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Signed Up January 16, 2021
Last Posted May 22, 2024 at 5:16 PM
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#1 Ping in out of region games. in Q/A Help

Hi, I've been playing comp on and off in other regions than my own for a little over 3 years now but I've ran into a problem.
I get like 100+ more ping than I usually get. I remember being confused that other EU players would get around 250-280 ping in Singapore servers (2 years ago) when I'd get around 180 but now its the same for me. This is also the case for AU and SA. I've only had this problem for the last 4 months and it's only in competitive, not normal community servers. There are still some people who get normal ping but most get higher ping now, the reverse of what it used to be, in my experience. I don't experience this on Russian/NA servers where I get around 90-140 ping depending on server location.
In the past my ping was only this high when Qixalite was being used. SDR doesn't change anything for me but it does for some others.

I just thought that this was an interesting phenomena and although its not the biggest problem I hope someone has an easy fix.

posted 9 months ago
#82 Get quake-like textures/high LOD bias again in Customization
carnaticumstill doesn't work, if i ever click apply changes it just resets everything to default
nvm i just reinstalled drivers lol

Anyone has a fix/explanation for this, reinstalling drivers does nothing for me.

posted about 4 years ago