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Last Posted January 12, 2015 at 6:00 PM
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#43 TF2 Player Rankings Official Thread in Projects

This is awesome, good work! We shall definitely be talking about it on this weeks Kritzkast.

posted about 10 years ago
#152 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion
MorgusRuskeydooWe (the comp TF2 community) equally rejected their ideas.Valve: Hey how about a weapon that goes through players and denies uber and dead ringer?
Comp: Nope
Valve: Hey let's have a heavy get to mid at the same time a solly does but without any downsides in comp would you like that?
Comp: Are you for real?

Looks like we agree :)

posted about 10 years ago
#150 Player skill rating added to the game in TF2 General Discussion
dashnerNightGoatLets just hope its 6v6 and/or highlander and not some weird shit they made up.
It will be their own take on competitive, you'd be a fool to think otherwise. Beyond the meeting with Sal/eXtine, we've literally had zero contact with Valve on this, and when we did they rejected our ideas.

We (the comp TF2 community) equally rejected their ideas.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Unable to swap spectator view in Q/A Help
kaceUse the same script, had the same problem:

alias +crouchjump "+jump;+duck;spec_mode"
alias -crouchjump "-jump;-duck"

This fixes it.

Just necroing this thread to say:

Kace you are indeed a legend. Thank you

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Wireplay Division 1 Highlander: KritzKast: Distinguished Ducks vs. T-A!: Sigma in Events
RussianGuyovichThis game got wildcarded by KritzKast just when it was about to get played. No advance warning or anything.

Thanks for wasting our time and disappointing the 40+ people who tuned in.

Hey Guyovich.

No one told us we were being casted. We only found out by chance through Reddit the day before. Our team leader offered to explain the situation to you on Mumble but you declined.
Members of our team are having real life issues at the moment and it is making scheduling difficult for us. If you want to avoid this kind of thing in the future with any team, I'd suggest letting people know ahead of time. If you do that then we can prioritise the game and get subs in place, etc.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 The Weapon Balance Megathread in TF2 General Discussion

Sticky Launcher and Minigun come to mind. They are so much better than any other option for their class that virtually nothing else gets played. That sounds like a pretty good definition of 'overpowered' right?
Coincidentally demo and heavy are also two of the most play defining classes in HL. If Valve wants class balance (each class effects the flow of play equally) then this might be a good place to start?

posted about 11 years ago
#293 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

Should also be noted that the current competitive community is not largely who this is aimed at. Valve are going to want to aim this at the TF2 player base as a whole and other gamers who might get into TF2. I'd guesstimate that the current comp community makes up less than 1% of Valves target audience for this initiative.

posted about 11 years ago
#43 Tip of the Hats: TF2 Item Ideas in TF2 General Discussion
LorgHat Slot - Swimmer Cap: Rubber Swimmer Cap with the TOTH (tip of the hats) logo on the side, or the TF2 logo on the side, with goggles down over the eyes... Extra slack from the goggles using jiggle bones on the side of the head.

Hat Slot - Snorkel Mask: Simple. Snorkel and big awkward goggles.

Hat Slot - Hiking Hat: Maybe a beat up Cowboy Hat? This could have the "ribbon" tied around the top of it. Or if Seanbud and other charity members decide on some cool design... This could be included in the biggest charity bundle only, and some extras for raffled (Genuine?)... Some hat that has two Styles: I know styles count as another 'hat' in the game, but it's too perfect to pass up. It needs a "Tipped" and "Normal" style.

This is all mechanically doable.

LorgMisc Slot - The Life Guard: Sun tan lotion on the nose, a watch on the wrist, with a silver whistle around the neck on a string.

Misc Slot - Life Jacket: One of the cheesy orange life jackets that goes around your neck, looks goofy, and is all wonky. I think someone might've already mentioned something similar.

These wouldn't work so well. Implementing a character model texture reskin is a pain for Valve so getting sun tan lotion on the face would require extra geometry on there which would then have to be flexed which for an all class is beyond hassle to get right and flexes are kinda broken at the minute anyway.

The life jacket would work on some characters but on others there's just too much stuff to clip with it. Think of things like the bullet belt on the heavy.

LorgMisc Slot - Water Wings: Need I say more? Just imagine them on the Pyro and Heavy

Misc Slot - Aviation Technology - Silver "reflective" Aviators: Like the Summer Shades, but with silver frames and the classic "reflective" look on the lenses. I know we can't do actual reflect, but you could paint the texture as such to give an impression of that classic silvery finish.

Misc Slot - Charity Bracelets: Everyone knows someone with like 5,000 of those charity rubber bracelets on. What if they were on both wrists (think the sweat bands on the scout), like 5-7 of them per wrist, with different colors?

Misc Slot - Hiking Boots: Big Boots with cheesy socks sticking out of the top that are sort of rolled down a bit.

Misc Slot - Compass: (think the butt pumpkin): Hangs off of your hip or butt.

all doable. for the shades thing or the lens on the sniper rifle.

LorgMisc Slot - Retro Bathing Suit - The Onsie: Think like Donald Duck's old-striped bathing suit. Team Color and White stripes alternating.

getting this skinned as an allclass would be a massive pain in the ass. I dare not think how many hours it would take.

LorgAll Class Melee Weapon - Boat Oar: Hollow plastic hitting sound, sort of like hitting something with a wiffle bat. Ruskey really liked the idea of doing an all class melee... I think, with Summer Camp theme, this works nicely.

All Class Melee Weapon - Hiking Stick: Intricately carved stick with the leather strap on the top of it (jiggle bone).

We should wait to see if valve are up for implementing this before getting too keen :)

I suspect Valve will want this to all go through their import tool. I reckon anyone wanting to concept stuff should look up the limitations of what it can do. Likewise I'd not focus on clever distribution ideas. Just selling a hat and the proceeds going to the charity will make as much money as any other idea and be so much less hassle for Valve that they're much more likely to implement it.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 New matchmaking site similar to Tf2lobby in TF2 General Discussion

If this happens and is done right it would be super awesome! Thank you for taking this up.

Have you had a look at the code Pubcomp got together and are now leaving open for everyone?

Will have a think about good features... Make sure it caters equally for 6's and HL. Get the URL "tf2centre" as well for us Brits.

Way down the road, if you'd like in game medals for tournaments, give me a shout :)

posted about 12 years ago
#71 Community item recipient nomination thread in TF2 General Discussion

Just checked and Star doesn't have one. That is crazy... he's been making TF2 vids since the dawn of time and regularly gets >100k views.

posted about 12 years ago
#51 Community item recipient nomination thread in TF2 General Discussion
ruskeydoo already has selfmade of all the things he made, do you usually get a community weapon too i dont remember

While I wouldn't expect any kind of recognition for regular workshop contributions (for those I get self-mades and money!). I do a lot of work to make items for community events:

UGC season 8 medals
UGC season 6 medals
UGC season 5 medals
Ready Steady Pan Medals
6v9 medal (not yet released)
ETF2L medals (not yet released)
ESL medals

This is literally weeks of solid work just to make events better.

When I don't get an item "Given to valuable community contributors" I do feel a little sad :(

... And then I think "jeez Ruskey, Valve do loads for you... stop being a whiny bitch" :)

posted about 12 years ago