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Last Posted March 4, 2013 at 11:50 PM
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#71 UGC-HL Iron Power Rankings Week 5 in TF2 General Discussion
the loudest voice is always the shittiest voice, unfortunately

So stop talking LOL

posted about 12 years ago
#18 UGC-HL Iron Power Rankings Week 5 in TF2 General Discussion
SpamfestShoeSpamfestYou guys are actively hurting the TF2 community. You are a disgrace.It's quite disgraceful how you can't formulate a logical basis for that statement. Further more, a team like yours could benefit from the same ego boosting that you claim us to be thriving on.I fail to see how trolling new players, and adding to the stereotype of competitive players being jerks, could be considered anything but hurting the community.

Also I see no need or reason to get into a pissing contest with you about the relative skill of our teams.

Instead of writing you an essay, I'll give you the essay I wrote Moose.
Oh, and if there's no need to resorting into a "pissing contest", then don't direct ad hominems and non-sequiturs towards a topic of which your knowledge is lackluster. There's also even more compelling arguments that I thought up after that conversation with Moose. So instead of upholding your (and if you can logically prove it, my) ignorance on this forum topic, why don't you add me and we'll discuss this in private? You're speaking PURELY from speculation and that alone should disqualify you from having the ability to speak of the subject from an analytical basis.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 UGC-HL Iron Power Rankings Week 5 in TF2 General Discussion
SpamfestYou guys are actively hurting the TF2 community. You are a disgrace.

It's quite disgraceful how you can't formulate a logical basis for that statement. Further more, a team like yours could benefit from the same ego boosting that you claim us to be thriving on.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 UGC-HL Iron Power Rankings Week 5 in TF2 General Discussion

3. Killers Born New (-KBN-)
Scout: amizeZ
Soldier: 31trepxekrahS
Pyro: nodrolgarD
Demo: 79nafnategeV
Heavy: skcidybab(wej)fokcaS
Engineer: ybbatS ybbatS laeR ehT
Medic: zsr3p1nS CiTpO
Sniper: xxzr3p0cSkc1rTxx
Spy: lxl_ogihcIoturaN_lxl

Talk about a sandbagging bunch of ****nuggets. I am sick and tired of these teams going around and trashing the competitive TF2 community. Have they no shame? They are single-highhandedly ruining my life and the life of everyone around me. Before this team existed, I had a happy life, a wife, a family, and numerous slaves, but now? ALL OF THAT IS GONE. Everything in my life has just turned out for the worst because of this team that's going around destroying peoples' lives. So you bunch of ****nuggets: PLEASE STOP! I can't even sleep at night because of you people, and I can't even imagine the countless number of people that can't even go to school, work, or even walk because of your actions. So please: ban these people from the Earth!

4. Brazzers (Pwnstars)
Scout: Jenna Haze
Soldier: Lisa Ann
Pyro: Asa Akira
Demo: Lexington Steele
Heavy: Ron Jeremy
Engineer: Stoya
Medic: Sasha Grey
Sniper: Mandingo
Spy: Tori Black

Originally a band of men and women with superhuman endurance from Brazzers, the Pwnstars make their debute in Season 10 of UGC with an incredible roster. First, we have Lexington Steele’s incredible pipe and sticky aim as he solidifies his muscle memory with each step of his TF2 career, supported by the ever important heavy Ron Jeremy and Medic Sasha Grey (34 FFF). Their impressive 5-1 victory in scrims over teams such as Ai and YYip is only tarnished by their sole loss to Killers Born New, whose impressive roster does not faze the rest of the talented Brazzers roster. The combo and flank of team Brazzers can only improve with time, and their team operates by splitting their team into a combo, a flank, and a third flank for quite the threesome for opposing teams to experience.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 UGC-HL Iron Power Rankings Week 5 in TF2 General Discussion

Shoe’s Iron Division Season 10 Power Rankings Week 1-12
1. New Born Killers ({NBK})
Scout: Zezima
Soldier: Sharkexpert13
Pyro: Draglordon
Demo: Vegetanfan97
Heavy: Sackof(jew)babydicks
Engineer: The Real Stabby Stabby
Medic: OpTiC Sn1p3rsz
Sniper: xxTr1ckSc0p3rzxx
Spy: lxl_NarutoIchigo_lxl

From the depth of [skial] and =(pG)=, legends were born, and so has manifested the infinite potential of the New Born Killers. So far, {NBK} has not lost a single scrim and has been teams with the likes of ahc, Ahhhhh!, Ko, ‘pvp, and many more. Leading the team is the super demoknight component of NBK, the amazing Vegetafan97, who has been playing team fortress 2 since he was eight, with his thirteenth birthday soon approaching. His pipe clear the way for his brass beast heavy Sackofbabydicks to evenly spread damage across the battlefield as one would spread peanut butter on a forehead. To add to the amazing combo power of the team, they have the legendary backburner Draglordon who spreads flames throughout the ranks, causing confusion and destruction while supported by the infamous Sharkexpert13’s fully charged Cow Mangler. The engineer and spy aren’t slouches either. With each having 20 unusuals, these flank players provide the team with the support they need to **** the opposition. Meanwhile in the back, the team is supported by a six-thousand hour medic (OpTiC Sn1p3rsz) who has a competitive background in WoW, Starcraft, MW1, MW2, MW3, BO, BO2, CoD:WaW, Dota 2, Quake, Quake 2, Quake 3, Quake 4, Quake 5, Quake 6, Quake 7, Quake 8, Quake 9, Quake 10, Quake 11, Quake 12, Quake 13, Quake 14, and Runescape. With {NBK} leaving such a destruction in their wake, many wonder if it would be possible to compete with the gang that is taking Iron by Storm.

2. Team Potato (Potato #)
Scout: Potato 1
Soldier: Potato 2
Pyro: Potato 3
Demo: Potato 4
Heavy: Potato 5
Engineer: Potato 6
Medic: Potato 7
Sniper: Potato 8
Spy: Potato 69
Super player: Potato 12
Right behind the fury of the New Born Killers is team Potato. This team of low-tin players from last season has begun their steady ascension to the top of UGC Iron by clearing a straight path through the ever growing Iron Division. Teams that has suffered the likes of Potato include WNx, ‘pvp, and Afs, who cannot but shudder at the mere thought of playing the only team to cap A against {NBK} on cp_steel. The superstars of team Potato have incredible levels of DM ranging from low-open to extreme-Invite. Potato 4 has come from a background of playing in orange crit servers as his near-omniscient pipes find themselves connecting to enemy foreheads followed by swift cleanup from potato 5’s powerful Family Business. Potato 8 and the rest of team Potato supports the team with a variety of weapons ranging from the Huntsman, the Quick Fix, Pomson 6000, Mantreads, and the Saharan set, bringing together a level of teamwork not seen since the syndicate’s sweep of UGC in season 8. But there’s more! Behind the shadows, Potato 12 waits for his opportunity to strike as the Potatoes only use the summoning jutsu on him when he is needed, such as in the game against ‘pvp with Potatoes trailing by 0-1 on barnblitz, only to make a comeback with Potato 12’s 50 entry frags.


posted about 12 years ago