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Signed Up June 5, 2014
Last Posted June 24, 2016 at 12:53 AM
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#71 game of thrones in Off Topic

This show...I fucking hate it...LETS JUST KILL EVERYONE WHY DON'T WE!!

I gotta say, I was a little sad to see

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Ser Alliser

die. I mean, he was a prick, and I was always anticipating his death, but when he gave that speech and started fighting, I was cheering for him...And I was really sad to see

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die as well. I liked his character even though we barely saw him. I think we all saw

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death coming, but it still brought out some emotion in me...

And I just realized like, how fucked everyone is...Even if the Wildlings make it past the wall, they'll have to deal with King's Landing, and every country between. And then of course Dany's army of unsullied will be on their way sooner than later, and don't forget about Stannis as well as the Bolton army. Season 5 is gonna be intense.


Nice Grammar fail btw

posted about 10 years ago
#129 bwHUD in Customization
pwny_RawkstarHey, so I've been messing around with the scoreboard, and I was wondering, which line of code affects the colon between the number of kills and number of deaths? I've been changing all sorts of values, but nothing is working for me...
Just ctrl+F ":". It'll come up as Versus.

Wow...THAT easy...heh, thanks. Great job with this HUD!!

posted about 10 years ago
#239 flatHUD in Customization

Hmm...I'll figure it out, thanks for the input though, really appreciate your work!

Edit: Looks like it was just a font error on my part. Had the noodle font under the wrong name :P

posted about 10 years ago
#237 flatHUD in Customization

Hey one more silly question for ya...So I love the health cross in your HUD, and I was trying to incorporate it into my own HUD, but it never seems to work out quite right...I noticed a couple of paths in your HudPlayerHealth.res file that were like this: "../hud/health_over_bg" and I can't tell exactly where they are redirecting to...From what I can tell, that's telling the program to go back a folder, and then into another folder labeled "hud", but when I look in your github folder, there isn't a folder that says "hud", so where is this redirecting?

If that question doesn't make sense, do you have any idea why copying the HudPlayerHealth.res file isn't working? (I copied over the proper font files as well...). Thanks in advance!

posted about 10 years ago
#127 bwHUD in Customization

Hey, so I've been messing around with the scoreboard, and I was wondering, which line of code affects the colon between the number of kills and number of deaths? I've been changing all sorts of values, but nothing is working for me...

posted about 10 years ago
#2274 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
collycatI'm really slow at working on huds.

I want that character select menu NOW!!! Looks good man, keep up the good work!

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Help with the Timer in Customization

Sounds good!

Edit: Looks like you've been editing the wrong files the whole time! You're editing the little timers and such that appear on the little tiny control points in CP and KOTH maps. The "timer" function you're editing is the little timer that shows up next to the control point on Degroot Keep (and other maps like that). Try working with files like HudObjectiveTimePanel.res and HudStopWatch.res. Hope I helped!

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Help with the Timer in Customization

Are you referring to the timer on the top of the screen or...? Also, which HUD is that character select screen from?

posted about 10 years ago
#19 E3 2014 in Off Topic
downpour Majora's Mask is the only Zelda game I really enjoy (besides LTTP because that was the first one I played) because the story is so radically different from all the others. Didn't involve Zelda or Ganon in anyway, its actually interesting.
i love pokemon but its literally been the same game everytime with some extra monsters. the most innovative thing to enter pokemon was a bike that can jump sideways and MAYBE double battles.
I dont have enough knowledge on Fire Emblem to really comment as I just got into it with Awakening (which im really loving btw, SRPGs are fantastic) but I have a sneaking suspicion that just like every other one of nintendo's IPs, its very very similar to the original Fire Emblem.

I'm not even defending Call of Duty here, I agree that CoD needs to change things up (and i mean more than just going into the past/present) they need to add interesting combat and movement mechanics so that it doesnt feel like the exact same thing everytime.

