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Last Posted April 26, 2024 at 5:56 AM
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#3243 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Are you set on the case?

With an M.2 SSD, no HDD and no ODD a lot of size can be saved that can instead be used for the cooler. I don't like Aios and custom loops are a pain at that size so enough space to get a decently sized air cooler instead of a SFF one would go a long way.

Would roughly estimate 400-450W, depending on the OC. The case fits SFX and SFX-L.

Do you need Wi-Fi or anything special?

posted about 5 years ago
#3241 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Well is the 8700K currently overclocked?

What SSD? Is it M.2?

Why that specific PSU?
Why that specific mobo? How do you plan on overclocking with an H370 mobo?

posted about 5 years ago
#135 Game of Thrones S8 in Off Topic

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Text help in Q/A Help

Those are closed captions, if I'm not mistaken. Knowing that should be enough to let you find guides to modify the correct HUD files.
Or disable them in options->audio.

posted about 5 years ago
#67 Avengers Endgame in Music, Movies, TV

I think the goal here is to keep movies and comics as close as possible.

That means the white old Nick Fury is replaced by his black son Nick Fury Jr. who no one knew about until now.
And if the have to get a different Captain America because Chris Evans isn't going to play the role throughout the next decade they're not going to go with what happened in 2008-11 (I think), which is basically ancient history and definitely out of print, they'd rather go with the most recent which is 2015-17 Sam Wilson/Falcon Captain America.

Also anyone who knows both were an option will watch any semi-decent marvel movie anyway so why not go with the "diversity friendly" option that might also sell a few more comics?

posted about 5 years ago
#23 Insomnia65 announced with Team Fortress 2 in News
_KermitfasterthanahamsteralbaTwiggyoutside of flight expenses, how much does would it cost on average for a player?160 euros rental
160-200 euros hotel
70 euros byoc ticket
80-200 euro flight
then whatever ammount you put on beer and food
thats like my whole familys income of the last 2 years together what the actual fuck how do you afford that

A livable wage, it would only take a few months to save enough for the trip. At least, that was the case for me last year.

Well you see

So all the tips like cheaper flights that improve the situation from "starving western/nothern european student would have to save up for 6 months" to 5 months don't quite work when it's actually just from 10 years of savings to 8 years.

posted about 5 years ago
#56 Avengers Endgame in Music, Movies, TV
TrigaAmazing film, but for them to think people will be playing fortnite in 5 years is delusional

Well the games market literally halved and a lot of programmers may have moved to more infrastructurally important projects so maybe we'd actually be stuck with Fortnite forever.
Also maybe aliens and 13 year olds have the same poor taste in video games and never moved to better games since they started playing it in 2019.

posted about 5 years ago
#53 Avengers Endgame in Music, Movies, TV

Just watched it and while cap+lightning, cap's return and some other things require a bit of "flexible logic" I'm willing to forgive it all for one simple reason.

As soon as the huge fight started I was reminded of a quote:

"Behold! The awesome fires of god. The limitless power of pure creation itself", my master would say. "Look carefully! Observe how it is used for the same purpose a man might use an especially sharp rock."

The whole thing was some straight up medieval shit, just people whacking each other with fists, space swords and everything in between. No one ever brings artillery to these fights. What are we, barbarians?
Well turns out that even though his execution was lacking this time, Thanos' plans are solid as always. He did bring artillery.

Be smart, be like Thanos. Bring artillery to a fist fight.

I mean I don't watch these films for hard sci-fi, I watch them for entertainment. Did it entertain, did it do what it should, was it a worthy finale? Yes it was.

posted about 5 years ago
#19 stop pick banning during scrims in TF2 General Discussion

Also simplified there's only two possibilities if the other team already played their official:
1. They are not massive dickheads and agree to play the "old" map as well. -> no problem
2. They are massive dickheads so they are also 20 minutes late even though you told them you've got an official and you can only play one map anyway. -> no problem

posted about 5 years ago
#3239 PC Build Thread in Hardware

The idea is 9350KF + cooler and then overclock it anyway. 4.6 GHz vs 4.0 stock so you should get a slightly higher overclock.

