Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198135763017 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:175497289] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:87748644 |
Country | Ireland |
Signed Up | June 15, 2016 |
Last Posted | March 5, 2025 at 4:03 PM |
Posts | 1432 (0.4 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 2.3 |
Windows Sensitivity | Standard |
Raw Input | 1 |
400 |
Resolution |
1920x1080 |
Refresh Rate |
144hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | SteelSeries Aerox 3 Wireless |
Keyboard | Leopold FC750R |
Mousepad | QCK+ |
Headphones | Sennheiser HD650 |
Monitor | 144hz |
very talented guy with a surprisingly happy outlook on life despite working on such emotionally draining works, may he rest in peace
mxr1. Silent aim was patched in tf2, silent aim does not look like how silent aim used to look years ago. It just looks like aimlock. No evidence of silent aim.
mxr2. You cannot aimlock onto people or stickies through walls. There simply is no tf2 cheat for that; it's only in csgo where walls are wallbang-able.
fake. heres a video of someone doing it a shit ton with lithium
mxr3. No cheater would aimlock onto people through walls even if they could, there's no reason to.
true, your friend is retarded
mxr4. Most of the time the video is slowed down so much that it exagerrates the coincidence of elijah's crosshair being over another player. And slowing it down even more only when the crosshair is over another player just suggests you're trying to prove something that isn't really there. For example, at 2:09 his crosshair isn't even on anyone, how is that aimlock? Also he's just turning his attention away from shutter, that's normal. You can't slow a video down to 1% speed only when a crosshair is over an enemy then speed it back up to make it look like he's pausing on the player.
this is dog barking sounds
mxr5. Every single clip where you claim he's locking onto people through a wall, he happens to just be in the transition of looking in another direction, so obviously the crosshair crosses paths with where the enemy team is. And 90% of the time the crosshair isn't even on the player or tracking the player.
both in the slow motion and realtime playbacks of clips of him locking thru walls, he stops on them momentarily before fully moving his mouse to where his "aim was transitioning to"
mxr6. Another example. 4:00 is his movement sinking with lolguy, there is no aimlock. I don't even know why this is on here is this a joke?
idk either, the uploader of this video is unintelligent
mxr7. If theoretically there was an aimlock that worked through walls (why would anyone even make this?) there's no reason for him to press an aimlock key when there's a stalemate.
again, there is one. you might not know that the origins of cheating was as a griefing tool and many people consider being as obvious as possible a boon to their griefing capabilities. as for the second point, your friend is retarded
mxr8. In stalemates when nothing has happened for minutes, a player can let their guard down and just be chilling and waiting to sac/waiting for a sac, there's no need to be that alert and have ur crosshair on a choke. So yes, its reasonable for him to have his crosshair in a place where there is no enemies directly in front of him. Also, placing your crosshair at a wall in between 2 doorways lets you get vision of both doorways.
bark woof
mxrAnd if you're still convinced hes cheating then have him play against people with faceit anticheat downloaded, that shit detects anything. If he gets banned from faceit or if he performs unusually shitty with faceit anticheat on then I'll be convinced he's cheating.
multiple private cheats are not on faceit anticheat detection. pastes are very easy to make for tf2
mxrTL;DR dog barking
i can reup my sub to any number of cheats and show you are just talking out of your butthole just reply
btw heres a video of a 250 USD per month cheat doing the apparently absolutely impossible function of aimlocking through a wall. literally first clip of the montage
btw op, he is not using silent aim. silent aim is just the same as rage aimbotting with no effort to hide it, just your screen doesn't give u a seizure and looks normal for you. it does not function in tf2 (spectators and STV demos will reveal it) except for projectiles (sometimes??)
what hes likely doing in this is either just staring at mfers with walls like a monkey or hes using the smoothing featured in the video i linked in previous post, as his crosshair draws a line pretty smoothly to when he actually presses the macro
No tf2 cheat that im aware of lets you configure an offset when locking onto a bone.
nullcore has options for multiple bone groups as well as built in functionality for programming others as seen in the menu in this video
aimware for TF2 (while being complete ass) also has this function as well as Lua script functionality for programming it as well if you want it to work differently
"no cheat you are aware of" did u just head straight to lmaobox lol
redpill works if all your remaining players take it with you every time
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wpminnowspeople saying 'gunshot bride' in twitch chat re: airshots
for me, yours is this video every time
nevermind please watch this 30 minute community xbox 360 frag video
i dont see the need for faster than 128 tick, and i know higher tickrates effect how projectiles/throwables interact with the physics engine of tf2/csgo