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Signed Up September 7, 2020
Last Posted August 2, 2021 at 12:59 AM
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#10 cl_crosshair_file for specific weapon switching in Customization

Small update: I tried extracting the Valve crosshairs again using gfscape and overwriting crosshair5_valve.vtf, this didn't work.

I then tried changing the rifle's script file to read

				"file"		"vgui/replay/thumbnails/quarteredcircle"
				"x"		"0"
				"y"		"0"
				"width"		"64"
				"height"	"64"

This did successfully change it to the quartered circle that came from

I also tried removing my custom hud (m0rehud) and a couple of .vpk's I wasn't really using and found that it didn't make a difference. I'm using mastercomfig low + customizations so I tried adding the transparent viewmodels addon and that hasn't made a difference either. Very bizarre but I'm not sure what else to do so I'll just use my sniper script to set crosshair 5 ingame for that class only. Thanks again for the help

posted about 3 years ago
#9 cl_crosshair_file for specific weapon switching in Customization

Alright, thank you anyway. At least this means that I followed your instructions correctly, I'll have a play around and see if I can find out what is causing it.

posted about 3 years ago
#7 cl_crosshair_file for specific weapon switching in Customization

Here you go:
If you need my sniper .cfg it's just

sensitivity 1.12
cl_interp 0.033

cl_crosshair_scale 25.650000
posted about 3 years ago
#5 cl_crosshair_file for specific weapon switching in Customization

Thanks horse, I gave that a go as well but it doesn't seem to have worked either. I used crowbar to extract the crosshairs folder from tf2_textures_dir.vpk, then renamed crosshair5.vtf to crosshair5_valve.vtf, then copied it to Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\crosshairs\materials\vgui\replay\thumbnails. From there I copied a .vmt and changed it to read

	"$translucent"	1
	"$basetexture" "vgui\replay\thumbnails\crosshair5_valve"
	"$vertexcolor" 1
	"$no_fullbright" 1
	"$ignorez" 1

and saved it as crosshair5_valve.vmt, then adjusted relevant rifle script files to read

				"file"		"vgui/replay/thumbnails/crosshair5_valve"
				"x"		"0"
				"y"		"0"
				"width"		"64"
				"height"	"64"

I've checked these to see if they're set to read only or weren't saving properly and they don't seem to be having any issues of that sort. The only crosshair related line in my sniper.cfg is now cl_crosshair_scale 25.650000
This is a screenshot showing ingame the difference between the two, 300% zoomed in Photoshop - left is crosshair5 from Leth's Crosshair pack on cfg.tfg; right is Valve's crosshair5 set ingame using the options menu.

Again, it's not a big deal, although I am interested now to know why it keeps reverting back to the one. Thank you again

posted about 3 years ago
#3 cl_crosshair_file for specific weapon switching in Customization

Thank you for the quick reply. I've tried doing what you said, editing tf_weapon_sniperrifle.txt, tf_weapon_sniperrifle_classic.txt, and tf_weapon_sniperrifle_decap.txt, to have

				"file"		"vgui/crosshairs/crosshair5"
				"x"		"0"
				"y"		"0"
				"width"		"64"
				"height"	"64"

But am still getting the crosshair from The .txt files I'm editing are all in \Team Fortress 2\tf\custom\crosshairs\scripts
If it's being difficult I guess I can just get used to a new crosshair. Sorry for the trouble

posted about 3 years ago
#1 cl_crosshair_file for specific weapon switching in Customization

I installed a set of custom crosshairs from last night but found that I was unsatisfied with the green dot there that I used for sniper and wish to switch back to Valve's default crosshair5 for sniper rifles only. I've set up the following script in my sniper.cfg

alias "weaponone" "slot1; cl_crosshair_file crosshair5; cl_crosshair_scale 25.65"
alias "weapontwo" "slot2; exec defaultcrosshair.cfg; cl_crosshair_scale 32"
alias "weaponthree" "slot3; exec defaultcrosshair.cfg; cl_crosshair_scale 32"

bind 1 weaponone
bind 2 weapontwo
bind 3 weaponthree
bind q lastinv 

With defaultcrosshair.cfg reading

cl_crosshair_file ""

But have found that while switching to my rifle gets the correct valve green dot, switching to my secondary or melee doesn't switch to the default crosshair, meaning that the custom crosshairs from don't get enabled as the game sticks with valve crosshair5. Would anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I've tried having defaultcrosshair.cfg read


and tried both versions with a new, blank line, but neither work.
Thank you

posted about 3 years ago
#6716 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Hi, I'm looking for info on how to modify PeachHUD ( to change the health cross from this
to be overlaid by the numerical health value, and have a proportional size increase, like this example from m0rehud.
I've been able to position the cross manually myself by playing with the xyz-pos coordinates, and the health bar scale, but I'm unsure how to also bind the hurt indicator and overheal indicator scales and positions so that they all line up nicely. I'm not really sure what information to provide to do this, but if anyone has done this themselves I would appreciate a tip. Thank you

posted about 3 years ago
#6617 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
HypnotizeThe stats are missing because you are missinge the font for it so you might want to import it from the rayshud clientscheme to the m0rehud clientscheme.
But to be fair you can just turn off the minmode and the m0rehud scoreboard will fit 12+ players on each team.

Thanks for the quick reply - I figured it would be something font related or something in another file that would tell the game where to place the stats text, but I'm unfamiliar with HUD editing so I don't know where it could've been outside the scoreboard.res file. My friend claims he tried toggling minmode and it didn't do anything, but I just tested it in my game using m0rehud and it worked, so I'll keep using this. Thanks very much

posted about 4 years ago
#6614 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Posting this for a friend that is paranoid about people knowing his identity.
He's having trouble getting the scoreboard to show all 12 players (he only plays casual, no competitive) with the m0rehud download from I suggested he replaces the scoreboard.res file with one from a HUD he liked the scoreboard from, so he used one from an old version of rayshud he was using - not sure what version. It works, however the player stats don't display. I'm not sure how to fix this myself or what could be causing it unless it's a font issue or something. Sorry if this has already been answered but I don't know how to search a thread.

posted about 4 years ago