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Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
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#34 RGL Invite Admin vs Perfection? in Off Topic
VirgilNothing i did here has anything to do with me being an rgl admin.

"I'm talking to you as an admin"
So some parts clearly do.

The two problems are that
1. Either you, as an RGL admin, want to prevent shittalk from getting out of hand, then you can't fan the flames yourself, or you want to shittalk (not as an RGL admin), then you can't turn around and come back later as the voice of reason.
2. You're kinda bad at shittalk.

posted about 2 years ago
#32 RGL Invite Admin vs Perfection? in Off Topic
dippidynow ur willing to defend perfection of all ppl when an admin acts a little out of pocket.

You see, I'm 90% sure this was cut to make virgil look worse.
But I'm also 100% sure that sinking to this level of personal insults, literal rant about how she's so much better than perfection, muting him and then coming back to the channel because she "heard he was talking shit" should be beneath any admin in any situation.

Seriously, you do not participate in the shit-flinging contest, then come back with the gracious warning "btw, you shouldn't talk about me behind my back if you want to get unbanned."
It's never a good look.

This is completely orthogonal to perfection probably flinging just as much shit in the parts that were cut.

posted about 2 years ago
#11 RGL Invite Admin vs Perfection? in Off Topic


Show Content
"You cheat because you have no bitches"
"I'm muting you"
"Don't shittalk me, sexism is bannable"

RGL never disappoints. Unless you were expecting any sort of standard. Then it always does.

Iirc RGL bans black people for using the n-word so shouldn't it also ban women for using "bitches"?

posted about 3 years ago
#671 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion



The "12" stands for 12th gen, in case you didn't know.

posted about 3 years ago
#21 TFCL Is Back in TF2 General Discussion
hannahWhile I think RGL has a lot of huge problems, I really agree with the sentiment here.Brock
RGL kinda sucks but it’s not catastrophically unusable, would rather see RGL be improved to a point where we are happy with it than start a whole new thing

You're forgetting about a tiny problem there: Who would be in charge?
Like, how does one go about "investing in RGL"?
Because I don't see Sidular throwing 20k USD at sigafoo every season while just hoping that sigafoo will actually use them for what sidular wants them to be used.
On the flipside, I don't see sigafoo letting himself be bought out and losing control. Not that I think it would be worth it, considering the baggage RGL comes with.

And I commend you for seeing a world where it's possible that sidular and sigafoo will be happy co-owners making all decisions unanimously, but I really doubt it's going to happen. It's not even going to be something philosophical like sigafoo wanting to push anything but 6s (and insisting it must be called traditional 6s, because of all the other successful 6s formats), it'll start with the simplest things like charging 20$ to join a team vs paying 150$ to all staff members.
Being willing to operate at a loss vs collecting "LAN sustainability fees" for a LAN that might happen eventually, at some point, any second now, are just fundamentally incompatible views on how a league should be run.

I'm also still baffled by how some people's first reaction to someone announcing they'll throw money at the community in a way the chose is "Noooo, don't do that, better give that money to someone we complain about incessantly."

posted about 3 years ago
#9 LAN Competition in TF2 General Discussion

The way I see it, this thread has somehow led to smakers putting a bounty on froyotech.

The TF2 community continues to work in mysterious ways.

posted about 3 years ago
#3838 PC Build Thread in Hardware


SetsulYou need either a budget as an upwards limit or a performance goal as a downwards limit, and generally try to make it a little less weird. Either you want a new CPU or you don't.

I simply do not recommend the 10105F at all.
If you want a Skylake CPU then anything from 6000 upwards works and will be much cheaper 2nd hand.
If you want a new CPU then a 12100F will be much faster. Same MSRP, if you're really desperate to get a cheap CPU now and can't wait until it's in stock, see above.
Any build that calls for a 2+ years old mobo is weird.

posted about 3 years ago
#3836 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Ngl, that's some weird shit.
Why would you buy a two years old motherboard that costs more than the CPU based on the same old 6.5 years old architecture that Intel finally moved away from? You could dig an old 7700K out from somewhere and it'd be faster and much cheaper. 7700 (and 6700 for that matter) would be slightly lower clocked but you'd still be able to find those for a fraction of the price.

You need either a budget as an upwards limit or a performance goal as a downwards limit, and generally try to make it a little less weird. Either you want a new CPU or you don't.

