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Signed Up October 23, 2012
Last Posted August 20, 2014 at 7:25 AM
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#1 i52 HighLANder Tournament in LAN Discussion

Hey guys,
I thought it'd be good to post this over here as well as on ETF2L.

Hosting a Highlander cup at LAN, we have around 6-7 teams so far, looking for more peeps to join in.
I've organised it so it doesn't clash with the 6s tournament (as much as possible). Here's the HL schedule.

9pm - Signups close 9pm after 6s groups get knocked out to maximise sign ups
9:30pm Group Stages posted
9:30pm+ Teams can play group matches late night fri if they wish

Group Stages Day, teams organise group matches when it's convenient to play by adding the team leaders on steam/walking over to their seat etc
6:30pm - Group Winner Playoffs for a space in the finals.

12pm - 3rd Place Consolation Finals
2pm - Grand Finals

The winning team gets some super awesome engraved medals, a large pizza and a beer each.

Sign up's are dead easy, you can do it by going to and clicking the i52 drop down menu, then selecting sign up.

Further more, a lot of the matches will be casted by BlackOutTV so you'll probably get a moment of fame on stream :)

Add me on steam for any questions or problems!


posted about 10 years ago
#3 ETF2L'S HL NATIONS CUP 2014 SWEEP STAKES & BETS BY in TF2 General Discussion

Right, only 8 teams left now as we head in to the quarter finals!

People who are still in with a running for the moneyz are:

Sweep Stakes:
USA - Tanuki
England - Alezilon
Germany - MF
Norway - Tanuki
Sweden - Rob
Poland - Lazybear
Finland - Snipe
Denmark - Nijoonen

Winner takes 60 REF

4 Bets - Lazybear, Sanktio, Kardanadamn, Beater
6 Bets - Rob, Cow, Sneaky, Insight, Grenjabob, sheepy
2 Bets - Xacher, Goof
2 Bets - b0tman, Mads
12 Bets - Bonesponge, Clark, Unu, Solitude, Nuky, Ondkaja, .selo, snipe, WastedPrime, MF, nijoonen, TJB
1 Bet - Deadpool
4 Bets -FlamingBear, Bloodis, wru, Joey
0 Bets.

Stats for the teams still in
Sweden: 12/39 - 30% - Each Person Receives 8 Ref 2 Rec
England: 6/39 - 15.3% - Each Person Receives 17Ref 1 Rec
USA: 4/39 - 10.2% - Each Person Receives 26 Ref 2 Scrap
Finland: 4/39 - 10.2% - Each Person Receives 26 Ref 2 Scrap
Norway: 2/39 - 5.1% - Each Person Receives 52 Ref 1 Rec
Germany: 2/39 - 5.1% - Each Person Receives 52 Ref 1 Rec
Poland: 1/39 - 2.5% - Each Person Receives 105 Ref

posted about 10 years ago
#2 ETF2L'S HL NATIONS CUP 2014 SWEEP STAKES & BETS BY in TF2 General Discussion

Good luck to all the people who opted in for their random team! I will do the draw on Sunday, my missus will pick names out of a hat so i have no influence.
I’ll do this on the T-A! mumble if anyone wanted to listen in.
Can people who owe metal for the sweep stakes please pay up before Sunday.
Sweep Stakes are now full and therefore closed.

The Nation Predictions are still in full swing though. This costs 2 Refined per bet!
This will go on until July 6th! After that all bets are locked.
So carry on placing bets for the team you want to win! Post away in the comments or add me on steam.

Good Luck!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 ETF2L'S HL NATIONS CUP 2014 SWEEP STAKES & BETS BY in TF2 General Discussion

ETF2L HL Nations Cup 2014 Sweep Stakes

Hey guys, over in T-A! we do this every year for fun, but I thought I’d open it up to the masses this year so everyone can join in.
Ive started it up on the ETF2L forums, and will probably only update it on there as doing it on here and there would be a lot of work to maintain.

Full List of Nations in the ETF2L 3rd Highlander Nations Cup:
Link to group stages:

Nations Cup Hall of Fame:
2012 HL Nations Cup: Germany 1st, France 2nd
2013 HL Nations Cup: USA 1st, France 2nd
2014 HL Nations Cup: ???

