Well as I have never seen 6v6 or Highlander being played on those streams and only every League of Legends or standard TF2 I'll have to take your word for it. With reagrds the time I came on - the world spins 24/7 and there should not be a restriction on region - or is this mainly a US site? Rest of the world not welcome?
At Team4stress do not do competative TF2 - infact I dont even know what it is. Im finding little here to explain it or encourage it - but Im sure we'd be intersted if its fun.
To be honest - Im getting a bad vibe about the whole deal. One of the streams I saw hosted by some kid who just cursed all the time had people typing Ni**er this and ni**er that in the chat.
I promote a non racist, non sexist, non homophobic gaming environment for people of all type to come and play protected from the haters. If his stream represents the people team fortress tv are green lighting we are definately not of the same league. We're way better.
Competitive enough?