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Signed Up October 21, 2012
Last Posted August 15, 2014 at 12:46 AM
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#51 MGE iT V2.0 in TF2 General Discussion
Air_oihguv is over-rated

what did oihguv ever do to you

posted about 10 years ago
#194 mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
Hallowmebhey euros can you stop posting please

this thread was already hard enough to read without the yellow glare coming off your teeth
get out there's no room for you fat americans

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Bro Server Website in TF2 General Discussion

I thought this was going to be a thread about Brohoster

posted about 11 years ago
#37 Be an angel. in TF2 General Discussion

blinky is this you

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Platinums Face in Off Topic

nobody tell him

posted about 11 years ago
#59 2 political parties, essentially in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#37 is bfb viable in comp now in TF2 General Discussion

I think he's trying to pull double duty to make up for their absence

edit: one for mason, one for june, one for heero

posted about 11 years ago
#44 Two Cities in TF2 General Discussion

Airshot a soldier while you're in the air as a soldier as well achievement?

my habit of playing nothing but endif finally pays off

posted about 11 years ago
#35 If E=MC2 means matter can be turned into energy... in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#28 If E=MC2 means matter can be turned into energy... in Off Topic
Show Content
posted about 11 years ago
#87 ETF2L North American Division in TF2 General Discussion
pwny_who's to claim that they shouldn't be doing it because there's no huge profit margins?

Because there's a loss in time, money and opportunity incurred if the idea doesn't pan out. That's exactly what TLR is saying: there's no return to be had here. Someone putting forth enough time and money to make a serious attempt at rivaling ESEA has everything to lose and very little to gain, even if they succeed.

Such a big investment just for a chance at competing with ESEA is a losing bet, one that almost no one with the resources to make it in the first place is willing to make.

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Pros and Cons of NA League choices in TF2 General Discussion
pascalI'd be pretty pissed if we finished it and then someone comes up to us and says, "Oh hey, we decided to use *insert other league here*, all your hours of stress and sleepless nights is useless."

Unless some other league out there is putting a lot more time and effort into their services than you are, I don't see how this can happen. If your league can offer the best solution out there in terms of features and usability, the community will absolutely see it as the number one alternative to ESEA.

Of course if there's money to be made, you can't expect there to be no competition from other leagues who want to assume the same role. If you're not confident that you can provide the best alternative, the time/opportunity costs involved aren't worth the risk.

posted about 11 years ago
#156 The ESEA abuse thread in TF2 General Discussion
ninjanickthis is almost the same as when the forums were split between tftv and natf2. The community is going to be split but something has to happen and either all of the top teams need to move and bring everyone else with them or tf2 has to be removed from esea. I don't see the latter happening

The latter would absolutely ensure the former, but I doubt the former can even happen on its own. Unless entire teams are shutting down their rosters and quitting the league, there will be dozens of eager players raring to fill the vacancies. Of course, this won't be a problem for teams who quit ESEA because they want to follow their friends to other leagues, but the question of how many teams will actually follow through with it still remains.

posted about 11 years ago
#128 The ESEA abuse thread in TF2 General Discussion
AllealNone of you would be playing in ESEA if it didn't have prize pots and a LAN. Stop pretending you'd play in a free league when there's an alternative with prizes.


Didn't know you spoke for everyone in ESEA including open/im/main players.

ESEA has a much more developed 6s scene than UGC, and gets a lot of exposure as the most competitive league in North America. Anyone wanting to move up through the divisions and play the strongest teams will choose ESEA over UGC, simply because there is much more competition to be had in high open and beyond than any division of UGC 6s.

This network effect is what keeps ESEA popular: they have all the best teams and a more developed scene than anyone else right now, and if you want to play against those teams you're forced to sign up for ESEA. It's very hard to split a userbase like that unless alternative leagues offer some huge advantage over ESEA that absolutely everyone is concerned with.

posted about 11 years ago
#242 meatshot 8) vol. 5 in TF2 General Discussion
blinKIt's funny how this very important thread can get derailed by one person using the word jew. No wonder we can't get over ESEA. Oh no teh blinkerz said jew everyone jump on him bad bad racist man, move aside evil jewish crooks we have a racist here. Man o mannn.

I like how you've gone full 180 from 'im not racist guys i swear' to 'yeah i hate those dirty scamming jews what of it? come at me JIDF' in less than a single page

posted about 11 years ago
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