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Signed Up March 10, 2013
Last Posted March 27, 2016 at 12:22 AM
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#4 Lenovo Fan in Q/A Help

What thinkpad model?

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Specs Question in Q/A Help
the301stspartanUh, pretty sure you got some bullshit infos there.

Not really, good news we're both right!

The elitebook series is now more or less an ultrabook line.

the301stspartanI don't have the laptop anymore and don't know the exact model so I can't look up specs, but it didn't have integrated graphics, it had some workstation card, either a fire pro or an nvidia, not sure. It obviously wasn't a gaming laptop but it ran tf2 at 100-150 and certainly did not overheat under constant load throughout the day.

HP did make elitebook workstations years ago, but that appears to no longer be the case.

the301stspartanNo I'm obviously not recommending a laptop like that for gaming, I am making the point that I've never had overheating problems with HP despite tf2 use.

Then why are you posting about this here? Obviously not ALL hp laptops are overheating messes, and it's great you didn't get burned by them like thousands of other people did. However, like it or not their company has a very clear history of building expensive high end laptops, and then not putting in the slightest bit of effort to ensure they're cooled properly, which resulted in them creating multiple lines of laptops that had the tendency to brick themselves literally days after the warranty expired.

Anyone considering buying from hp should be made aware of that beforehand.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Specs Question in Q/A Help
the301stspartanCan't confirm, have had an HP elitebook, father owns another one, both work great and have never overheated ever. Mine also survived a major car crash without any damage.

Well of course not, elitebooks are low end ultrabooks with integrated graphics.

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Specs Question in Q/A Help
MagikarpNot HP.


I haven't owned a single hp laptop that hasnt been an overheating piece of shit.

the latter of those was a high end business laptop, and those fuckers literally put one single tiny copper heat pipe running from the cpu, to the gpu, to the fan.

Don't buy their shit.

If you absolutely need a laptop for gaming because for whatever reason a desktop isn't possible, either go all the way and get something good, or consider getting an egpu setup with an old thinkpad from ebay or something.

Really tho a desktop for half the price will shit all over all of these.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 koth_forge in Map Discussion

pretty as fuck

posted about 9 years ago
#22 (Unofficial) TF.TV Vanilla TF2 Experience Server in TF2 General Discussion

tf2 pre cancer server

im in

posted about 9 years ago
#111 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News
Geel9Just because you can use the SDA as an authenticator doesn't mean you can circumvent the system. The limiting factor has always been phone numbers.

Considering that dota and csgo have something like 10x the population of this steam group on at any given time and ranked matchmaking usually takes around 3-5 minutes all this authenticator nonsense probably won't be a big deal, unless they think people sitting around waiting in queue for absurd amounts of time trying to find a match is a great idea, they're going to need to throw a lot of players into this if they want people actually to be able to play it on demand.

posted about 9 years ago
#65 Valve announces details for matchmaking beta expansion in News
anyone who thinks matchmaking will work with this kind of people playing it are kidding themselves...

csgo has silvers for a reason, tf2 won't be any different

posted about 9 years ago
#534 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

It's about time.

posted about 9 years ago
#373 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion
nightwatchBest Mapper NA

cutest mapper Int'l.

posted about 10 years ago
#339 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion
PhiGet hype!!

im hype

posted about 10 years ago
#25 New Map Weekends water-testing in TF2 General Discussion

Latest version of this is still needs to be tested please.

posted about 11 years ago
#265 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
RifleCowI think that's how almost every competitive community treats stuff that changes their game. Just look at SC2 when balance changes happen, you'll never see worse vitriol. People got to give some people power to just be willing to shove maps down people's throats.

Forcing maps on people is all fine for solid nearly finished maps (it has worked in the past, though really isnt ideal), but the real issue here is getting new maps tested from start to finish.

As things stand now there's no formal way to really get a map tested from the first alpha onward, which is a real shame since there's quite a few people in the mapping community who want to atleast try to make maps that are geared towards competitive play, but then they come here and post it, and if they're lucky they get a test or two, during which, with alarming regularity, there's someone who just sits there the whole time spouting useless drivel about how they hate the map, it's not badlands, etc, without ever saying anything useful, and in addition to that, start fucking around in map tests. Then those same people come back and complain that no maps are good enough to be played in a competitive setting.

That's been my experience with the comp tf2 community, and the experience of basically every other mapper I know who has ever tried to get into the comp scene for mapping, and it really needs to stop if comp tf2 ever wants to see new customs that work well in comp become a regular thing.

That said, there is a good chunk of people here who do try to be helpful, explain their reasonings, etc, and that's great, the community needs more of that.

posted about 11 years ago
#259 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
2sy_morphiendAnd this notion that any contribution no matter how flawed should be treasured and embraced by the community is straight up wrong.

Maybe you should re-read his post, because if you're getting "let's treasure every map regardless of quality" from "let's not be outright hostile towards people trying to make maps for us to play" you're doing it wrong.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Article on Constructive Feedback in Map Discussion
YankeePretty ironic how all this spawned from a post linking to an article on constructive feedback.

I thought irony was supposed to mean it was unexpected B)

posted about 11 years ago
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