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Signed Up December 16, 2017
Last Posted April 8, 2019 at 8:07 AM
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#5919 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

The spy cloak meter can be found in huditemeffectmeter.res; be careful, as this will affect a lot of other meters :<

posted about 5 years ago
#5917 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
WiethoofdValve hardcoded the labeltext fgcolor to be white when they added the Thermal Thruster

You can add a dropshadow to the font to make it appear on the white chargebar meter fill color, but that's about it.

Thank you! I was able to do this for most meters, but I'm having trouble with items that share the same meter, such as the sandman, sandvich, and spy cloak to name a few. Anything can be done about that?

~~On another note, is there a reason why the huntsman shows the demoman sticky charge meter?~~ Nevermind, learned that the sticky charge meter and huntsman charge meter are merged for some dumb reason, and I found an alternative solution.

posted about 5 years ago
#5912 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Is there any way to change the color of an ItemEffectMeterLabel? It seems to be permanently white, but there's loads of screenshots of huds with it being gray. Seemingly enough, when using vgui_drawtree 1 and individually resetting the label, it reverts to the correct gray color.
(resetting the whole hud through hud_reloadscheme or at a resupply cabinet reverts it back to white)


posted about 5 years ago
#4896 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
RausOkay, this is really miffing me, as it seems most popular huds fail to render the item effect meter label colors as they should be rendered... (When clearly they are rendered correctly in their screenshots)

Does anybody know anything at all what's the problem?

Does nobody at all know what's the dealio with charge meters? ;-;

posted about 7 years ago
#4886 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
EquaLis there any way to make the "last damage done" numbers, have damage batching like normal damage numbers? sorry if im missing something obvious

AFAIK damage batching only applies to the floating damage numbers, unfortunately :<

posted about 7 years ago
#4884 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Okay, this is really miffing me, as it seems most popular huds fail to render the item effect meter label colors as they should be rendered... (When clearly they are rendered correctly in their screenshots)

Does anybody know anything at all what's the problem?

posted about 7 years ago
#4878 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
aurahpretty sure its locked in the hud and you cant change it

That can't be right... I've seen it possible before, and after some further hud work the colors are correct in the huntsman charge label: (compared to jarate's charge meter)


posted about 7 years ago
#4876 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I honestly shouldn't have to ask this question, but it remains utterly elusive to me...

I'm trying to edit the colors of the item effect meters, but they entirely refuse to change for me.
The "BOOST" and "JAR" labels should be gray, but remain white not matter what I do. (The only color I've managed to change was the background meter)

Here are the [hopefully] relevant codes:


	"fieldName"		"HudItemEffectMeter"
	"visible"			"1"
	"enabled"			"1"
	"xpos"			"r162"	[$WIN32]
"xpos_minmode"	"r52"	[$WIN32]
"ypos"			"r52"	[$WIN32]
"ypos_minmode"	"r50"	[$WIN32]
"xpos"			"r194"	[$X360]
"ypos"			"r74"	[$X360]
"wide"			"100"
	"tall"				"50"
	"MeterFG"		"White"
	"MeterBG"		"Gray"

huditemeffectmeter.res (generic)

	"ControlName"			"CExLabel"
	"fieldName"			"ItemEffectMeterLabel"
	"xpos"				"50"
	"ypos"				"0"
	"zpos"				"2"
	"wide"				"100"
	"tall"					"6"
	"autoResize"			"1"
	"pinCorner"			"2"
	"visible"				"1"
	"enabled"				"1"
	"tabPosition"			"0"
	"labelText"			"#TF_ENERGYDRINK"
	"textAlignment"		"center"
	"dulltext"				"0"
	"brighttext"			"0"
	"font"				"Futura7"
	"fgcolor_override"		"OmpMeterLabel"   // "125 125 125 255"
posted about 7 years ago