Aye, I didn't mean to come off too aggressive, but having some previous development experience (and growing up with Nintendo Games), I can't help but defend them a bit. I mean, at least from what I can tell, Nintendo is at least trying to change things up a little more than Activision in Nintendo's less popular franchises. Both companies need to change it up, but keep the core ideas intact.

posted about 10 years ago
#17 E3 2014 in Off Topic
downpourRawkstarslinkyNow I know im going to be in the minority about this and im fine with it but I dont see why everyone loves nintendo as much as they do. People shit on the COD series for milking that franchise as much Activision does but Nintendo do the exact same thing and people love them. I mean nintendo has been releasing the same 5 games since the 80s and 90s and people just love them for it. For both the COD series and most if not all of the nintendo series if you've played one then you've played them all. Its just something I dont get and why people have to be hypocrites with their likes and dislikes for franchises/companies is something I also dont get.
Lets not generalize here...Mario and Kirby have been milked a ton. Zelda not so much, each one of those games have been unique and incredible, bringing new ideas and fresh stories along each and EVERY time. Sure there's the occasional remake, but that's no reason to get mad at a company. Smash Bros has really changed it up between games; maybe not to the common eye, but to a loyal follower, there have been major changes across the board. And if you dig deeper into other franchises like Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Metroid, you'll know that the developers have been working a hell of a lot harder than anyone at Activision.

On a side note: I'm pumped for Smash Bros.
mmmm nope, zelda has been pretty much the same thing everytime. just because you add 1 new item/gimmick doesnt make it a whole new interesting game.
all of those other IPs have been around for at least 10 years and haven't really changed besides going 3D

So the entire change in story, new items, and gameplay changes just render as "1 new gimmick". The only similarity Majora's Mask had to Ocarina of time was the textures and visual effects (as it was on the same console). But the entire dynamic was changed with the way you had only 3 days to save the world, and then turn time back (or slow it down, or speed up, or other fun tricks) while using masks to alter your abilities, and go on several side quests to change the future, but then change it back again in order to progress farther IN THE SAME TIME PERIOD. Then Wind Waker came with a totally new art style, different characters, and a totally different plot where everything takes place on some island where you now have the ability to sail all around and explore like you never had the chance to before. Then came Twilight Princess which was similar to Ocarina of Time in the exploration aspect, EXCEPT FOR THE HALF OF THE GAME WHERE YOU WERE A FUCKING WOLF EXPLORING THE DARK REALM BEING CONTROLLED BY SOME GOOD-WILLED DEMON TO FIGHT OFF AN ENEMY THAT HAS NO PRIOR CONNECTION THE GAME. because THAT is just so similar to everything else...And then came the trainwreck of a game, Skyward Sword...but it wasn't similar to the other Zelda games, and that's why I hated it so much. then there's the newer ones which I haven't had time to keep up with, but it's really not similar to any of the recent Zelda games, seeing as most of it is 2D.

And don't act like Pokemon or Fire Emblem are less than Call of Duty. Both of those games take place in fantastical realms with everything coming from the imagination. New characters, new creatures, different timelines and stories with all sorts of features which actually make the games feel different than before. IN CALL OF DUTY, THEY ARE ADDING RESKINS TO THE SAME DAMN 3 FILES, AND CHANGING THE STATS FOR EACH ONE. The difference here is that Fire Emblem and Pokemon actually require originality in order to come up with these characters, creatures, fighting styles, and such. Plus they need to design the game with a very raw idea of strategy in mind (for example, Water pokemon have advantage over fire pokemon, though a fire pokemon could overcome a water pokemon with enough stat promotion). In Call of Duty, that type of strategy doesn't exist. That type of balance just isn't there...You could walk out onto the battlefield with any type of weapon, and kill just about any player using any other weapon, (with a few exceptions). Don't get the wrong idea and think that I'm saying that Call of Duty doesn't require strategy, because it does, but it's in a totally different way. (It's more player strategy rather than gameplay strategy). Point is, the other franchises that Nintendo has aren't being "milked". Nintendo knows that they aren't making much money with these non cannon titles, but they still put them out there for the long time fans to enjoy, and there is so much more work going into them than you could imagine.