Link to last years thread where Daniel and Alucard won huge on the USA

Contestants in this years Nations Cup!
You can use this thread to see how well people think nations will do in this years cup

You have two options when getting involved:

Entering the sweep stakes (not many entry spots left!) and putting down a prediction on who you think will win the nations cup.

Nation Cup Sweep Stakes!

How does this work?
This is essentially a Lucky Dip.
Each Entry costs 1 Refined. You are allowed up to 2 Entries per contestant.
Teams will be drawn at random out of a hat on Sunday 29th at 8:30pm UK on mumble by my missus to make it fair.
First come, first served on the spots.
Players can reserve a spot in the sweep stake by commenting below, you wont be confirmed (in bold) until you have paid up though. You do this by adding me on steam and trading me the metal.
Winner takes all. There is no second place or split winnings.

Bonus Round: Predictions.
Here you can either spread a little bit of patriotism and support your country no matter how bad the odds are, or sell your self out and stick your bet on the best looking nation in an attempt to get some tf2 moneyz.

How does this work?

Chance to earn some extra tf2 dosh. You are allowed 1 prediction per player. In that prediction you are only allowed to predict 1 team to win the cup.
Prediction costs 2 refined. Players with the correct predictions to win the cup take all.

If multiple people guess correctly. Those people share the winnings. If nobody wins, and all players guess incorrectly, the Team-Awesome bank takes all and metal will be used for event prizes in the future.

Prediction Bets Close SUNDAY 6TH JULY.

Here's a link to the betting thread! Good luck!

posted about 10 years ago
#12 THE AWESOME CUP - JAN 26TH - 5PMUK/6PMCET START! in TF2 General Discussion

Betting Thread is up:

posted about 11 years ago
#10 THE AWESOME CUP - JAN 26TH - 5PMUK/6PMCET START! in TF2 General Discussion

lol ffs russian, dat timing

posted about 11 years ago
#9 THE AWESOME CUP - JAN 26TH - 5PMUK/6PMCET START! in TF2 General Discussion

End of team sign ups.

Here are the teams playing in the cup!

1) Chessclub
2) Highpanda
3) Killswitch
4) Sookie
5) itsallgood

1) Splendid Gaming
2) PremTech

1) After Dark
2) Skills To Pay The Bills
3) Team Colonslash
4) Team Nein

1) Team-Awesome
2) Unpoppable
3) TRG Gaming
4) It's Gamesense
5) Bote

1) Hulk Hogans Real Americans
2) iPn
3) Pussy Hunters
4) Totemo Kawaii

1) Team Gidro Coféeee
2) MaxPlay

1) Nutters
2) Killersandviches

Teams on standby:
Team David
Itchy Bullets

Brackets are now LIVE!

Sorry to the teams that didn't make it in to the cup, we honestly didnt think we would get as many sign ups as we did. Some teams are on standby incase other teams don't show up.

I will be making a Steam Group soon for all team leaders to join. On the day of the cup before it kicks off at 5pmGMT/6pmCET all team leaders should join the group conversation. This will help for the cup to go much smoother as you can just hollah in the group chat with your questions and us admins will be on stand by.

Not sure which games will be casted by Extv as of yet. But there will be a cast of each round on a game.

Lastly, shortly ill be setting up the betting system for everyone to put their tf2 metal where their mouth is and have some fun. This will come soon.

All info on the cup can be found on our website: via the Awesome Cup drop down on the menu.

Good luck guys!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 THE AWESOME CUP - JAN 26TH - 5PMUK/6PMCET START! in TF2 General Discussion

ROLL UP, ROLL UP, The Awesome Cup #2's Sign Up's Are Now OPEN!

Courtesy of Suyooo from Extv.

With the success of the last Awesome Cup, we have decided to host one again. But this time, its bigger, better & louder with high stake's, high reward. For the teams that joined us for the last cup, you'll notice that this time we have done things a little differently. Allow me to explain.

The Awesome Cup#2 is a one day Highlander Cup event. Being hosted on Sunday, January the 26th 2014. Sign ups open on Friday 17th (today) and will close on Thurs 23rd.
Teams can sign up via the Team-Awesome! homepage over at
You'll find the Team Sign Up page under The Awesome Cup drop down menu.

