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Signed Up October 2, 2021
Last Posted December 21, 2024 at 3:25 AM
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#5 the hero we dont deserve in TF2 General Discussion

remember the last time some genius mensa programmer thought he could solve the cheating problem and we got those anti-bot bots that would join into games with catbots and proceed to be even worse than the actual cheaters

posted about a year ago
#2 [shounic]TF2 but without the sniper in TF2 General Discussion

this channel is the ultimate proof that whatever you say can be as asinine as you can make it but people will listen to you and take you seriously as long as you know how to use aftereffects

"yeah in less than a hundred pub games with wildly different skill levels i have deduced that people push chokes more aggro without a class that serves to lock down chokes but nothing else really changed except for that. btw did you know that sniper has the longest kill range?" bravo

posted about a year ago
#4 Diabotical / CPMA Fans? in Other Games
Twiggyon a scale of tribes ascend to team fortress 2, how dead is it?

tribes ascend unironically lasted longer, diabotical flopped dead within months while it took hi-rez a year of concerted effort to rid the game of a playerbase

posted about a year ago
#43 biggest valve fuckups in TF2 General Discussion

what about the time they attempted to circumvent EU law in a really sad, slimy way, which dragged them into a legal battle with the australian federal court where they tried to stall for as long as possible so no one would find out how much money they actually have

posted about a year ago
#5 VS Saxton Hale possibly coming to base tf2? in TF2 General Discussion

if the first real content update this game gets in more than half a decade's worth of waiting is an officially sanctioned script language remake of an already existing community gamemode i will end it

posted about a year ago
#8 unlock alfa thread in TF2 General Discussion

me when the document detailing horrible behaviour is very long and detailed in order to avoid misunderstandings and be as thorough as possible (clearly this is an invitation for me to post epic zingers on an internet forum)

posted about a year ago
#10 AIMER7 aiming guides in Off Topic

he got ratio'd off the internet 2 years ago when it was discovered he just sells useless aim trainer routines

why bring him up now

posted about a year ago
#3 Counter Strike 2 in CS2 General Discussion

team fortress 3 when

posted about a year ago
#25 teaching people how to play 6s in TF2 General Discussion

this game's competitive scene desperately needed an on demand matchmaking system that's standard in competitive videogames since the late 2000s and when the developers finally got around to adding one about five years too late, it turned out to be hands down the worst ranked mm system of all time

tf2's comp scene will remain niche unless by some miracle we get a 3rd party to do it better than valve did, the way csgo has faceit/esea running their own mm parallel to the dogshit official mm

posted about a year ago
#47 Harassment in the community in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#9 soldier vs. demo in TF2 General Discussion

i like the implication that pyro is just a skinless inhuman homunculus

posted about a year ago
#29 Harassment in the community in TF2 General Discussion

if you don't want people to think you associate with shitters try to not make cheeky goofs with/about them on the internet lmao that's all anyone is saying

posted about a year ago
#52 What can we do to stop the scene from dying in EU? in TF2 General Discussion

i'm confident that if we could get the people that routinely pull 7 digit viewcounts on youtube making videos of this game to properly try sixes and make content out of it (be it videos or streams) we would have more new players than the leagues could feasibly handle

star_ got a lot of people to try competitive tf2 and star_ had comparatively a fraction of the numbers people like uncle dane, soundsmith, lazypurple etc. pull on a video to video basis + the game as it stands right now has quite literally no competition on pc considering just how hard the overwatch rerelease flopped

posted about a year ago
#17 TF2Center new update in TF2 General Discussion

i don't think any of the people named are actual pedophiles but i feel like it is still undescribably creepy to put designated dick pic sharing chatrooms into the chat feature of your team fortress 2 trading site that's accessible by children or admit to not having any control of what sex pervert shit people post on your private chat website/who they invite and then say that it was fine because "it's just like discord NSFW channels" when discord is infamous for having huge issues with child predators, sex weirdo admins and no real content moderation

posted about a year ago
#4 strange gunboats in World Events

they should come with a strange part that tracks how many times you second jumped in MGE

posted about 2 years ago
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