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Signed Up May 14, 2019
Last Posted July 18, 2020 at 10:33 PM
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#287 yomps has passed away. in TF2 General Discussion

rest in peace, i will miss hearing your voice, and watching your frags, thank you for everything.

posted about 4 years ago
#5960 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
What's the modern way of changing the damage numbers' size(I know the colors are from adv.options)?

The way the damage numbers are displayed is dictated by the font used (on your screen HudFontMedium is used for instance). In the ClientScheme.res, fonts are defined with what system font should be use and with what size. So, if you want to alter the size of the damage numbers, you have to change the font used. You can either use an already existing font with a larger size or create one yourself by replicating lines and increasing the number.
I think I should have made it more clear, the whole thing doesn't affect the game in anyway,i tried changing the delta_item_font and delta_item_font_big to different fonts I copy pasted from the clientscheme.res multiple times(like HudFontMediumBold,HudFontBig,HudFontBiggerBold,etc...) but it doesnt make any difference in the game although I use hud_reloadscheme (and sometimes restarting the game) every time I do a change in the files.

So I figured out that there's something wrong in the paths or the files type/properties, but I can't find it.

Inside the info.vdf the current "ui_version" is "3" not "2"

Tried 3,2 and 1, still doesnt do

posted about 5 years ago
#5958 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
What's the modern way of changing the damage numbers' size(I know the colors are from adv.options)?

The way the damage numbers are displayed is dictated by the font used (on your screen HudFontMedium is used for instance). In the ClientScheme.res, fonts are defined with what system font should be use and with what size. So, if you want to alter the size of the damage numbers, you have to change the font used. You can either use an already existing font with a larger size or create one yourself by replicating lines and increasing the number.

I think I should have made it more clear, the whole thing doesn't affect the game in anyway,i tried changing the delta_item_font and delta_item_font_big to different fonts I copy pasted from the clientscheme.res multiple times(like HudFontMediumBold,HudFontBig,HudFontBiggerBold,etc...) but it doesnt make any difference in the game although I use hud_reloadscheme (and sometimes restarting the game) every time I do a change in the files.

So I figured out that there's something wrong in the paths or the files type/properties, but I can't find it.

posted about 5 years ago
#5956 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

What's the modern way of changing the damage numbers' size(I know the colors are from adv.options)?

I tried the tf/custom/customhud/resource/HudDamageAccount.res thingy
I also created the info.vdf in customhud folder
And I tried to make all the files there read only, still doesn't work so please help me if you can

Here are some pictures of the files:

posted about 5 years ago