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SteamID64 76561198067716129
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Signed Up April 6, 2015
Last Posted June 16, 2023 at 6:27 AM
Posts 636 (0.2 per day)
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 36
#8 Transparency with the community [RGL] in TF2 General Discussion

Ijust read the title of the thread i didnt actually read the OP, gl with all ur stuff

posted about a year ago
#5 Transparency with the community [RGL] in TF2 General Discussion
arcadianever once considered I could be the owner before it actually went down

I feel like it's easy to say I'm like a part of "big RGL" now but it's just not true- I have always believed the league serves the community above all else

let me know your questions, feel free to dm as well

excited je'mond took the lead on this and can't wait to share

ty yes

posted about a year ago
#13 What do you consider your greatest success? in Off Topic

i dont tend to remember a lot of things but i still remember saying "good shapes on your art soala"

posted about a year ago
#3 Transparency with the community [RGL] in TF2 General Discussion

Yay thank you thanks all I wanted

posted about a year ago
#7 fov_desired in Customization

my vote is let comp matches use any fov they want

posted about a year ago
#30 mge cryptid tier list in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#54 happy pride month in Off Topic

hey shout out to you flags

posted about a year ago
#8 RGL S12 Invite Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#4 what plant is this? in World Events

a good one

posted about a year ago
#4 TF2 UPDATE SOON in TF2 General Discussion

despite the legitimate animosity I've held towards the community

100% good things are on the way, TF2 will only get better as a game itself

posted about a year ago
#8 iconic quotes in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#9 RGL S12 Invite Qualifiers: Catgirl Cafe vs. Goblin Zone in Events
hannahRoLim rooting for top listed team because they have all the cool people and
the bottom listed team is overall just sorta morally undefined and are occasionally dicks.

Wtf are you talking about. And who cares/asked

I cared when that was my opinion and I typed it. Other people caring or asking things isn't relevant to my decision to say something on an open forum

GuyehhhhRoLqualifier matches should be reserved for days both full teams can play, these work as an accuracy test to determine future placement / seeding. which is the worst time possible to have a ringer.

im assuming somehow neither team had a single common full team day or this is all so meaningless they just wanted to get it over with

im rooting for top listed team because they have all the cool people and
the bottom listed team is overall just sorta morally undefined and are occasionally dicks.

bro are you still mad because tom said no when you asked to tryout? u just suck

It took me like a good 5 seconds to think of who tom is, dont even know what youre talking about because it doesnt matter

the morals thing was a friendly worded jab at the overall sense I got of the teams skimming thru the OP which the OP was made to discuss the match, and everything I said so far was directly related to my thoughts on the match and who I wanted to win, which is one of the most normal things to post in a discussion about a competitive sports event.

posted about a year ago
#2 RGL S12 Invite Qualifiers: Catgirl Cafe vs. Goblin Zone in Events

qualifier matches should be reserved for days both full teams can play, these work as an accuracy test to determine future placement / seeding. which is the worst time possible to have a ringer.

im assuming somehow neither team had a single common full team day or this is all so meaningless they just wanted to get it over with

im rooting for top listed team because they have all the cool people and
the bottom listed team is overall just sorta morally undefined and are occasionally dicks.

posted about a year ago
#45 biggest valve fuckups in TF2 General Discussion

every scoreboard tab press lagged your game for a whole day, it was real and happened.

posted about a year ago
#28 Biggest glow up? in Off Topic
veccnot rol getting hit with the schizo beam

maybe if they microwave my brain some more I'll get super powers

posted about a year ago
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 36