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Last Posted June 9, 2016 at 4:50 PM
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#7 Casting Call in TF2 General Discussion
PontDon't think the admin was this guy, so if he no longer is associated with you guys then don't take my
opinion very seriously.

It was a different guy, and no, he is no longer associated with us.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Casting Call in TF2 General Discussion

good stuff


posted about 8 years ago
#1 Casting Call in TF2 General Discussion

Rai eSports is putting out an open casting call for all casters, cameramen, and stream producers. Anyone of any talent level is welcome to apply. We are attempting to build more talent in the scene, by providing potential casters and cameramen and stream producers with the resources they need to improve. Send me a pm, or add me on steam(http://steamcommunity.com/id/randomassmemories).

posted about 8 years ago
#28 Leverage eSports looking for Visual Designers in TF2 General Discussion
aim-can i like see some cash or some logo or SOMETHING TO TELL ME THIS ISNT JUST SOME SCAM

Here's our website, www.raiesports.com , our twitch, www.twitch.tv/rai_esports , and we are sponsored by serveme.tf.

EoNThis is such boring drama

Agreed. I was just trying to set everything straight.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Looking for TF2 Casters in TF2 General Discussion
catman1900In another post it was said that you left rai e-sports to create a new organization with forzt and that you were no longer working with them. Does that mean this post is pointless?

Edit: http://www.teamfortress.tv/32140/clarification-regarding-rai-esports link to the post

Yes, thats correct.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Clarification Regarding Rai eSports in TF2 General Discussion

On Saturday, we ran a successful 4s tournament, sponsored by serveme.tf. We had 8 teams attend, and we gave out the prizes on Sunday. During the tournament, someone reached out to me and said they would like to help. He said he had experience, and he seemed to know what was going on. I said okay, and we ran a test broadcast that night. Over the course of the night I became suspicious, as he seemed a little off. I was planning on looking into him more thoroughly the next day. However, Sunday afternoon Forzt came to me and said he was quitting and taking Console with him. http://m.imgur.com/ocKw0mo I said okay, and I asked him to stop doing business in my Discord. As of Sunday afternoon, he was no longer associated with Rai eSports. We will not be doing business with them again, and they will not be handling our production. We apologize for any of the confusion this may have caused, and we hope to continue running tournaments for the community. We will hopefully have a 6s tournament sometime in the next month, and we are in talks with more sponsors, which will hopefully increase our prize pools.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Leverage eSports looking for Visual Designers in TF2 General Discussion
better luck next month

When Forzt, or whatever his real name is, made this post, he was no longer affiliated with us. If you'd like i can show you the chat log where he tells me he's quiting to do his own thing.

posted about 9 years ago
#17 Leverage eSports looking for Visual Designers in TF2 General Discussion

Hi. I just wanted to clear the air. Forzt added me the day of the tournament we ran, and said he wanted to help out. He claimed to bring experience to the table, and he seemed to be a hardworking guy, so I said sure. He worked with me for a day, and he started to seem kind of fishy. I was planning on breaking off contact with him, but the day after the tournament he comes to me and says that he is breaking off from my organization to do his own thing, which I say is fine. Reading this thread is the first I've heard of all this, but we will definitely be vetting potential volunteers far more thoroughly from now on. Thank you all for your patience.

posted about 9 years ago
#6 TF2 Tournament Today in TF2 General Discussion

There is a prize pool for this tournament. Also there will be a 6s tournament in the next month or so.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 TF2 Tournament Today in TF2 General Discussion



posted about 9 years ago
#1 Casters and cameraman wanted for 4s tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys,

We have a 4s tournament with 8 teams happening Saturday at 1, and we are looking for volunteers to cast, as well as a camera man. PM me here, on Steam (https://steamcommunity.com/id/randomassmemories/), or post in the thread. Thank you.

posted about 9 years ago
#18 4v4 Tournament Hosted by Rai eSports and servemetf in TF2 General Discussion
alphaaany chance for an eu tournament in the future aswell?

If there's enough interest, yeah.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 4v4 Tournament Hosted by Rai eSports and servemetf in TF2 General Discussion
smitty_Why 4s though, like it would cost the same to sponsor a 6s team in ugc unless those extra 4 spots in a server are really breaking the bank and your organization can't afford it?

Nonetheless it's cool to see this organization picking up a tf2 team as one of their first. Good luck in the season and the tournament.

We were in the process of looking for a 6s team, but unfortunately we missed the cut-off for this season of UGC. We decided we would wait on 6s and bring on D4nny's 4s team. A 6s team will be brought on over the summer, and we will be running 6s tournaments, with prize pools, as well as bball, mge, ultiduo, hl, and arena respawn.

posted about 9 years ago