.

posted about 6 years ago
#103 TF2 Blog: "Balance Changes" in TF2 General Discussion

I'm somewhat in disagreement with the proposed Spy changes.

The Amby change will serve to only make it more frustrating for the Spy who misses despite aiming well, and frustrating for the guy who got headshot across the map because he knows the Spy's crosshair was not on him. Was the Amby a bit too strong at long ranges? Debatable. I think ever so slightly yes, but it was a high skill dependent mechanic. I think a more fair nerf would have been increasing headshot cooldown even more for less ability to follow up, or something along those lines.

As for Dead Ringer, they've just sort of killed it. Spies running it will now just hide in a corner waiting for it to recharge, not contributing. It isn't very conducive towards engaging gameplay. The current DR is without a doubt unbelievably stupid, and in general the DR has been hated for a long time. But the thing is, I think the DR really got asinine the moment they gave it a speed boost. The old DR where you could tank a shit ton of damage was stupid as well, but atleast Pyro's genuinely did wreck you, and you didn't have access to all ammo kits on the map in an instant. Perhaps a balance needs to be struck, or maybe we could just revert, I'm not sure.

Either way, I think the combination of these two nerfs absolutely hurt Spy in game-modes where he is permanently run (Highlander and Pubs). I understand a need to make Spy feel more sneaky, but realistically, what sick fuck is going to want to go 8-30 in a Product official where the enemy Heavy is doing nothing but Spychecking the entire game? Gunspy needs to still be an option for Spy players to keep their sanity in both pubs and highlander. I recommend more messing around with the DR.

In 6s these changes won't affect anything so this was all useless fluff. Huh.

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Question about Ultiduo Map Logic in Map Discussion

2fort. Oh boy. My excitement is unyielding.

posted about 6 years ago
#53 froyo roasted in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#20 Lawbreakers in Other Games

It's very fun, but I'd like to see some more internal direction in terms of game modes to give it some structure. Right now it seems whatever mode you play still very much boils down to you and the opponents soaring around any and every part of the map in a chaotic DM-fest. That in itself is fun, but a gamemode that can complement that more-so would be key in making the game more than something you only play for a week.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 Accommodation for i61 in LAN Discussion

Last year I shared a room with a friend at the Airport Travel-lodge. Incredibly cheap for all four nights, about £130. Taxi rides back and forth stung us a bit more, but otherwise it was pretty good.

posted about 7 years ago
#209 sigafoo tf2 league in TF2 General Discussion
ScrambledThis is a terrible misrepresentation of why people prefer highlander. One reason for why I think this format appeals to pub players is that in a casual/pug setting you can play most things, the only necessary class is a medic, and you aren't locked to one class/role. It also plays in a similar way to highlander with less players, which makes it much less of a logistics nightmare, hence being something that could be more viable for matchmaking than highlander. The 6s community is not the target audience of this format.

No, I definitely remember playing Highlander because I was a shitty Spy main and couldn't be that in 6s. Definitely. It's not a wrong misrepresentation, but one of many. Certainly applied to me, and a bunch of other Spy/Sniper/Pyro mains I know of.

posted about 7 years ago
#187 sigafoo tf2 league in TF2 General Discussion
sigafooI did talk to several of the players after the challenge cup. Most of the primarily sixes players thought that it wasn't better than sixes, but liked it more than highlander. Most of the highlander players really enjoyed it thought it was better than HL as well.

Less players = better game according to these statements. 6s is definitive format, the data is right there!

Seriously though, you're not getting proper feedback to improve the format because the majority of people are satisfied playing either 6s or Highlander.

posted about 7 years ago
#72 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
lucrative I think a lot of medics would agree with me that sitting and arrowing your team for 10 seconds doing absolutely nothing has been one of he most annoying and dumb things I've had to start doing. Ive played for a long time and I don't see the growth in medic players from the addition of crossbow at all.

I mean, tbh that is just the slow part of the game in general. If there was no crossbow, that would be replaced by 3 players scrambling for health packs, or standing waiting for acceptable heals from Medgun before they move anyway.

Not saying that players standing still in between pushes isn't dumb, but I find it more engaging than only having my Medgun out the entire time and nothing else.

posted about 7 years ago
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