There is no 5600, only the 5600X. It's much better than a 3600 and the 3600 is old enough that it's getting hard to find a new one, especially if you want it to actually be cheaper than a 5600X. So I'd say the 3600 is right out.

12400 is a bit faster than a 5600X in pretty much everything and cheaper, though the mobos are more expensive, so the price roughly evens out. No idea how it works out in terms of performance with overclocking though, because the 12400 can sort of be overclocked, but you need a rather expensive mobo and Intel will probably try to get that locked down again asap.
If it weren't for mobo prices and Intel incessant need to ensure their customers don't get anything they specifically paid for, it'd be easy. As it is, you genuinely have a choice where there's no clear winner and no real wrong answer, unlike in recent years.

posted about 3 years ago
#7 remove marriage popups ingame in Q/A Help

I'm three steps ahead of y'all. My HUD is old enough to not even show contracts.

posted about 3 years ago
#81 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion
Starkiethe point was to prove its irrelevant but if you really want to be anal pipes move 1216 units per second (according to google) so it is 18.2 per tick

The point is a bit undermined if the math is wrong in 3 places and you just put in whichever numbers you like, even if the end result is somewhere in the right ballpark.
And if you want to be really anal pipes move 1216.6666... HU/s or 18.25 per tick

Regarding the probability of hits you'd probably have to look at either the area of the hitbox and likelihood of intersection (independent of distance) or the maximum angular deviation that still hits (depends on distance), but I don't care enough to do the math.

posted about 3 years ago
#74 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion
Starkieslumgullionsomething that i also think gets overlooked is that the z axis is extended as well, meaning that its hitbox would connect sooner than a regular pipe, making it harder to dodge to some degreepipes move faster than 1200 hammer units per second or 18.2 units per tick
if its 4 hammer units longer than the grenade launcher (2 hammer units longer in the direction of the enemy) that means it has an 11% chance to save 0.01 seconds to impact

You used the wrong tick length. Two different wrong ones, actually.
Ticks are exactly 15ms (=66.66666... ticks/s) so it's exactly 18 units per tick.
Also, since the 11.11% (2/18) chance is for the projectile to arrive 1 tick sooner it's 0.015 seconds, not 0.01.

posted about 3 years ago
#28 Give Iusti a proper PC in TF2 General Discussion

Has he tried dumpster diving?
There's an actual chance of finding something slightly more recent.

Let's go through this

MongIusti is currently running on a poor processor with 40 to 90 fps, no dedicated graphics, no SSD and no wide 144hz monitor.

Dumpster dive, find 10 year old CPU, instant upgrade.
Since we have learned that he already has a dedicated GPU, I consider that fixed.
SSD doesn't do anything for fps, just show up for scrims in time and you won't need to load a map in 2 seconds.
"no wider 144Hz monitor" makes it sound like he's got a narrow 144Hz monitor, so he'll just have to deal. No need to look away from the crosshair anyway.

Problem solved.

posted about 3 years ago
#43 iron bomber fix when? in TF2 General Discussion

Now, using Iron Bomber does instantly make me think less of you, but I do mostly hate it from a game design perspective.

Projectiles should either use the same size hitbox, or the smallest projectile should have the smallest hitbox, and the largest the largest, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. What the fuck is that bullshit? What is the point of making a video game if what you're showing isn't going match what's happening anyway? This is one step removed from making invisible players a feature instead of a bug, and no one in their right mind would argue that that's a good idea.

Also, when deciding whether to use the IB hitbox or stock for all, ask yourself who you'd rather trust to have made sensible balancing decisions:
The team that decided 6 pipes are a bit much
the team that thought Scorch Shot was a good idea.

posted about 3 years ago
#39 TF2 Toxicity in TF2 General Discussion
Dr_SpamomanI want to give credit to the jumping community. I have seen people use hours on a tier 3 map, and when they finally finnish multiple people congratulate them on the run. People in the jump community also just likes giving tips for people to improve. Never experienced toxicity in a jump server.

Jumping is just inherently blame-free. Can't exactly blame your team if you suck at jumping. I guess you can blame your pc/connection/server/gaben but those who do that won't be very successful and not stick around for long.

posted about 3 years ago
#17 crypto in Off Topic

Why am I in a b4nny meme? What have I ever done to you?

posted about 3 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ⋅⋅ 229