Been playing it for a few days now and I dont see how it could be a competitive game.
Preface, yes I KNOW its a beta, however:
-The game is in need of serious balancing.
-Theres so much shit happening its hard to track.
-Half the time in fights you cant see whats happening because its a clusterfuck.
Firstly, for people saying balancing isn't need, you're blind. There are so many overpowered things in this game.
1) Widowmaker is so overpowered its untrue, you can spam the sniper without unscoping, it charges fully in under 2 seconds, her smg is also way too powerful considering shes a sniper class. Her ultimate is literally a global wall hack. The only shit thing about her is her E ability.
How to balance her? Have her unscope, make her ultimate only reach a certain range not global and/or only have it work for team-mates close to her.
2) Mei is so ridiculous, Her clip capacity is 200 and its basically an ice-thrower which INSTANTLY begins to slow you down as your hit by it, eventually freezing you if its hitting you long enough, which she can kill you in one shot. The wall ability isnt so bad. Her E ability is overpowered also, invulnerable for ~3 seconds and heals to almost full health.
How to balance her? Its so overpowered it needs some serious nerf, id suggest having her freeze effect as her E ability, sort of like a special ammo, that only has 50 capacity and her gun act as a normal gun without the slow effect.
3) Bastion, isnt so bad and can be quite easy to counter, however he has unlimited range for the amount of damage he does, should be some drop off. (Talking about his shift ability here)
4) Genji, I love genji, but his reflect ability is kinda overpowered.
5) Mccree, FUCK McCree, His stun ability shouldnt be a thing, they shouldnt exist whatsoever. Youre stunned, cant move or move your aim and he can instakill you. All stuns should be removed from the game. Everything should be counterable in a competitive game (with exceptions e.g Mercy ult) and stuns arent, theyre dumb.
6) winston's tesla cannon and symmetra's gun shouldnt basically have auto aim, this is dumb.
I should have slept instead of writing this, excuse any dumb shit or mistakes.