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Signed Up March 5, 2017
Last Posted September 4, 2022 at 10:08 AM
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#6 Needing some feedback for Soldier movement. in Q/A Help
StevieBe a little more patient with your rockets. Sometimes it almost looks like you're panic firing and wasting ammo. This applies to basically every class, but so many people forget it, far too often.

Yeah, another bad habit of mine... I'll make sure it will not happen again.

Thanks guys! I'be been using your tips, and I slowly start to see an improvement.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Needing some feedback for Soldier movement. in Q/A Help
damneasyYou are just adadad'ing you need to switch it up

try something like this:


hope this helps

Thanks! Yeah, I usually try to not do it, but when I start to focus on aiming, I start to AD without even noticing...

I'll make sure it will not happen next time.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Needing some feedback for Soldier movement. in Q/A Help

Simply, I was playing MGE and kept losing. I'd like to get some feedback what I was doing wrong and etc...
I don't think my aim is a big problem, but it's more of my movement.

So yeah, any good tips for Soldier movement?

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Best Memory? in Off Topic

One time, some random person started repeating my name on chat, and I was very confused. Then they added me for trade, and said one thing: Items.

I found out that they were Korean, and I tested would they understand Google Translator Korean. Surprisingly, they did, we talked little bit and then I gave them few items. They thanked me and left the game.

posted about 7 years ago
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