posted about 10 years ago
#14 E3 2014 in Off Topic
slinkyNow I know im going to be in the minority about this and im fine with it but I dont see why everyone loves nintendo as much as they do. People shit on the COD series for milking that franchise as much Activision does but Nintendo do the exact same thing and people love them. I mean nintendo has been releasing the same 5 games since the 80s and 90s and people just love them for it. For both the COD series and most if not all of the nintendo series if you've played one then you've played them all. Its just something I dont get and why people have to be hypocrites with their likes and dislikes for franchises/companies is something I also dont get.

Lets not generalize here...Mario and Kirby have been milked a ton. Zelda not so much, each one of those games have been unique and incredible, bringing new ideas and fresh stories along each and EVERY time. Sure there's the occasional remake, but that's no reason to get mad at a company. Smash Bros has really changed it up between games; maybe not to the common eye, but to a loyal follower, there have been major changes across the board. And if you dig deeper into other franchises like Fire Emblem, Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Metroid, you'll know that the developers have been working a hell of a lot harder than anyone at Activision.

On a side note: I'm pumped for Smash Bros.

posted about 10 years ago
#236 flatHUD in Customization
flatlineHudlayout.res, set the "visible" and "enabled" values of "DamageCircleDot" to "0" (there are two "DamageCircleDot"s, one with those set to 0 and one set to 1).

I was using the default loadout screen, which is available in the /customizations folder. Same thing for the shortcut servers, just look for "Server Links Template" in main menu.

Thanks again!

posted about 10 years ago
#234 flatHUD in Customization

Hey just a few more quick questions for ya! I tried installing the RedFlatHUD, but I noticed a very obnoxious green circle on my screen (which I'm assuming was a crosshair). Is there a way to remove this (I'm pretty sure all of that data is located within the hudlayout.res file, right?)

And also, in the screenshots above, you have the weapons on the left hand of the screen, and cosmetic items on the right side...everything of mine is just showing up on the right, help?

And last, is there a way to edit the "shortcut" servers on the main page?

Thanks in advance! Appreciate your work!

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Rounded Corners, Outlines and more... in Customization

Hey thanks guys! Looks like most everything is working out! I can't seem to apply the rounded edges to the meters (not yet anyways, there's a few things I'm still gonna try), but the border worked out well. The only other problem that came up was the spy disguise kit...Most of it went back to place, but for some reason, the background does not want to cooperate with me...I'll upload screens tomorrow if need be.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Rounded Corners, Outlines and more... in Customization

Hey everyone, so I got into these HUD's a few days ago, been really into customizing them, and right now, I have a couple of questions...

1) Coding for rounded edges? I've noticed on a few HUD's, some people's kill-feeds and charge meters tend to have rounded corners/edges. What is the particular code for adding this feature? (Also, which .res file is the kill-feed info found in?)

2) If I wanted to add an outline to something, rather than just a shadow, how exactly would I go about doing that? Right now, I'm trying to apply the shadow to all of the meters that appear on the screen with different weapons. For example, if I'm playing sandman scout on a snowy level, or somewhere with bright walls and floors, it's really hard to see how close the meter is to being full. (Other meters include demoknight recharge, flying guillotine, etc). How would I add an outline to these meters?

3) Changing intro screen...So a while ago, I tried changing my intro screen to look like the one from SylvHud's HUD, but when I did, only about half of the stuff copied over, leaving it very ugly and incomplete. Is MainMenuOverride.res the only major file I need to copy over (aside from other resource and material files?) or is there another .res I need to copy over?

4) Similar to the above question, I was trying to do the same thing for the spy disguise kit from YaHUD, but when I copied over the .res file as well as the disguise folder, everything was waaaaaay outta place (most of it was off the screen).

I know that this is a lot of questions, and if you don't know the answers, no worries. I appreciate any and all help. Have a good one :D

posted about 10 years ago
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