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SteamID64 76561198025324670
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:32529471
Country United States
Signed Up October 7, 2012
Last Posted May 24, 2013 at 1:12 AM
Posts 42 (0 per day)
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Mouse g500
Keyboard apple keyboard
Mousepad mousepad from the university book store
Headphones sony mdr-nc7
Monitor 13" macbook pro
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#1 Anno 2070? in Off Topic

Anno 2070 is on sale and I'm thinking about getting it. Anyone played it? Is it worth playing? Any of the DLC worth buying while it's all on sale?

For anyone who sees this it requires UPlay to run. Running through Steam opens UPlay and then you run the game from their. It was a headache to get working as I had to enter the confirmation code (basically a CD key) twice for some reason and restart UPlay to be able to play.

20 minutes after first launching the game I go to play it. It's pretty good, the tutorial levels are confusing and the menus are stupid and confusing but once you get the hang of it it's pretty fun.

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Virus/Trojan/Worm Help in Hardware

Burn it down and start over.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Spring Break in Off Topic

Going home so that I can sleep until 1 pm, stay up until 4, play video games all the time, and never see my parents.

posted about 11 years ago
#46 What's your job, TF.TV? in Off Topic

My current job is spending thousands of dollars a year in the hopes that it will allow me to get a real job in the future.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Question about Cevo in Q/A Help

What I'm getting here is that Cevo is worse than I think it is and UGC 6s teams are easier to coordinate with than HL teams.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Question about Cevo in Q/A Help
Dionysusugc allows rescheduling... they don't care so long as it's played by midnight friday night

In my experience, while they do allow rescheduling most teams don't like to because they plan on playing at the default time. I'm not sure if 6s is the same way, but after 3 seasons of UGC HL I wouldn't try to reschedule a UGC match ever.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Question about Cevo in Q/A Help

Some friends and I plan to put together a team over the summer and play in Cevo Open. The reason for choosing Cevo is that I can't guarantee being free every Wednesday night to play in UGC. We thought that playing in Cevo would be better because Cevo allows for scheduling matches on different days. Looking at the match results page now it looks like most teams play their matches at the default time on Thursday. If my team requested a switch to Wednesday or Friday for some of our matches would most teams be accommodating? Or do teams plan around being able to play on Thursday?

posted about 11 years ago
#4 ETF2L Prem: dc vs pokeman in Events

Quack quack 5ever

posted about 11 years ago
#15 Vector Gaming post-season interview in TF2 General Discussion

I would like to file a complaint because DougyG does not have a blue name.

Also this was super cool. Can't wait to see more of Vector in the future, both playing and in the community like this.

posted about 11 years ago
#62 Charity - Signed Weapons in TF2 General Discussion

Funboats signed by Dave__AC

posted about 11 years ago
#80 Your first match? in TF2 General Discussion

UGC Highlander S6 week one on Badwater. We played 7 v 9 with 3 subs because assholes ditched. No one on the team had played comp before, we'd never scrimmed and at the time I only had 20 hours in TF2. We used a group Steam call for comms.

We didn't cap a single point.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 Fully charged #21 -- ask infinite/Fornaught stuff: in TF2 General Discussion

How long until they get rid of Vitalism/Haunt forever and I play HL again?

EDIT: Mighty Xarlor, thank you for granting my HL team use of a UGC server. We had our own server last season and we dedicated it to you.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 ESEA-Invite: Fully Torqued- vs xensity in Events

Xen needs to win this to go to LAN. They'll be pulling out all the stops.

Dis gon be good.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Mr. Slin's sticky skin in Q/A Help

Slin never used it in matches because he said that the client might detect it and he could get banned from ESEA, so keep that in mind.

posted about 11 years ago
#127 mge_training_v8_beta1 in TF2 General Discussion
Cro0Ked_Jstn7477Cro0Ked_speaking of mge, has anyone been playing on the \TG/ mge v7 server lately? occasionally when you die you'll be spawned outside the arena and have to 'kill' to respawn, and even then sometimes you'll be spawned outside again. is this server-side or a map issue?
I run the TrashedGamers community servers and acknowledge the issues. A few other people earlier in the thread said they were encountering the same issues as well, and Lange doesn't know what could be causing it either. Haven't touched the V7 server since November before updating to MGEMod 1.0.5 this week, and even then I still haven't changed the spawns or anything. I'm wondering if the Christmas update did something as I believe that needed new SourceMod snapshots if I remember, and people started complaining around early January when I first joined the forums. That server is running a newer snapshot and the V8 server is still running an older snapshot, and both servers are having the same issue apparently. I'd like to hear from other server ops to see if they are frequently encountering the same issue.
wow, an admin who actually listens? :D sick man, it's just kind of annoying because i lost a 19-19 round because of it lol :(

I've noticed this same issue on the Top Notch Clan MGEv8b2 server.

posted about 11 years ago
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