Irish_JoshThe plugin in question isn't about that, It's about soldier not hitting himself for 70 damage when he point blanks an enemy.
So shotgun soldiers should just blow themselves up? Your logic is flawed. If gunboats soldiers shouldn't blow themselves up with there own rockets when shooting people why should shotgun soldiers? Why should anyone be able to basically melee someone with the RL without consequences? One of the skills of DMing as soldier is maintaining a bit of distance.
I think a 25% boost to soldiers base self dmg resistance (including RJs) would be a nice addition. This would let non GB soldiers have SOME mobility while keeping the boats as the go to for roamers. It would also be enough to prevent a scout 1 shoting you when you round the corner and you fire at the same time. If the mobility boost for boats is too much nerf them by like 10/15% (although i don't think it will be).