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Signed Up September 11, 2015
Last Posted September 17, 2017 at 9:58 PM
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#7 Is it dead? in Hardware

Might be irrelevant but just thought I'd share I had the same issue with a HP/windows 7 laptop recently, crashing and then always displaying the same error message when trying to reboot: "BOOTMGR image is corrupt. The system cannot boot".
I couldn't bother trying and get it fixed (company laptop) but after waiting for a few days (3-4 days) without touching it, I tried rebooting and it actually worked fine. I just fear the issue may show up again in the future.

posted about 7 years ago
#53 ex-Infused replace roamer, leave organisation in News

posted about 8 years ago
#22 Mumble overlay display issue with Windows 10 in Q/A Help
flamere-read the tftv thread from before, it told you what you had to do, i think youre supposed to uninstall mumble and reinstall it from that account

Yeah that's what I did but I still didn't really understand how to do it.

Not_MatlockSATAMy only issue is that, I would actually like to go back to my normal account, but will the overlay work on that one ? I mean it's nice to have it working but I'm not sure I wanna stay on the administrator account/status.
I just got mine finally working with the tips in this thread. When I went back to my normal user account and it didn't work at first. I was able to get it to work by go to program files > mumble, and under the compatibility tab changing it to run as administrator. Now I'm finally able to have the overlay.

This I understood and I just tried doing the same but it still won't work. I tried doing it several times with no luck. By the way (and it may well be out of subject) but in that compatibility tab, do you also have the "Run this program in compatibility mod for : " and then you gotta chose a version of Windows (like Vista / 7 / 8 etc.) ? Not sure what this is for but mine is set to 7.

Well anyway thanks for the help, I may just end up using the administrator account by default or just not bother with the overlay (annoying though).

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Mumble overlay display issue with Windows 10 in Q/A Help

Then you're a genius ! Haha the command did work by replacing administrator by administrateur (and I actually had the same idea as you, but I'm not that good, so I had previously translated the whole command which (obviously) didn't work out).

Anyway, I just followed the next steps (managed to log out of my account and log in with the (new) Admnistrator account, which took some time because it re-loaded files just like when I first moved to Windows 10 (and even longer for some reason).
I'm right now on the Administrator account and I launched mumble, re-added tf2 to the whitelist and just launched tf2 and I finally got the overlay displayed !

My only issue is that, I would actually like to go back to my normal account, but will the overlay work on that one ? I mean it's nice to have it working but I'm not sure I wanna stay on the administrator account/status.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Mumble overlay display issue with Windows 10 in Q/A Help

Yeah sorry, forgot to mention; I ran it and once completed it says : "The Windows resources protection program did not find any integrity violation."

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Mumble overlay display issue with Windows 10 in Q/A Help

Alright, thanks for your responses and time taken.

I read the other thread you linked flame, and I tried applying this :

joshuawnFirst, let's check if your user account has insufficient permissions.

Step 1. Ensure that your User Account Control (UAC) is entirely disabled.
Go to Start, Control Panel. On the top right, set "View by:" to Small icons. Click on User Accounts. Click on "Change User Account Control settings" and set the bar to the lowest level, "Never notify". Click OK and restart if it prompts you.

Step 2. Activating the true Administrator account.
Go to Start, and in the search bar below your programs, type in Command Prompt. Right-click on the program and press "Run as administrator".

Type in, without the quotations, "net user administrator /active:yes"

If it displays that "Access is denied", go back into cmd and type in, without quotations, "sfc /scannow". This will fix integrity issues with your Windows installation.

If it worked, then log off your account & log into the new Administrator account. Ensure that the User Account Controls are properly set to "Never notify" again on your new account, open up Mumble first, ensure that the overlay is enabled, ensure that hl2 is in your whitelist, and then open up Team Fortress 2.

If your account has proper permissions, nothing that was suggested before will make a difference. You can upgrade back to the newest driver release & reinstall GeForce Experience.

But it didn't work. What I mean is I think the procedure actually didn't work which may explain why there would be no apparent result. On Step 2, when I ran Command Prompt as administrator and typed in "net user administrator /active:yes" without quotations, the following message appeared : "User name can not be found" and "You will get an extra help by typing NET HELPMSG 2221". Which also tells me "User name can not be found" when entered.
I followed the rest of the procedure anyway but it may have been useless because of that, I don't know ?
P.S. I also didn't really get how to do /what the log out /log in with the new account meant... so I probably just didn't do it at I was meant to or even at all.

I also tried adding -windowed -noborder to my launch options, didn't work either (bearing in mind that I always launch mumble before the game / quit the game and mumble everytime I try something).

Finally, I looked for the nvidia streaming svc but I couldn't find it in my services, I guess it means it's probably not activated. And I checked if the FPS counter was on but it's not.

I will probably give another try at re-installing a previous mumble version in the meantime => edit : still doesn't change a thing.

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Mumble overlay display issue with Windows 10 in Q/A Help

Still no change...

I ran mumble in administrator mode, added "hl2.exe" from the tf folder to the whitelist and I re-sized the overlay positionning to make it much bigger and right in the middle of the screen; only then launched steam and tf2, nothing appears.
Not sure if I'm doing anything wrong or what...

P.S. I'm still using the 1.3.0 beta, didn't bother changing it back to 1.2.10.

(Your french is fabulous :))

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Mumble overlay display issue with Windows 10 in Q/A Help

I play tf2 in full-screen/not windowed.

And I just tried installing 1.3.0 beta as you adviced, no change unfortunately.
That was after I added "-nod3d9ex" to my launch options; not sure why I didn't have it (anymore?).

Oh and what's wrong is I just can't see it - the overlay - while I'm in-game.
Here are some screenshots, not sure if helpful but still :

My mumble/overlay's black list (by default, didn't never touched it myself; just tried to remove it all on the previous version (1.2.10)) :

My mumble/overlay's white list (by default aswell = blank/empty):

My tf2 launch options:

And an in-game screenshot while I'm sitting in a mumble's afk channel (=> isn't showing/displayed):

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Mumble overlay display issue with Windows 10 in Q/A Help


Not sure if the issue has already been brought up on the forums so I just created a new thread (sorry if it had).

Quite simply, I made the move from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and since then I can't manage to make mumble's overlay work/displayed while playing tf2. I'm actually not certain that the issue is related to Windows 10 (but can't see anything else since it worked fine until I made the move) because someone told me that mumble's overlay worked fine for him, knowing that he's also using Windows 10.

Any idea on how how to fix that ? Thanks in advance.

P.S. My mumble's version is 1.2.10 (and I already tried to re-install 1.2.5 and 1.2.4 - the other person runs the 1.2.4 one, hence my tests.).

posted about 9 years ago