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Last Posted September 26, 2013 at 3:15 PM
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#27 slin in Off Topic

Speaking on the murder case:

I actually heard about this from a friend but, apparently before the police got involved people in the Chinese student community in Toronto already knew. It was posted on the popular message board YorkBBS, if anyone wants to try to find the original thread.

Basically, in this thread, a friend of the girl gave the back-story about how the guy was in China and the girl was studying at York University. The thread also goes on to describe what happened in detail, saying that the attack was a rape attempt and then the girl was killed for resisting, all in front of the boyfriend who was watching. The boyfriend wasn't the one who called the cops but he got in contact with one of her friends who called the cops. The theory was that the attacker was actually a stalker of this girl.

Pretty fucked up shit...

posted about 11 years ago
#595 i49 in TF2 General Discussion
frknyeah, lansky is playing amazing but he is taking so many heals in the process that the rest of the team is struggling

Consequence of playing with the quickfix. Pocket becomes way too important.

posted about 11 years ago
#590 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

Game was lost with a messed up solo uber off of Mike pick. They gotta be more patient.

posted about 11 years ago
#393 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

Looking forward to some Bo3 series between IM and HRG. That match was super close, and like B4nny said if they didn't push out with 15 seconds left they could have taken it to golden cap and it might have turned out totally different. Either way, now HRG should rally and really get their shit together, seems like they've been getting complacent. Also, really interested to see how IM stacks against EPSI.

posted about 11 years ago
#263 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
Selentic2sy_morphiendAnd this notion that any contribution no matter how flawed should be treasured and embraced by the community is straight up wrong.
Maybe you should re-read his post, because if you're getting "let's treasure every map regardless of quality" from "let's not be outright hostile towards people trying to make maps for us to play" you're doing it wrong.

I think that's how almost every competitive community treats stuff that changes their game. Just look at SC2 when balance changes happen, you'll never see worse vitriol. People got to give some people power to just be willing to shove maps down people's throats.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 For people going to i49: can i borrow a 120hz mon? in LAN Discussion

Buy some new luggage container or a new bag to stuff it into.

posted about 11 years ago
#197 happenings v2 in TF2 General Discussion

Hopefully it's just a fine, assuming he is a first time offender.

posted about 11 years ago
#61 An Explanation in TF2 General Discussion

How about making quickfix auto activate when you hit 100%.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 140,000 viewers for Evo MVC final... amazing in Esports
ComediantruktrukVirulenceRadmanI think the absolute biggest thing fighting games (and rts and mobas) have over TF2 is the viewers perspective. When we're forced to watch only one persons POV in a TF2 match, youre forcing the viewer to fill in all the blanks with their own game knowledge, which is kind of unwieldy for casual viewing.Nailed it. Unless you're already familiar with the environment the players are playing in, people are going to be lost. A fighting game is usually a 2D plane with two characters fighting. A top-down game RTS style game using actual terrain like DotA/StarCraft is easy enough to grasp. A sports match like basketball and soccer not only has a huge fanbase, but they're also viewed from a bird's-eye perspective.

Capturing the action of, say, a roamer bombing into a team to cause a distraction for Scouts to clean up, or a split push in CS:GO is maddening when trying to grab it all live with one camera angle to work with. Switching angles rapidly is disorienting to spectate, and even worse for newer viewers.

Solving this would be really complicated, I'd imagine. Accessibility is murder with first-person team games.

I was thinking if it was possible to have set points on the map we could bind to keys. For example, at mid fights, instead of pressing spacebar then manually flying to a good midfight angle, you simply could press a keybind to go to a specific spot that views the mid fight from a good angle (same would go for cps 1 and 2.) I never mentioned it to anyone because it seems impossible to do, but if it is possible I think it would enhance the viewing experience especially when fights in certain areas last a very long time.

So yeah if anyone is bold enough to attempt to figure something like this out, please give it a try!

it is possible. Just not on sourceTV, its only possible when spectating as a spectator.

I have not done research on this myself, due to the fact that i heard pretty soon that it was not possible, but there are some that can probably tell you more about it, i think Atmo (http://steamcommunity.com/id/bcpk/) should know more

I think two things would make tf2 way easier follow. First thing is a mini-map, I heard people were already working on it so when that comes out things will get much better. The other thing was already mentioned, but yea camera angles that are already setup with hotkeys. However, only if that view is in picture-in-picture because the gameplay is still more important in my opinion.

