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Country Germany
Signed Up December 16, 2012
Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
Posts 3425 (0.8 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 ⋅⋅ 229
#43 Compiling competitive changes we want for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
wareyaIdea: Instead of doing vertical FoV correction, they should do FoV "area" correction, so that using 4:3 isn't at a strict disadvantage to 16:9 but trades off some horizontal for some vertical FoV instead.

Vertical fov is already the same on every possible setup for the same fov_desirec value, including eyefinity.
You only have less horizontal fov with 4:3.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 what 'rate' for TF2? in Q/A Help
svejkI've been having similar problems to OP.

I copied and pasted the thing for the config earlier and noticed some improvements (still randomly disconnecting the internet and getting frame drops, but they are less bad and less frequent). Is there anything I can do in addition to help? or more specific values I can set?

On speed test I just got
down: 2.09 mbps
up: 0.79 mbps


chris' fps configs.
For both.
Frame drops are just part of TF2 and have nothing to do with your netsettings
If your internet randomly disconnects (not just when playing tf2) then your connection or your router has a serious problem.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 Compiling competitive changes we want for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
CanFoTo remove any imbalances for people who are using 4:3 resolutions, an aspect ratio field of view cap could also be introduced.

sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov 1/2
1 is the default. The etf2l config manually disables this restriction by setting it to 0.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 what 'rate' for TF2? in Q/A Help

Most if this is correct, but cl_cmdrate/cl_updaterate > 66 is just bullshit.
It just screws up cl_interp_ratio.

Quote from the valve developer wiki (Basic Networking)

The tickrate is set to 66 in CSS, DoD S and TF2, and 30 in L4D and L4D2.The client can request a certain snapshot rate by changing cl_updaterate (default 20), but the server will never send more updates than simulated ticks or exceed the requested client rate limit.

Edit: I just saw that you got that from stabby. stabby stabby's advice concerning the TF2 engine is horrible. He reccomends settings that cancel each other out, launch parameters that don't even exist and a lot of other stuff that is questionable at best.

Edit2: 60000 is fine, higher than 100000 won't change anything, it's unlikely that you even need more than 60000. If your rate is higher than your download/upload it might raise your ping, but honestly TF2 won't ever need more than 100kbits download and even less upload. Unless you're using ISDN and not DSL you'll be fine.

posted about 11 years ago
#64 Escape Plan Proposals/ideas in TF2 General Discussion

For pubs the nerf might be ok. Moving like a electroshocked monkey is hammering on your keyboard could get you out alive.
But essentially it got nerfed into oblivion. The equalizer split was good, it removed the option to just go beserk and wreck everything while on 10 HP but this...

Just take a look at it:
High HP:
- can't get healed
->inferior to every other weapon

Low HP before the nerf:
+ move faster
- can't get healed
(-) fast = "SHOOT ME" sign
->if you're close, you're dead, otherwise you might get away

Low HP after the nerf:
+ move faster
- can't get healed
- mini-crits
- mini-crits 1 second after you switched weapons
->you're dead, mini-crits from across the map will kill you

There's only one situation where rocketjumping or the disciplinary action wouldn't do the same/better: You're alone, around a corner, everyone is far away so no one can kill you, no one can heal you, you can't use the whip and you don't have enough HP left to jump.

That doesn't even happen in comp (unless you get yourself down to 10 hp after spawning). Apart from rollouts it's useless.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Pro's and Con's for open plugin in TF2 General Discussion
DrCookieThis account right here got banned because of it. (but not only alone it also got hijacked and used for cheating) so i don't think Open Plugin's gonna get someone banned.

As a matter of fact Valve stated that they would ban all OpenPlugin users and they did. Some people using self-compiled versions might not have been banned but that's about it.

Your post contains of two sentences which contradict each other:
"This account right here got banned because of it."
"(...) so i don't think Open Plugin's gonna get someone banned."

Oh and how did you change your profile description if your account was hijacked?

posted about 11 years ago
#22 POST YOUR MAIN CLASS CONFIG in TF2 General Discussion

demoman atm
mouswheel ftw

exec "default_class.cfg"

bind "MOUSE1" "+attack"

bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2"
bind "MWHEELUP" "invprev"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "invnext"

bind "1" "slot1"
bind "2" "slot2"
bind "3" "slot3"

unbind "q"
bind "q" "mp_showrespawntimes"
bind "r" "+reload"
bind "t" "incrementvar r_drawviewmodel 0 1 1"

bind "F1" "load_itempreset 0; exec demoman.cfg"
bind "F2" "load_itempreset 1; exec demoman.cfg"
bind "F3" "load_itempreset 2; exec turnscript.cfg"
bind "F4" "load_itempreset 3; exec demoman.cfg"

tf_remember_activeweapon "1"
cl_autoreload "1"
r_drawviewmodel "1"
viewmodel_fov "75"
crosshair "0"

//joinclass script
alias -joinclass "bind 1 slot1; bind 2 slot2; bind 3 slot3; bind 4 slot4; bind 5 slot5; bind 6 slot6; bind 7 slot7; bind 8 slot8; bind 9 slot9"
posted about 11 years ago
#21 Making my PC capable of streaming. Upgrades needed in Hardware
DrewSetsulYou'd have to spend like 50 bucks more on a cpu cooler for getting Ivy Bridge to a speed where it could compete with Haswell on a cheaper cooler.
People always seem to recommended overclocking whatever cheaper/older option you have and forget that you can also overclock the newer/more expensive option. That and if your chip doesn't automatically reach 4.5GHz on the stock cooler it must be a bad CPU for overclocking or something.

