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Last Posted January 17, 2014 at 2:35 AM
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#56 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion

Hey there everyone, sorry again for not posting for a few days (work, etc as usual)

Irishhhhsuch a fun mode!

Glad you're enjoying it :)

hiiThe only bad thing about this server is those random pub maps.

Could you be more specific about which maps you dislike?

Anyway, onto the topic of this post:
We're considering changing the server to 24 slots down from 32, thoughts? concerns?
We'll be experimenting with fixing pitfalls, does anyone have any stock maps (with pitalls) they'd like to see added to the server?

posted about 11 years ago
#53 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion

First off, my apologies for not posting in this thread for a few days, been rather busy with both RL and working on adding new features to the server for you guys.

Laanis there going to be an australian server in the near future? and how/where do you play this sephiroth?

Currently eGO has no plans to open a server in AUS (at least not anytime soon)
I currently play on the eGO server on my crappy computer that gets about 20fps at max (on small maps)

DouglasAnyone down to populate this server right now?

EDIT: Best it got to was 2v2, seemed pretty fun. I loved playing instagib+hook games in some iteration of quake, which ever one had the grappling hook.

Glad to hear you had fun :)

Anyway, lets get to the changelog for today shall we:

  • Added the following maps
  • dm_megahealth_a1
  • dm_q3dm17_b1
  • dm_quake_castle_b2
  • smack_down_b1

[*]Doors will now stay open constantly (On every map, if you notice any issues with this please do let me know)
[*]DM spawns have been added on the DM maps which were added today, we decided against adding them to stock maps for now due to the decision to keep objectives enabled
[*]Game description now accurately reflects the plugin we're running


As always feel free to contact me with any questions/suggestions for the server, I can be reached via the following methods;
Steam|eGO site|TF.TV
I check each of those daily and will more than likely get back to you within the hour (Unless I'm sleeping or at work)

posted about 11 years ago
#50 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion
GrImpartialWould you mind posting a DL link to all the maps on here, or enabling fast DL? It's a pain having to hunt down a map every time it changes maps.

All the maps we have on this server are default except for ctf_ig_redshed, fastdl is enabled and has been since we set the server up.

posted about 11 years ago
#44 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion
Shwandid configuring this server earn your "O"?Mad_DecentShwandid configuring this server earn your "O"?If it didn't I bet he got something else, why else would you give eGO a server?

Nope, I've been with eGO now for just under 2 years. In that time I've earned both my G and O ranking and am now in charge of server maintenance and upkeep as well as the EC program within the TF2 Division (yes, I'm aware these probably weren't serious questions, butttttt I figured I'd answer anyway)

MachuPikachuThe server is a lot of fun, but for some reason every time I try to b-hop my screen "freaks out." I don't think I'm using a crouch jump script, though the culprit could be my high ping.

Could you be more descriptive about your issue? what do you mean by your screen "freaking out"

PurplDrankThis server is awesome!GrImpartialJust played for ~30 minutes and had a blast. Great concept.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it :D

TechDudeShould put in instant respawn.

Already set

DeepYou should have maps that are more bhop friendly, custom maps that is.

Also, remove the delay from doors opening, or remove them completely.

We're going to be adding some quake dm maps soon (later tonight), if you have any maps you want added please feel free to reply with a link to the map.

On the subject of doors, seeing as how we have spawn protection I don't see a need for them. will be looking into integrating this when I add DM spawns.

taighaIt was a lot of fun, my only complaint is that there's no way to set your sensitivity for when zoomed in, it makes the feature kind of useless.

Seeing as how the zoom function doesn't actually zoom, there's no built in way to change your zoom sensitivity. you can however write up a simple script that alters your sens when mouse2 is being held.

posted about 11 years ago
#134 Tip of the Hats 2 Planning/Info in TF2 General Discussion
BLoodSiredon't try to wear the tag in the instagib server from eGO, they'll kick you for it...LionxBLoodSiredon't try to wear the tag in the instagib server from eGO, they'll kick you for it...i was in the server when you were in there earlier and i had the tag and they just removed the ".org" from the tag. did they kick you for it?

Our sincerest apologies for this, however this issue has since been rectified, please see quote below.

WilsonBLoodSireSuggestion: Allow the use of the | tag without kicking players wearing that tag.

A lot of this community cares dearly for the whole children's cancer charity thing.

