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Signed Up June 27, 2013
Last Posted March 14, 2019 at 6:43 AM
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#8 Did I just almost get scammed? in TF2 General Discussion
BilbertYou can tell because TF2 wouldn't be on an esport website.

Heh, true enough. It occurs only later in the list after bigger titles like Dota and CSGO, though. He also asked me specific questions like "What are your best classes?" which don't really fit in many other games on that page. So, props to him for wasting both our times, I guess.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Did I just almost get scammed? in TF2 General Discussion


"Ranger" added me on Steam and asked me whether I could play in their team in 30 minutes. I declined and he asked me to vote for his team "PanicAttack" on a eSports website. The website looked fine at first, until I noticed that all links force me to login via Steam and I can't even see the "About" page without it. Also, the Terms & Conditions were not clickable. My google-fu failed me on that gaming site as well.

Is that a kind of scam and was I lucky I didn't log in or was I just overly paranoid?

The site is

Show Content
posted about 5 years ago
#20 Orange Box on Xbox One in TF2 General Discussion

No unlocks, (no airblast,) random crits everywhere, no tournament mode, Medic needle boosting, not even badlands or badwater... No thanks!

posted about 8 years ago
#4681 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

I made a short compilation on how to reach Prem as Spy!

posted about 8 years ago
#5 i58 Highlights in LAN Discussion

Thank you so far!

SideshowLiterally every streamed match was awesome and the stuff in between with the analyst desk was often hilarious in a particular way. I'm not exaggerating when I say you should watch p much everything.

While great in theory, watching 30 hours of content is simply not realistic for me, unfortunately.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 i58 Highlights in LAN Discussion


I went on vacation and thus, unfortunately, missed basically the whole i58 LAN coverage. So I was wondering what the biggest highlights like matches/maps, clips, events around the games etc. were?

So far I have found:

Any pointers would greatly be appreciated, brownie points for direct links.


posted about 8 years ago
#203 TF2 Blog: "The Meet Your Match Update is Coming" in TF2 General Discussion
HAWTHORNEPyro needs some reworking, airblast is insane, you can control anyones movement and you get crits on demand with the unlocks (unlocks that won't be banned).

How is not obvious it needs a rework.

True. It should however be balanced in a way to make the Pyro a higher DPS class close-quarter combat/assault class. Otherwise it would make the class useless.

[edit] To the people downvoting me: How would you rebalance Pyro? Taking something away without giving something else in exchange is hardly sensible.

posted about 8 years ago
#55 TF2 Update 31/05/2016 in TF2 General Discussion
MankyIt took Valve LITERALLY 8 YEARS to copy and paste P-REC's code. I am pretty sure Orange didnt get anything for getting his work stolen...

How do you know they copied it? Even if they did, do you know Orange did not consent?

posted about 8 years ago
#69 ADULTS PLAY TEAM FORTRESS 2 (Adults React: Gaming) in TF2 General Discussion
"And it's not so much that the RED team wins, it's just that they don't lose"

That is surprisingly deep, haha.

I feel a bit dirty giving the Fine Brothers a click though... :/

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Is my cpu getting too hot? in Hardware

These temperatures, if they are not getting considerably higher, are probably no problem. Lower temperatures might increase the lifetime of your components though.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 A Plea to Valve: let us disable ragdolls in TF2 General Discussion

TF2 doesn't overwrite files in tf\custom\, Read-only has no effect.

posted about 9 years ago
#461 broeselhud_blue in Customization

This is how readying up for matchmaking looks like for me, everything else MM-wise seems to work just fine.
I ninja fixed that a few days ago without an update announcement. If you update to the latest version from GitHub, it should work fine.

Ah, great!

The fancy screen works for me, by the way.

posted about 9 years ago
#457 broeselhud_blue in Customization

This is how readying up for matchmaking looks like for me, everything else MM-wise seems to work just fine.

posted about 9 years ago
#456 broeselhud_blue in Customization

Well, if I am the only one with the problem, it doesn't matter. The last contracts are out already anyway.

posted about 9 years ago
#453 broeselhud_blue in Customization
f_blueThe old menu didn't look good and was hard to maintain, so I'm really happy with the new one now.

The new options are great! I do feel that there is a lot of wasted space though. I don't need 3/4 of my screen just for the console.

My active contracts don't show up with the HUD, by the way. The contract window is there, but the clickable contracts that pop up from below don't appear, even though there is a notification I have a new contract to activate. It's working as it should when disabling broeselhud_blue.

posted about 9 years ago
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