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Country England
Signed Up April 7, 2013
Last Posted January 12, 2023 at 2:44 PM
Posts 881 (0.2 per day)
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Mousepad Steelseries QcK+
Headphones DT 770 Pro
Monitor BenQ XL2411Z
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#87 Serpents qualifies for DreamHack Summer in News

Its understandable that lower teams want to play in the lower leagues to have a good time and to have close games but doing that forever isn't going to get you anywhere, ever. You're stuck at playing the same difficulty and chances to improve, adapt and observe things is minute when you stay low. Prem teams and high players arent saying to exclusively get rekt and 5-0'd but simply sparing some time to do this is not nonsensical, its clever. You learn, adapt and change. Simply playing pugs with some prem people has given me insight into the game I'd never seen before in years of playing lol. Take the advice from people higher up, they're not doing it to be dicks or to talk down to you but it's because they know its what you need to do.

if you want to get better and rise up and are not bothered to watch demos or think conciously atleast play and get rekt once or twice a month.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 Potential Workings for a New Valve Game in Other Games
shorasShooshcouch_sitterTYLER IS CRAZY!! (btw tyler is the creator of VNN, i can use his first name because we are tight like that. yeah i know big youtubers but its not a big deal dude its whatever to me lol)
Go here:

You'll fit in. Make sure to take your Dmoule memes SMOrc
Are you offended by dmoule memes, shoosh?

Memes trigger me.

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Potential Workings for a New Valve Game in Other Games
couch_sitterTYLER IS CRAZY!! (btw tyler is the creator of VNN, i can use his first name because we are tight like that. yeah i know big youtubers but its not a big deal dude its whatever to me lol)

Go here:

You'll fit in. Make sure to take your Dmoule memes SMOrc

posted about 8 years ago
#6 what to do after exams in Off Topic

Whenever I had time I tried to learn a new language, but I'm British and only know English and I'm assuming you're already bilingual or such.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Evolve's TF2 FPS Config in Customization
EvolvingEnviousPhoenix21EvolvingEnviousGo to here to see the differences. what config there is a 131 fps cap.
every fps config I saw after chris' had no cap on fps because it would be laggy.
I saw some after Chris's that has it on, It is actually a good thing, because it keeps FPS stable because they will start tearing if you go too high.

FPS is linked to refresh rate, i.e i use 300 due to 144hz someone with 60hz would use 130
the fps cap is also way too low, id hit that constantly, causing a weird stutter lag effect.

posted about 8 years ago
#11 Evolve's GMod FPS Config in Other Games
EvolvingEnviousIt actually is slightly different and I removed some things that just made it lag more.

Whats different? What did you remove?

posted about 8 years ago
#2 Comp. TF2 v.s. CS:GO in Esports

Please no, not this.

posted about 8 years ago
#80 Thoughts on Overwatch? in Other Games

Really interested to see someones opinion who is actively in a competitive Overwatch team now i.e Mike, Knoxxx, numlocked, NiCO, TviQ etc feels like their insight into the comp side would be far greater than anyone elses.

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Perilous Gaming shuffles roster in News
Streep36I think silentes just wanted to play roamer

Doesnt matter, hes a beast

posted about 8 years ago
#118 Overwatch Open Beta Live in Other Games
sheepy_dogs_handppl are gonna switch to overwatch for like a couple of months and then go back to tf2 when they realize how much better it is. overwatch is fun but i dont think it has enough depth to really be a good competitive game.

It has the depth. The game can be really competitive and there are some really good strategies and compositions, its just that its unbalanced right now and difficult to watch as a spectator since there's so much happening. If someone who has mild knowledge of the game watches a competitive game on stream they wont understand 3/4 of what's happening, only those who have played the game with experience will understand, and this is a problem if it wants to be a competitive format.

posted about 8 years ago
#86 Overwatch Open Beta Live in Other Games
omniMei is the only character I'm going to quickly defend here seeing as I've played quite a lot of her.