Future proof for what? TF2 is still not going to use 6 cores in 2020. Unless you'd be streaming/rendering it's really just the choice between cheaper and slower quadcore (2x00G) or more expensive but faster quadcore (8350K/9350KF).

The only other option would be to wait slightly longer for the 9300/9320 to become available and drop overclocking. B instead of Z mobo, no cooler because it's included and you can't overclock, cheaper RAM because Intel doesn't allow >2666 MHz on B mobos and you'd be looking at about the same price as a 2400G combo but with better performance.

posted about 5 years ago
#3237 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Ok, so the fastest would be 9350KF if you want that. No other changes necessary.
Cheapest would be 2200G/2400G and mobo
or slightly better
I'd go with the second one for the 2600X if you want to overclock it.

RAM is not about physically fitting in this case, but about actually running at the rated frequency without crashing.
I can look that up later for those two mobos.

I wouldn't get the 2600X just because someone bought something similar. I mean the 2200G/2400G are also similar.

posted about 5 years ago
#3235 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Ok sorry, I misread that. I wanted to get a partlist done asap so you could approve or disapprove and I could make the final corrections and you could build soon.
I went with the 8350K but you just misunderstood and really wanted the significantly cheaper option (you even wrote that).

Anyway I hope you changed the mobo as well.
I'm not sure about RAM compatibility, the 2600X (Zen in general) is a bit picky.

The 2600X isn't faster because it's newer, it just got more threads but is slower per thread. In GPU limited games it won't make a difference and in most CPU limited (including TF2) it will be slower than an overclocked 8350K unless you're streaming. It was in the initial list mostly to demonstrate what's the best you can get with the 8000/9000 budget.
The cheap option would've been a 2400G or even just 2200G and overclocking it with the stock cooler (the AMD stock coolers are good enough for that). That should be as fast as a similarly overclocked 2600X in most games and be vastly cheaper. If you ordered the 2600X from a different shop you can still easily changed that so I'd do it.
The 2400G will be closer to the 2600X should a game use more than 4 threads (not TF2), but other than that the 2200G should perform mostly the same.

Do you mind me asking which case you went with?

posted about 5 years ago
#3233 PC Build Thread in Hardware

The 8350K isn't the half price option, even though it is cheaper.
I'd say we stick with the 570 because it's quite cheap for the performance and borderlands 3 at least won't be completely unplayable with it. Kind of hard to tell before release.

I haven't paid attention to shops so this could be optimized further but it should work out to around 8000 SEK. Cheaper cooler and RAM would bring it down further if needed.
The case is also up to you, there should be enough reasonable choices with the budget I allocated for it.

Pick whichever is cheaper once shipping is taken into account for all parts.

EDIT: I didn't put it in the list but I'm pretty sure you can find an mSATA > SATA adapter on your own.

posted about 5 years ago
#3231 PC Build Thread in Hardware

For overclocking:
Not overclocking:

Note that these lists are garbage because pcp sucks so I'll redo them properly once you've decided on which path to take.
I mean look at the shipping and great variety of shops used.

It would be really easy to reduce the price by dropping down to a cheaper GPU because everything you want to play would run on a toaster. Similarly 16 GB is actually unnecessary.
The 2600X is basically pointless, it just fit within the budget. If you're trying to save money we can go way lower there.
Also the 8350K (last years model) is quite a bit cheaper but not that much slower if you overclock (and you really should since you'd be paying for it on both CPU, mobo and cooler).

I forgot to mention it but a 2 TB HDD costs <50% more than a 1 TB HDD so if you think you'll need it eventually it's better to get it now.

Basically two questions:
1. Do you want to max out CPU performance, because that's the only thing that'll do anything* or do you want 80-90% of the performance for half the price?
*And even then it's only TF2 and Stellaris, I'm pretty sure Quake 3 runs on actual toasters at this point.

2. Do you want to use up the budget for niceties like a better GPU that will come in handy in other games that actually use it or do you want to keep it as cheap as possible?

posted about 5 years ago
#3229 PC Build Thread in Hardware

Yes, those are normal prices. Depends on what you want/need.

Yes, makes more sense to keep it then.

Also shouldn't your budget be in Skr?

I'll make a partlist later today or tomorrow.

posted about 5 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ⋅⋅ 229