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Last Posted September 30, 2016 at 4:12 PM
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#1198 rayshud in Customization
raysMy HUD does not mess with weapon models at all.

If you're having issues with them, I'd recommend you take a look at your config and/or custom weapon skins you may have had added. The fact that you say it happens on only my HUD and no other HUD is most likely placebo. All my HUD does is modify the in-game HUD files, and all the installer does is customize those files to give a more personalized user experience.

As much as I would love to believe it being placebo, it literally never happened outside of your HUD. I have never used any custom weapon skins ever since I started playing TF2 (around 3 1/2 years now) and all my config does is changing network settings, crosshair options and mostly sound related things. The only thing that affects the viewmodel is the viewmodel changer that I have been using for around 3 years that only plays around with the r_drawviewmodel 1/0 command, minus that I have nothing customized. Although this bug did not happen all the time, it only started happening around the MYM update I believe.

I tested it with default HUD, improved default HUD, e.v.e. HUD, OW HUD and m0re HUD. None of these have these issues besides your HUD for me.

posted about 8 years ago
#1192 rayshud in Customization

Apparently a bug, a while after freshly installing rayshud (via installer) some weapon models seem to completely disappear or seem to have a different color scheme (the latter seems to be rare) after starting the game again. I could not find out why, I only know that it happened like over 10 times in like a month now.

Example of missing rocket launchers (in third person, first person and also on different players - loadout screen - first person, normal viewmodel - first person, min viewmodel - world player models not having rocket launchers either (other classes do)

A fresh install fixes it, but it comes back after a while. Does not happen with the default HUD nor other HUDs from my experience.

UPDATE: Neither a fresh install of the hud nor a fresh installer does the job anymore. Rip.

posted about 8 years ago
#1029 rayshud in Customization

Greetings rays, I would like to adress a problem I keep on having with your HUD, despite all the updates.
Since around Halloween 2015, when I decide to add a custom crosshair, I keep on getting another konrwings
crosshair despite I never clicked on it.

Since I have next to no idea with editing huds / bugs myself, I would need some help on this topic as I would love to use the outlined crosshair wings for bright maps to locate my crosshair easier (for example when playing sniper on process trying to headshot someone midair)

posted about 9 years ago