I can really say much for her since I've played her only a little and mostly against her. Honestly the only thing I find frustrating is the ability to instantly slow anyone down from simple holding mouse 1 near them and eventually freeze them. She can do this to ANY class even when in an ultimate. The freeze shouldn't be an instant passive effect imo, should have to be activated. If you're thinking the wall is bullshit then maybe swap her wall for the special ammo idea in which she has to activate it to slow someone down.

posted about 8 years ago
#84 Overwatch Open Beta Live in Other Games
aurora_Ive been playing the game since closed beta, and I seriously think that ur complaints are invalid and gaining knowledge of the game instead of making instant complaints is a very ignorant thing to do
edit: i do think mercy is really fucking stupid cuz ur revive is on the 1st frame instead of being cancelable

Tell my how my inexperience has an effect on widowmakers ability to spam or mei's ability to freeze you by holding mouse1.

posted about 8 years ago
#83 Overwatch Open Beta Live in Other Games
Foxwhile i agree there can be balancing changes made, a lot of those problems you list seem to just be inexperience vs playing those characters

Please tell me how a sniper who can spam her gun without unscoping is my lack of experience and not her being overpowered

Foxi had a hard time against double mei strats, but i didn't feel like she was really overpowered tbh, she's really irritating but it's not like she's invincible and you can still zone her away by just shooting at her from range

It's hard to zone away a class from range when youre defending a point and she can just walk forward and press E when she's low.

Foxsaying her poison traps are useless is just wrong imo

I never said they were useless, I said they were shit.

Foxi don't mind bastion because he's countered by a handful of things that can take him at range or pull him out of his sentry mode. the only real problem i've had is playing against him when the entire team is damage buffing him + placing shields to protect him, although that just leads to the ability to attempt to get around their team and flank a greater threat

As I said, Bastion isnt too bad, the only thing i dislike is the range on his sentry mode, theres no drop off, which is dumb.

Foxi feel like genji reflect is just inexperience, i always try to wait for him to wantonly pop it and just bodyshot/headshot him for the kill since he can't do anything but blade dash away or try to kill you, if he runs he's dead. i feel like it's really easy to abuse currently just because so many people are trying the game out for the first time, i was tilting pretty hard on day 1 when getting killed by my own reflected headshots, but after i learned to just wait, he hasn't been anywhere near as irritating to play against

I'm saying this from the Genji perspective, its the class ive played the most with about 80% of my time. I still think its overpowered.

Foxmcree is really strong, but i wouldn't say his flash is the only reason he's so strong, he just outputs so much damage at any range in both solo and group fights lol, i wouldn't be able to think of a nerf that wouldn't make him completely useless though i think he shouldn't keep 50% of his meter for failing to trigger his ult

i haven't had any qualms about melee range guns having autoaim in regards to winston/symmetra

I can agree with these.

Foxbut i think it's stupid you can wipe a team and their mercy comes out of nowhere with full meter and just revives everyone after you've been killing her over and over

Also agree, since her ulti builds so fast also.

posted about 8 years ago
#68 Overwatch Open Beta Live in Other Games

Been playing it for a few days now and I dont see how it could be a competitive game.
Preface, yes I KNOW its a beta, however:
-The game is in need of serious balancing.
-Theres so much shit happening its hard to track.
-Half the time in fights you cant see whats happening because its a clusterfuck.

Firstly, for people saying balancing isn't need, you're blind. There are so many overpowered things in this game.
1) Widowmaker is so overpowered its untrue, you can spam the sniper without unscoping, it charges fully in under 2 seconds, her smg is also way too powerful considering shes a sniper class. Her ultimate is literally a global wall hack. The only shit thing about her is her E ability.
How to balance her? Have her unscope, make her ultimate only reach a certain range not global and/or only have it work for team-mates close to her.

2) Mei is so ridiculous, Her clip capacity is 200 and its basically an ice-thrower which INSTANTLY begins to slow you down as your hit by it, eventually freezing you if its hitting you long enough, which she can kill you in one shot. The wall ability isnt so bad. Her E ability is overpowered also, invulnerable for ~3 seconds and heals to almost full health.
How to balance her? Its so overpowered it needs some serious nerf, id suggest having her freeze effect as her E ability, sort of like a special ammo, that only has 50 capacity and her gun act as a normal gun without the slow effect.

3) Bastion, isnt so bad and can be quite easy to counter, however he has unlimited range for the amount of damage he does, should be some drop off. (Talking about his shift ability here)

4) Genji, I love genji, but his reflect ability is kinda overpowered.

5) Mccree, FUCK McCree, His stun ability shouldnt be a thing, they shouldnt exist whatsoever. Youre stunned, cant move or move your aim and he can instakill you. All stuns should be removed from the game. Everything should be counterable in a competitive game (with exceptions e.g Mercy ult) and stuns arent, theyre dumb.

6) winston's tesla cannon and symmetra's gun shouldnt basically have auto aim, this is dumb.

I should have slept instead of writing this, excuse any dumb shit or mistakes.

posted about 8 years ago
#473 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games

Am i right in thinking it starts in 20 mins?

posted about 8 years ago
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