honeycomb + chocolate is very hipster but very very good
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SteamID64 | 76561198036739643 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:76473915] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:38236957 |
Country | Canada |
Signed Up | April 25, 2016 |
Last Posted | January 18, 2025 at 1:10 AM |
Posts | 611 (0.2 per day) |
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how has no one said undertale? If you can ignore the edgy community the game is amazing.
I also like gunpoint, mass effect,firewatch and portal
exile1hi rebite
StinkyCheese StinkyCheese
it's kinda cool how I know/recognize most people
i can't pug when I want though because there aren't enough people to play at all times though
yall are such downers
no wonder democracies are dying
it takes like 30 seconds to vote
Liberals look pretty spooked. Might be close. I'm hoping for more liberals than conservatives and then ndp can hold the balance and maybe get some good stuff.
honestly I feel like it'd be cheaper and easier to just buy a table then go to a leatherworker and ask for a mousepad glove
idk how good i am
low advanced high main?
why did you guys upfrag lol i didn't even put the right map
how did i mess up and put badlands instead of granary
Yeah yeah rgl bad but has anyone bought any of their merch? The overgrown scattergun hoodie actually looks pretty cool and I was thinking of getting one.
other stuff looks pretty good too.
I'm not an antivaxxer or anything stupid but i thought people were getting hung up about the vaccine because it was using some new MRNA thing that let us get it out really quickly. I remember people saying it was going to be years and years to make a vaccine but MRNA made it way faster.
phantom says it's only impressive thing I've done