Account Details
SteamID64 76561198031260311
SteamID3 [U:1:70994583]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:35497291
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up October 26, 2012
Last Posted May 29, 2013 at 9:06 AM
Posts 195 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.0
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Keyboard Logitech G110
Mousepad Steel Series QCK Heavy
Headphones Razer Blackshark
Monitor Acer 21.5" LED
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#20 Help me choose a new GPU? in Hardware

The 8350 looks pricey, but pretty worth it for what it is.

Any idea if it'd be compatible with my MoBo?

(In case you didn't guess, I never actually built my PC, I'm still pretty dim when it comes to this stuff).

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Help me choose a new GPU? in Hardware
CknSalad#9 msi twin frozr (good OC ing, can be a little loud) or the asus OC edition (very quiet and good temps). Gigabyte is alright, but I had problems with the windforce oc edition for the 670 gtx. I can't really say anything for their 660 ti. zotac is probably the cheapest one you can get.



-Points to my flag-
I can't use NewEgg unfortunately. Kinda sucks, because my entire build would have been much easier and much cheaper.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Help me choose a new GPU? in Hardware

Thanks for all the help! I;m still unsure.

I have a fairly large case 265mm x 440mm x 515mm.

What is your processor? You could potentially hold back a new card in quite a few games. TF2 definitely wouldn't see any benefit from a new video card.

I have an AMD FX-4100 Overclocked at 4.0 GhZ

I've now noticed that a lot of different brands make the 660ti, which would you recommend?
I was thinking of getting the Gigabyte, purely for compatibility with my MoBo.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Help me choose a new GPU? in Hardware

Got my first paycheck, want to buy a new GPU.

This is my Mobo:

I'm currently running an Nvidia Geforce GTX 560.

Thinking about getting the 660ti.

posted about 11 years ago
#79 tftv i49 fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion

Oh hell yes!

It was great to meet the Americans at i46, even if I all I did was get a photo and then awkwardly stalk them.
Hoping to go BYOC this year, so it'd be nice to be able to play with you guys, too!

posted about 11 years ago
#54 You know he's a TF2 friend when... in TF2 General Discussion

When you used to talk all the time and be in a team together and have occasional unprotected unwanted buttsex, but then the team split up and you never talk anymore except for when he needs something from you.

You know who you are :c

posted about 12 years ago
#48 What's your job, TF.TV? in Off Topic

I do Admin work for an office that does some work with the goverment
/intentional vagueness

I intend to eventually work in their IT tech department, helping repair/troubleshoot the very computers I'm currently working on.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 ;_______; in Off Topic

I suddenly find myself wanting a cat with only two legs.
Does that make me cruel?

posted about 12 years ago
#119 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

I'mma be at i49 for sure!
I was at i46 (Shut up Americans) and it was a blast.
i49 isn't going to be as good for TF2, but I'm still gonna be there for the 3 days

posted about 12 years ago
#25 Casting Professionalism in TF2 General Discussion

The lack of professionalism has helped you build a wonderful personality.
"Professionals" all aspire to do the exact same thing, and just end up becoming robots, but your videos feel more personalised and make you much easier (And more fun!) to watch.

Just my two cents

posted about 12 years ago
#28 Custom Crosshairs, Share your's in TF2 General Discussion

Pretty much what everyone else said, you just need something that at least shows where you're aiming.
I believe this is one of the default crosshairs, #2 I believe.
The circle around it is what's left over from one of the old HUD's I used, unsure which, but I've grown to love playing with it. It lights up when I deal damage c:

posted about 12 years ago
#22 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV

Typically not in to this sort of music, and the words are pretty crap, it'd be pretty cool to play to, though, nice beat.

My most played song, according to

posted about 12 years ago
#117 post your desktop in Off Topic

I hate icons, but I need admin permission to delete the LoL folder (I assume it's important) and it's always nice to be able to run Steam as Admin without needing to navigate to it.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 What most schools don't teach in Off Topic

I've always wanted to learn to code. I've given it a few attempts and learnt basic CSS or something like that, but never really went through with it...

posted about 12 years ago
#67 Invisible Players Bug in TF2 General Discussion

Iunno if this has already been mentioned and I can't be arsed to read through it all, but I figured out the cause of the Invisible players bug.

Whenever you spectate somebody (In first person mode) I guess it offloads their model, so as not to cause problems. Occasionally when you stop speccing that person, their model doesn't actually reload, so they stay invisible (As if you're still watch them in first person).

I figured out two ways to fix this bug (Both are HIGHLY inconvinient).
1. Spec somebody else in first person, it will typically load in the other persons model, and if you're lucky, the new person you're speccing won't have the bug
2. Just go third person mode. This doesn't always fix it, but it will sometimes, very rarely.

This is strictly limited to POV, however. And if someone goes invisible while you're recording the demo, they'll always be invisible during playback. (I think they appear when watching in Lawena...)
As for STV... I have no idea.


posted about 12 years ago
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