ComangliaShooshComangliaI'd just like to point out that you guy's argument is completely pointless. You guys are talking about regulations on guns that are obtained legally, or removing them entirely. Which doesn't matter cause the VAST majority of gun crime in the US is done with guns obtained on the black market, or just flat out stolen.
Furthermore, outlawing firearms even of certain kinds in the USA is impossible to truly enforce. With guns so pervasive both in quantity and in the culture here. It would take decades to get even close to cutting the number of people with guns in half.
Getting a gun even illegally is probably considerably easier in the US compared to other developed countries. Why? Because there's simply more fucking guns there. Why? Because they're legal. I'm not a politician and I live in the UK so I'm not arguing the fact that we need to ban guns now. That's not to say I don't care about what's happened, I do.
I'd also like to point out that the US is a democratic-republic and with 80ish% of the populace owning guns how many of them do you think are willing to just give up their weapons? That if a law to ban guns or say ban all non-hunting guns were to be passed would be met by a majority populace against the law, a constitutional amendment that's already been interpreted as being meant for everyone not just militia's, and a shit ton of special interest money.
The only thing law makers in the US can really do is ban assault rifles, and maybe require that every gun purchase has to be through a licensed dealer and have a background check done (which is already true in several states)
All that being said, I wish I lived in a country like S. Korea or Japan that has basically no guns in the country.
Did you even read what I typed? "I'm not a politician and I live in the UK so I'm not arguing the fact that we need to ban guns now" :s