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Signed Up August 31, 2014
Last Posted March 27, 2017 at 11:11 PM
Posts 72 (0 per day)
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#10 Hand + Wrist exercises 2 improve gaming experience in Off Topic

thakns mr black doctor

posted about 9 years ago
#77 i55 Showmatch #2: Ascent vs. The Last Resort in Events

The hype for ShadowBurn at LAN now is un-fucking-real.

posted about 9 years ago
#86 The person who posted above you... in Off Topic
aieradangoMR_SLINHe made his name to be ironic, because he's actually really skinny and always uses arm floaties in the water.STEVE LINLikes japanese food

Really likes vowels

posted about 9 years ago
#8 leaked batman vs superman trailer in Off Topic

In light of how big Bats is in this trailer, I've seen peeps call it "Batman v Superman: Dawn of lifting"

fatswimdudeSnyder can't direct an original movie for shit, but god damn can he do a Miller/Moore adaptation. Goyer to throw though. Movie will be decently written, follow the original material excellently, but will be ruined by cluttered roster and boring/unfun writing and overall lack of color. I also completely expect for the final resolution for the character conflict between batman and superman to be disappointing/underwhelming in some way
iFY_Damn thats big batman
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for you

oh god, please not the bane posting here too.

posted about 9 years ago
#82 Eyesight thread in Off Topic
wi have an eye exam today and ive been using the same prescription for 5 years now

i hope i get new lenses today

Good luck with your eye exam today then. Hope you do end up getting new lenses

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Eyesight thread in Off Topic

How's your eyesight? Do you wear glasses/contacts?

posted about 9 years ago
#4 SPEEDRUNNERS in Other Games

I've got about 60 hours in the game and from my experience it's a pretty fun game to play with friends. Lots of different maps with a whole bunch of shortcuts if you can nail the timings. I don't care much about ranked, but I've heard that there has been some tournaments so you could look into that. All in all, a fun game with some pretty sweet mechanics.

posted about 9 years ago
#38 Flash/Arrow in Off Topic

Episode. Fucking. 17. What a time to be alive.
Also, that next episode preview

posted about 9 years ago
#24 ESEA Intermediate: Champagne & Cocaine vs. Hawaii Beach Vacation in Events

posted about 9 years ago
#18 ESEA Invite: Froyotech vs. The Mad Men in Events

Shout-out to Uberchain for the sick stream graphics and pretty much everything else she does for the community.

posted about 9 years ago
#51 ESEA Invite: eLevate TF2 vs. Street Hoops eSports in Events
KevinIsPwnIf anyone is interested, here's ninjanick's POV of this match.
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Comms during the backap are fantastic

That bomb-in and back-cap combo though...,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/198qj0pvzn5wqgif.gif

posted about 9 years ago
#14 ETF2L High Week 2: SORRY KONR vs. 1000 poops of the poopocalypse in Events


posted about 9 years ago
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