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Signed Up January 15, 2022
Last Posted January 15, 2022 at 2:19 PM
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#1 Lawena fucked my sound in Q/A Help

Used Lawena recording tool for the first time in a while - had to reinstall and set it up. I launched TF2 through it and now even when I launch TF2 from steam the in game sounds are different. It's like Lawena boosted the bass eq/reverb and now things like rockets/medigun beam are very bass boosted and unbearable.

I replaced everything in my cfg and custom with the lawena backups and I still have the problem. I also tried using cfg and custom backups from 12/21 with no success so its probably not a cfg/custom thing. Messing with in game audio settings doesnt fix it either.

Please help

posted about 3 years ago