Never buy old/last generation parts. There's a reason why they're called last gen. There's almost always an equivalent price point in whatever current generation you're looking at that more than likely performs better or is a preferable option.

This is exactly the point i'm trying to make.
You get the same performance for the same price if you max Ivy Bridge out. Why go for Ivy Bridge then? It has no further potential. People tend to forget that AVX2 (256 bit vs AVX 128 bit), FMA, additional execution ports and DOUBLED CACHE BANDWIDTH (lol intel) give Haswell a lot of reserves for more optimised programs.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 Making my PC capable of streaming. Upgrades needed in Hardware
harvI've been looking to upgrade my own computer and I've read/been told Haswell isn't really worth it for anything beside the new socket and it's better to go for the 3570k if you want to overclock (because the haswell heats up more or something?). Can anyone confirm or deny?

Look down for explanation.

OblivionageYeah people confirmed this. They heat up faster so getting a more expensive cooler would be required to get the OC sandy or ivy would get. I don't understand why everyone's jumping on haswell. PCIE 4.0 is no where in sight so the new mobos are just more expensive, the cpus themselves are like the jump from sandy to ivy (<10% performance increase), and more expensive (should be much cheaper imo like sandy and ivy) BUT they hype it all up about power saving so it's to be expected.

The IPC increase is actually 5-15% for programs not using AVX/AVX2 or FMA3.

Haswell is not much worse in terms of thermals compared to Ivy Bridge either. Both are shit compared to Sandy Bridge though.

The overclockability however varies greatly between the individual Haswell chips.

Your worst case is basically 4.2GHz, pretty much any aftermarket cooler should have no problems handling the heat. Even with only the average 10% IPC increase you'd need to OC Ivy Bridge to 4.6GHz to tie in terms of performance.
Good luck overclocking Ivy Bridge to 4.7GHz without an expensive cooler to outperform Haswell.

Best case: 4.6GHz on air with a good cooler, 4.3-4.4 with a cheaper cooler.

CPU + mobo will be 30-50$ more for Haswell than for Ivy Bridge.

You'd have to spend like 50 bucks more on a cpu cooler for getting Ivy Bridge to a speed where it could compete with Haswell on a cheaper cooler.

posted about 11 years ago
#34 g400 vs g400s in Hardware

Holy necro

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Making my PC capable of streaming. Upgrades needed in Hardware
easyGameAssuming I will buy i5 4570/4670 which motherboard would you recommend?
I'd need one with socket So.1150.

K or non-K?
I'd recommend 4670K + Gigabyte Z87X-D3H.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Making my PC capable of streaming. Upgrades needed in Hardware

You have three options:
1. Spend 200$ for a FX-8350 but expect fps drops down to 60.
2. Spend 400$ for an i5-4670K and a new motherboard and get >120 fps almost always (probably 200+ in 6s).
3. Spend 700-800$ for an i7-3930K/4930K and a new motherboard and forget what fps drops are

3 > 2 > 1
You want to save money and you're fine with the fps drops? ->1
You have enough money for 2 and don't want to whine about lag? ->2
You're rich and like throwing money at overprized hardware? ->3

posted about 11 years ago
#17 FPS problems? (FX 8350 + GTX 680) in Hardware
KissmeThis may not be your problem (and most likely isn't), but in your next build, I wouldn't go mixing architectures (AMD and EVGA). You get better performance when you match an AMD CPU with an AMD GPU and an Intel CPU with an EVGA GPU.

But yea, what's your motherboard?

Did you read that in your horoscope? It's about as scientific as that.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 1024*768 in TF2 General Discussion
RakeIf you stretch a 4:3 res on a 16:9 monitor, the models will be slightly wider.

Yes, everything will be stretched wider. If someone wants to see how it looks just watch kaidus' stream.

mousiopeany actual proof of that ?

16:9 1366*768

4:3 1024*768

zilisIf you're using 4:3 resolution the FOV will be smaller than 16:9 / 16:10, making your view look like it's zoomed in which will make player models "bigger".

Vertical fov stays the same, fov per pixel, fov per inch, etc. stays the same. It basically looks like someone cut off a bit of your screen on the sides compared to 16:9.

hookyGoing from a 16:9 / 16:10 monitor to a 4:3 monitor, the resolution change does nothing besides show you less and possibly screw up HUDs (like any resolution change).

No, because of the black bars you get on the left and right side a 16:9/16:10 used in 4:3 has effectively a smaller size than a 4:3 monitor with them same ". Even when used in 16:9/16:10 the models will stay the same size. Therefore the models are actually a bit larger on the 4:3 monitor irl. That might be a part of how the myth "4:3 gives you bigger models" was created.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 1024*768 in TF2 General Discussion
SeaCowi like the bigger models

You clearly don't know how fov works.
Unless you switched monitors from 16:9 to 4:3 (both same ") just to use 1024*768 the models will be exactly the same size.

posted about 11 years ago
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