For anyone wondering: I was kicked for having the tag. Then told to take the .org out of the tag after I rejoined. At that point I left the server on principle. I've loved the game-mode and joined it every time I've seen it populated. But I'm not going to waste my time populating the server if I'm going to be bullied for having a cancer charity in my name.

Hey everyone, I just had the policy changed over at eGO so anyone who is wearing the tag in their name is welcome to play in our servers. There was a misunderstanding with one of our rules that prevent players from promoting clans and other sites to pull players away from our servers with the URLs in their names.

This will no longer be an issue for anyone who wears the tag in their name, and I apologize if it caused any problems in the past for any of you.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion
toothI felt like the hulk rail jumping from our side of koth_king into the enemy spawn while going approximately 8 million miles an hour. I approve of this mod.


trollmanjoeIt's fun, but laggy for me. I usually have decent ping to Chicago servers, but with this one I get 100+
Still fun though!

Server is in Dallas.


Will playtest this tomorrow

AoshimaIs there are server running this mod/plugins/whatever in Australia?

None that I know of, I'm Australian myself but I don't mind playing on the NA servers

Notes for today:
This map has been added to the server.
Quake sounds have been added.
DM spawns will be worked on tomorrow as will fixing pitfalls.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion
Loronixwould prefer dm spawns or something similar spawning in reg room is kinda eh

Will look into adding DM spawns to the server :)

FafoThis is the best thing ever.hiijust played it. loved

Glad everyone's enjoying it :D

GeknaiirIt was really fun when it's populated.

Also is there a way to make the fov plugin reset less often. I keep forgetting to change my fov after each map change :P

Invite your friends!
I'll look into adding the ability for the plugin to save your FOV and set it on connect.

Notes for today:
Quake sounds will be added when the server empties out (have to reboot)
The Quake map linked earlier in this thread will be added at the same time
Some testing will be done later today in regards to implementing DM spawns
Maps with a pitfall in them will be added back to the rotation if my tests result in them working again.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion
AloSecForget 6v6, I'm playing this for the rest of my TF2 career.

Ohdeargod, now that would be something..

TerraThe movement is so much fun. If you use your second jump while you're already going fast you go FLYING

Glad to hear you're enjoying it :)

industNeeds this map:
Also bhopping wasn't working when I tried it just now, but I'm extremely glad somebody decided to host one of these servers again.

Will definitely look into playtesting and adding this map sometime tomorrow (My time, GMT+10), I just tested and the bhopping appears to be working. (Albeit a little bit delayed due to my connection).

marc0Really fun.

can u post this plugin? (updated and working) pls

Of course I can, the plugin(s) we're using can be found here.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion
WilsonI believe it is located in chicago.

some commands by the way for everyone if you try it out,

!fov 50-170 can be used
holding spacebar uses the bhopping.
and you can rocket jump with your explosion without taking dmg.

To correct this,
Our servers are all (all of our tf2 servers at least) located in Dallas, Texas.

The !fov command takes 2 parameters, the first being your desired fov and the second being your "zoomed" fov, I recommend setting your zoomed fov to a lower value than your desired fov (personally I use !fov 120 90) so you actually get the zoomed effect.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 New Quake Instagib Server in TF2 General Discussion

Hey there guys,
I'm the one who set this server up and will be configuring things for it for the foreseeable future, any and all suggestions will be looked at and discussed amongst eGO leadership.

Some suggestions we've already received and will be implementing

  • Quake Sounds
  • Quake Maps (If anyone has any specific maps they want on the server, feel free to post links in this thread I'll be regularly checking for any more suggestions)
SeniorsodaJust played for like 45 minutes, this is amazingly fun. I'd definitely change up some of the maps though, koth_nucleus was kinda boring.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it :3

Koth_Nucleus has been removed from the rotation (As has every map with a potential "pitfall") this is due to a bug causing you not to die when you fall into any pits that would cause instant death.

vileyou may notice delay in shots and scoping in/out, at least compared to quake.

Your "scoping" in this mode isn't actually scoping (Then again, neither is quakes) all this is doing is changing your fov. Yes there is bound to be some minor delay, this is due to server latency and the fact that the fov change cannot be made "smooth" like quakes, it's a sudden change.

Your friendly neighbourhood server monkey

posted about 11 years ago