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Country Germany
Signed Up August 21, 2014
Last Posted July 4, 2015 at 1:19 PM
Posts 18 (0 per day)
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#97 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization

N1ghT, somehow everytime i try your version of the Hud, theres just the standart hud :x

posted about 9 years ago
#95 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization

Found some Buggs in the newest patch, with the old Hud version

posted about 9 years ago
#94 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization

People he needs to do the Hud first and that takes his time.

posted about 9 years ago
#79 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization

Here is a sneak peak on the new medic hud.

Normal Medic Hud

The Vaccinator Hud

Probably not much of a difference but it works :D

You could put the vaccinator thing on the left side of the HP

posted about 10 years ago
#74 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization

Wow Night you found some Bugs ^^.

And again a very big Thanks to Teca :D. For making this possible.

I love this Hud too and its the only Hud that i think is pretty. In my opinion every other hud i've seen was ugly >:D


posted about 10 years ago
#56 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization

seems pretty nice

posted about 10 years ago
#53 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization

Nice new Imgur Pics :)

posted about 10 years ago
#48 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization



Get killed Thingy:

Taunt Menü:

Some Pics from some updates i found :)
(Just want to help :) )
So that new Users know how it at the time looks.

Edit: i think the killfeed is a bit to high up and personaly i liked the old one more :P

posted about 10 years ago
#44 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization

I think the hud is still awasome and it's my favorit hud :)

Good Job boy

posted about 10 years ago
#34 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization
Teca99ShadowHunter4199Somehow, since i use the Hud, my Spells are activating himself - directly when i get them :c
Thats weird, have you tried changing the button from H to F, I don´t really know if that will work cause I don´t have that problem but give it a try.

Yeah i tried it, from H to R, back to H and then to F and so on.

I try the new version, if theres still that issue.

Ok somehow it goes now.

My Personal Preferenc to that new Target ID (?) (that the hp are above the heads of the players) pretty ehm... let me say... I don't like it much ^-^ and you all, that are reading this ?

posted about 10 years ago
#31 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization

Somehow, since i use the Hud, my Spells are activating himself - directly when i get them :c

posted about 10 years ago
#30 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization
Teca99Back again from a long time with a very small update

Version 1.6

- Added Spellicon (You can now see your spells :D)



posted about 10 years ago
#28 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization
Hergan5ShadowHunter4199do you still work on it ? :)
If he doesn't I can try to update it if needed

That were so great :)

posted about 10 years ago
#26 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization

do you still work on it ? :)

posted about 10 years ago
#24 KN + Garm3n Reborn Modified by Teca99 in Customization


first: All an Happy tf2 birthday ?

Cut you make an "Style" bottum into the backpack (that one, that changed the style)?

What i've found is, that the Hud haven't any "image" for the spells in those event maps.


posted about 10 years ago
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