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Last Posted March 9, 2015 at 7:21 AM
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#85 Highschool stories in Off Topic

[I'm actually Australian]
I went on camp once in year 9.
A group of natives (cheeky abbos) broke into our place at night and shat on the living room floor.They stole our nutalla, cereal and and tampered with our VCR.
Some kid from my school stood in the cheeky abbo shit. He then threw up on the floor walked around for a bit leaving a shitvomit trail around the stairs and shower. He never owned up to it but it was on his shoes.

There used to be a group of gaylords at my school.They enjoyed saying shit like "Fuck the system" and "Play killing in the name of again!".One day they broke into the library to hardcore dance in front of year 7's playing that shitty fuck the police song on their phones.

Callum smoked weed out of an apple on the oval once.

My asian friend got shown weed for the first time in business class, another student made him smell it. He tried covering his nose and said "put that shit away, I don't want to get high" He thought he had a contact high for the rest of the day.

posted about 10 years ago