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Last Posted April 4, 2024 at 12:26 AM
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#170 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

oops they didnt embed ^_^ my fault i havent used this website in quite a while!

"but its cause of (RGL WORD) like you that you get (RGL WORD) by high level players to make it seem like you have an ounce of skill. Stay in sushi's shadow and continue to get (RGL WORD)."

I can't quite put my finger on what the first (RGL WORD) means. If you meant to say "people, guys, women, bitches, motherfuckers, etc", you wouldn't have to (RGL WORD) it. I can only think that you meant some FUNNY WORDS for that one! The second (RGL WORD) is obviously "boosted". Granted, if you take a single look at my RGL, you could tell this is my first actual season of playing the game. I played on a no scrim friend team last szn, and I rang for one game the season before. Also, sushi is on medic lol (he is the medic goat tho). And I made main playoffs with some ppl who are in main, someone whos never played main before, and sushi (again, on medic).

This one is self explanitory. "Tell rose to fix "her" act. this was when young man was very upset with me for not allowing liam to ring. (idk who tf liam is, so i asked other ppl who knew, and talked with my team, and WE AS A TEAM decided to deny him.)

all he said was "rose cant man up in this situation" btw guys!
oh and i of course did not stream snipe, i played like shit in our official, so u would think i would perform if i was stream sniping!!

also i just find it funny that he called me "that brother"

it was only "one instance" btw! and you only apologized after you found out i reported you....

this whole thing is rly stupid, so i will break it down.
1. no, we did not allow liam because of the admins, we allowed liam because we just wanted to get this shit over with.
2. you get fatkidded in pugs despite being the "optimal pick" because no one enjoys playing with you. you are annoying, toxic, and are not very good at the game, so the entire pug server fatkids you. you got fatkidded 3 times in a row when I wasnt picked to captain (even tho we have a rule that fatkids are must pick) because no one wants to be around you. people play on your team because they find you funny. im sorry this is how you have to find out.
3. obv again i was not stream sniping, i sharted heavy during our match.
4. ye i made a tweet about you because you said "rose made playoffs you hate to see it".

"but im also mad at the fact that this is 1 day before my playoffs match and this happened 3 weeks ago and Im just now reciving consequences?"

i reported u like either the night after our match or the next day, not my fault rgl took 3 weeks.

also, ive attached some streamables as well

i mean i dont rly have to say anything here no?

posted 11 months ago
#169 RGL S14 Div-1/Advanced/Main Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

hi, this is rose, i am the one who reported young man. i think this is getting a tad bit overblown and out of hand, so im just going to make a singular post here and let u guys know whats up. be warned, this is not some super amazing cia plot to destroy young mans playoffs dreams, so dont get your hopes up, or else you'll be disappointed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

young man has not liked me since the beginning of the season. this is because when he made his list of main teams this szn he put us at the bottom. after we went 2-0 in process week, and he went 1-1, i asked him where we place in the list now in his twitch chat. ever since then, he has just straight up hated me. i legit thought it was just banter, like ik young man is a bit of a banter-er, but hes been rude asf to me for 0 perma, esp because i stopped responding, but he kept going. so keep in mind the fact that he just doesnt like me, it will be important later !!

so, young man was banned for "Harassment/transphobia towards another RGL player(s) (i am obv the player(s) in question). he has claimed that it was "just a single message, that wasnt even harmful" but that is just straight up not the case. i will attach some images/streamables that i used in the report.

(obv keep in mind that even tho they say "yesterday" they were not actually yesterday, just when i ss'd them"

"but its cause of (RGL WORD) like you that you get (RGL WORD) by high level players to make it seem like you have an ounce of skill. Stay in sushi's shadow and continue to get (RGL WORD)."

I can't quite put my finger on what the first (RGL WORD) means. If you meant to say "people, guys, women, bitches, motherfuckers, etc", you wouldn't have to (RGL WORD) it. I can only think that you meant some FUNNY WORDS for that one! The second (RGL WORD) is obviously "boosted". Granted, if you take a single look at my RGL, you could tell this is my first actual season of playing the game. I played on a no scrim friend team last szn, and I rang for one game the season before. Also, sushi is on medic lol (he is the medic goat tho). And I made main playoffs with some ppl who are in main, someone whos never played main before, and sushi (again, on medic).

This one is self explanitory. "Tell rose to fix "her" act. this was when young man was very upset with me for not allowing liam to ring. (idk who tf liam is, so i asked other ppl who knew, and talked with my team, and WE AS A TEAM decided to deny him.)

all he said was "rose cant man up in this situation" btw guys!
oh and i of course did not stream snipe, i played like shit in our official, so u would think i would perform if i was stream sniping!!

also i just find it funny that he called me "that brother"

it was only "one instance" btw! and you only apologized after you found out i reported you....

this whole thing is rly stupid, so i will break it down.
1. no, we did not allow liam because of the admins, we allowed liam because we just wanted to get this shit over with.
2. you get fatkidded in pugs despite being the "optimal pick" because no one enjoys playing with you. you are annoying, toxic, and are not very good at the game, so the entire pug server fatkids you. you got fatkidded 3 times in a row when I wasnt picked to captain (even tho we have a rule that fatkids are must pick) because no one wants to be around you. people play on your team because they find you funny. im sorry this is how you have to find out.
3. obv again i was not stream sniping, i sharted heavy during our match.
4. ye i made a tweet about you because you said "rose made playoffs you hate to see it".

"but im also mad at the fact that this is 1 day before my playoffs match and this happened 3 weeks ago and Im just now reciving consequences?"

i reported u like either the night after our match or the next day, not my fault rgl took 3 weeks.

also, ive attached some streamables as well

i mean i dont rly have to say anything here no?

same with this? like do i have to explain.

u are not a child anymore. you just constantly schizo post in my dms, my friends dms, team servers, your stream, etc. you were legit on stream yesterday muttering to yourself for an hour straight about me, you are genuinely delusional, and you are old enough to know that your actions have consequences. you are not a kid anymore. you are either 18 or almost 18, and there are people younger than you in this very community who are 1000x more normal than you. you are just genuinely a schizo, and i just want u to leave me tf alone. i have not responded to anything youve said for weeks.

posted 11 months ago
#64 Formers smokers in Off Topic


posted about a year ago
#1 rose lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

lft roamer low/mid main. played back in 2014, been pugging/playing again a lot for almost a year, looking to get back into comp.

posted about a year ago
#91 Whats your favorite cereal? in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#100 i49 Fragumentary in News

This was fantastic. Will you be making one for i52?

posted about 10 years ago
#26 Formers smokers in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#27 favorite poptart flavor in Off Topic

fuckin spongebob poptarts

posted about 10 years ago
#9 [Action Skit] Team Fortress 2 vs Counter-Strike in Off Topic

This was badass! Glad to see more videos like this gaining attention! Can't wait for the nest video.

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Champagne & Cocaine lf open scout in Recruitment (looking for players)

actually moderate gamers.

get these nerds a scout

posted about 10 years ago
#26 Whats your favorite cereal? in Off Topic

dude raisin bran and captain crunch are the shit, but compared to my first 2 choices, they don't stand a chance.

posted about 10 years ago
#177 M0rehud MvM. - the project in Customization

Hud looks great, Ill try it out :D.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Whats your favorite cereal? in Off Topic

I personally like Honey Smacks and Apple Jacks.

What do you guys like?

posted about 10 years ago
#27 TF2 update for 6/23/14 (6/24/14 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

so, every demomain is just cumming on themselves at this point

posted about 10 years ago
#18 mid-high open team lf pocket in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 10 years ago