It is being sponsored by the Team-Awesome! community this time, but we are hoping to one day get other sponsors behind it and get it in to an annual thing for comp tf2.

€270 for the winning team and €135 for the runner up, courtesy of T-A!
The winnings will be bank transferred to the leader of the team, he/she will then distribute it to their team however they like.

Here is a layout of the tournament:
Place holder names at the moment, but they will be replaced with teams once sign up's are complete.

It's a knock-out cup consisting of 24 teams. There are slots reserved for each etf2l division skill level to participate.

Ideally there will be:
2x Div6 Slots
2x Div5 slots
4x Div4 Slots
4x Div3 Slots
4x Div2 Slots
4x Div1 Slots
4x Prem Slots

But this all depends on what teams sign up.

We're trying to recreate the old legendary Community Fortress tournament, that everyone always talks of, still even to this day, as being one of the best tournaments ever for Europe.

Round 1 is a 'prove yourself' round. To give lowbie teams a chance to win the money and take on the big boys, you need to prove yourselves! Low teams will play each other to win in order to secure a slot. Higher division teams will get an automatic bye to the second round where they take on the proven lowbies.
This way every team entered gets to play for the chance to win the money and take the crown but we minimize potential rolls down to just 1 round, making a much more intense and harder to predict cup. Which is good for viewers... speaking of which! Extv will be casting the entire tournament live over on
We're aiming to bring the best action to your screens so once you're knocked out, you can still enjoy the action!

And to add a little bit more fun to the spectating, I (Rob) will be hosting a betting service using tf2 metal which will be unveiled once sign ups close and the competing teams are set in stone. We've done this lots before and its a great way of getting you really involved and cheering for your chosen team to potentially win you some tf2 dosh.

Maps & Times:
Round 1 - 5pmGMT/6pmCET - Games: BO1 - Rounds: BO5 - koth_lakeside
Round 2 - 5:45pmGMT/6:45pmCET - Games: BO1 - Rounds: Point Difference of 5 - cp_warmfront
Round 3 - 6:30pmGMT/7:30pmCET - BO1 - Fastest Cap wins - pl_upward
Semifinals - 7:15pmGMT/8:15pmCET - BO1 - Fastest Cap wins - cp_steel
Finals - 8pmGMT/9pmCET - Games: BO3 - Teams Pick Maps from a select pool. Goes to 3 if 1-1.

Please note this is an EU tournament, any NA teams will have to play on EU servers at EU times.
Using the ETF2L Highlander Ruleset.
Its single elimination, so once a team is knocked out, its tough luck. The show must go on!
Each team gets a 10 minute default win rule apart from in the finals. Each team can only pause once, and the maximum time for a pause is 4 minutes. Failure to comply will result in your team getting a default loss and exiting the cup.
We have to be strict with times so that the cup is kept on time for casting purposes! Sorry!

So head over to and sign your team up for a chance at winning The Awesome Cup!

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Team-Awesome! The Movie in TF2 General Discussion

haha good!
Glad your enjoying it!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Team-Awesome! The Movie in TF2 General Discussion


Not your typical frag movie.... made to celebrate the team awesome community. Thought I'd share!

posted about 11 years ago
#3 [Stream] [T-A!] Rob! in Requests

thanks mate!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 [Stream] [T-A!] Rob! in Requests

hey, just started streaming, used to just upload youtube videos but now I've got my head around streaming ill be doing that instead.

Will be mostly comp TF2. League Matches/PCW's/Mix's/lobbys

Im a div3 Heavy playing for Team-Awesome, have been since 2010 :)
would be sweet to get my stream up on!

posted about 11 years ago
#15 UGC Euro worth playing? in TF2 General Discussion

Wireplay > UGC

posted about 11 years ago
#497 yahud in Customization

Hey man, first off love the hud. Was wondering if you could help me out with one small thing.

How would i go about moving the HP/ammo down a tad so its less in the middle of the screen?

posted about 11 years ago
#53 tftv i49 fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion
If we were to go, we'd probably arrive ~1 week beforehand ('bootcamp', look around, etc)

Take a Gameboy, Telford isn't the most interesting place in the UK.

posted about 11 years ago
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