Love to be able to code this stuff up myself, but I don't know where to get a hold of sourceTV programming resources. If anyone can hook me up, would be fun to play around with in my spare time.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 Casting HRG vs Madmen for ghost tonight --> in TF2 General Discussion

Mad men so inconsistent. They play out of their minds some games, and then stink it up hard others.

posted about 11 years ago
#66 If tf2 was going to be comp centric in TF2 General Discussion
ArxHonestly I don't think level's of production are going to massively increase viewer numbers. I can't say I watch any game just because the streamer provides instant replays, or because it's 1080p instead of 720p, or because of cool overlays, video effects, or studio audio quality.

The problem is the product. We enjoy playing it but what we enjoy in TF2 is different to what the vast majority of TF2 players enjoy. Honestly I think we have two options with this game. One being to continue as we are. Does TF2 really need to be a professional eSport? Isn't it just fine how it is with our tight community, decent coverage scene etc?
Maybe we should focus our efforts on improving how we interact with sponsors, approaching companies with well presented documentation on how they would see a return on their investment if they sponsored our online tournaments. If we put some serious effort into showing how much we appreciate sponsorship for our game, we might attract larger sponsorship deals and have more 'intense' tournaments with more money on the line.

The second option is a complete rework of the competitive TF2 game. TF2 as it is will not become a top tier eSport. Does it have the potential to be one? It's hard to say but the path we are on now is a definite no. Of course, a complete rework of TF2 could be its competitive death. Existing competitive players might not like the 'new game', and casual players might just remain casual. It would be a high risk, high reward option. I'm talking drastic changes like reducing team size down to 5 (in line with other eSports team games), modifying class limits and unlocks to incorporate more diversity, changing the primary map pool to feature the most popular casual maps.

Even to me, (a guy who loves unlocks, offclassing etc..), that second option sounds pretty shit, but if we want TF2 to be a recognised eSport, we are going to need the casual gamers to have some interest, which means us playing their style of TF2, rather than us trying to force them into playing ours.

I vote leave TF2 how it is and enjoy playing the game as it is. Hope for some minimal growth through decent coverage and wait for TF3 to be released. If / when it does get released, we just mustn't make the same mistakes we made with this game :)

I don't think you need to take such a defeatist attitude. TF2 has the potential to be a really popular eSports game, and I think anyone that really starts watching will realize how awesome and deep the game is.

The positive side is that over these last few months the viewer-base has grown pretty fast. I think we went from a few hundred watchers to a few thousand. Comp TF2 threads are also hitting the top of r/tf2, which is a good sign. If we keep on this path, while at the same time making broadcasts more consistent, you'll see the scene grow.

posted about 11 years ago
#55 If tf2 was going to be comp centric in TF2 General Discussion

Comp tf2 is already one of the most unique and interesting competitive formats that exists in competitive gaming. Current eSports have only the two extremes of 1v1 (SC2, Quake) and team games (CS:GO, MOBAs); while in tf2, the individual skill ceiling is just as high as team skill. In traditional sports, you have your 1v1 sports like tennis and your team sports like volleyball. But the biggest sports (soccer, hockey, baseball, football) are those that not only focus on team dynamics but also allow for the rise of star players. This is something that is currently missing from the current more popular eSports. Can you pick a single "best player" in LoL or Dota2 that is as dominating as b4nny?

Because of tf2 ability to promote star players while also maintaining the team dynamic, I think the game has hugely untapped potential. The problem is that very few people know comp tf2 exists. Almost 100% of starcraft players know about professional players, you'd probably find similar numbers for LoL or Dota players. In contrast, for tf2 knowledge of competitive play is likely under 1% of the total player-base.

TF.tv is already a great start for spreading awareness as the central hub for the tf2 competitive scene. We should try to solve the other issues that plague bringing the game to masses. For instance, game instability is a huge problem as players seem to be constantly crashing; this is not an issue in other games. Or server/stv reliability, jumping in and spectating isn't a problem with Dota or LoL. I think once we solve the content delivery and awareness problems, you'll really start to see that viewer-base grow.

posted about 11 years ago