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Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up May 16, 2015
Last Posted April 23, 2024 at 8:09 AM
Posts 30 (0 per day)
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#25 Horsie's Viewmodel Editor in Customization

please update for 64 bits tf2 :(

posted 10 months ago
#17 ETF2L Admins: Blackmail, Bias and Censorship in TF2 General Discussion
Righeira_Long story short, I am pretty sure that Kaylus has leaked mine and Sunflower's report on Hzl (Now banned for 2 years)
Hzl knew exactly who and when reported her, in my discord DM's with her she had deleted over 10k messages so I can't provide an exact screenshot, but when sunflower (Who is my friend) was reporting her, and when that was happening she was distressing over it with me, her message was along the lines of "A little birdie on the staff team told me I'm getting banned" at that time there was NO indication she was getting reported or that anything suspicious was going on and she seemed awfully eager on the fact that it was strictly sunflower trying to ban her, fast forward to when she got banned and once again Hzl knew exactly who reported her, it is important that I mention I tried hiding the fact that I was reporting her because I didn't want it to be traced back to me but it was, and she knew with certainty it was me who filed the report.
1st screenshot about the "Birdie on staff"
2nd screenshot after she got banned and knowing people involved in the report

you shared your evidence folder against hzl with hzl bozo

posted about a year ago
#12 - Competitive TF2 Resource Repository in Projects
zebulonI'm not planning on adding a frag vids category unless there are a ton of requests for that. There are a ton of great vids there but i feel like you can just let youtube autoplay and you'll get the good stuff without a dedicated search.

I think having a separate page dedicated to frag videos would be helpful tbh, as a newcomer to comp, it would be a good encouragement to see some very impressive clips on the class they'd like to play.

posted about 2 years ago
#8 - Competitive TF2 Resource Repository in Projects

Amazing website and great idea, my only feedback so far is the website looks a bit clunky especially the dropdown menus but thats not very important.

Maybe you could add a page, filter or some sort of category system to categorize the maps from each league, e.g Sultry is played in RGL but not ETF2L, having them sorted can help new players browse for the right resources.

Keep up the good work, this looks sick

posted about 2 years ago
#2 A new HUDs site in Projects

doing god's work son

posted about 2 years ago
#152 Alfa legacy 2 in TF2 General Discussion
zhernLoads of people have that screenshot man you need to tell your best friend Hzl to stop typing shit like this and prolly stop getting alfa to merc for your open highlander team cause that’s pretty weird too

im just asking a question buddy

posted about 2 years ago
#150 Alfa legacy 2 in TF2 General Discussion
where did you get that screenshot?
Loads of people have that screenshot man you need to tell your best friend Hzl to stop typing shit like this and prolly stop getting alfa to merc for your open highlander team cause that’s pretty weird too

where did you got it from?

posted about 2 years ago
#147 Alfa legacy 2 in TF2 General Discussion
waxbc this is whats said behind the scenes
this is the kind of disgusting commentary and dont forget loads of ppl are incels so its fairly to convince them alfa is a victim lmao

its this subhuman saying it btw

where did you get that screenshot?

posted about 2 years ago
#138 Alfa legacy 2 in TF2 General Discussion
Jw"Purge the evil person from among you." (1 Corinthians 5:13)

“Very well,” he said, “I will let you bake your bread over cow dung instead of human excrement.” (Ezekiel 4:15)

posted about 2 years ago
#11 What new are you looking for in TF2C? in TF2 General Discussion
Brimstonemake it so that if some manbaby lobby creator gets mad he's losing a pug he can't just end the serveme reservation with no consequence

the forums worked fine to report people like this and get them banned, just gotta bring back a report system

posted about 2 years ago
#61 What is your opinion? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 2 years ago
#14 TF2Center new update in TF2 General Discussion
BrockDespite claims, can you give us incentive for playing specific classes in each format? I mean you got a heavy platform in trading, why can’t someone play 1000 lobs as a medic in 6s and get some loot? Wanna step up a prize for time played? We got this entire award system, and all we get from them is a badge on our profile? Lobbies started across different formats, (lobbies completed) should be a cool prize. Offer better payouts for advance lobs, push separate stats. Take reference of faceit but remember how they abused that system.

Offer simulator payouts for advance lobbies, hell make monthly tourneys out of stats, give people a payout, let us grind.

That would only encourage people to grind lobbies for the loot. People would eventually find the quickest way to get that counter going up and stick with it, even if it disrupts lobbies.

posted about 2 years ago
#5! in TF2 General Discussion

should probably point out its only NA

posted about 2 years ago
#23 What can we do to stop the scene from dying in EU? in TF2 General Discussion
suprabad take, we make pickup sites language based and not country based
atm the only reason 6s eu pickup website doesnt exist only because i didnt start gathering some reasonable people to get it going + i was not sure if that would be successful considering existence
eu hl pickups were our testing ground for general audience play and so far i think its good so after christmas it will be a good time to start with eu 6s pickups

We need websites where everyone is welcome and has a chance to play, is captain based system so you get always the same people playing, if you arent friends with everyone or you're a well known high player there's 0 chance of you being picked. It baffles me people still defend as a good alternative to tf2center or newbie friendly in any way.
At the end of the day, even tho everyone shits on tf2center, its the best thing the community has to introduce new players to comp.

The HL pickup are working great, if you do the same to 6s, please dont restrict it only to higher players, let anyone come in and queue up

posted about 2 years ago
#12 What can we do to stop the scene from dying in EU? in TF2 General Discussion
YeeHawI don’t know about the lower divs, but prem/div1 is in a very healthy place right now. There is strong competition at the top of prem (rcadia finals going to 5 golden caps, los getting 2rd last season) teams are sticking together, there are plenty of upcoming players (iusti, flick, haunts, balder, brujman, june, zoey, zambz etc) and old players are returning to play future seasons and lans (ams, condawg, adysky, lukas, voxi, hugo, mak, opti, matthes etc).

I actually think NA is in a far worse place atm (at least compared to where it was a year ago with G6, WG and a strong froyo). I can only talk about the top level ofc

Thats the biggest issue, it doesnt matter if div 1/prem is healthy and the rest is on life support especially newer divs. If you dont have fresh faces coming in you'll end up with the same circlejerk of people every season until everyone retires, then you have nobody to play prem. Even when someone new comes in, if its someone who wants to try highlander, they're made fun of because they dont want to play the SuPeRiOr GaMeMoDe.

Higher div players love alienating newer players because "they're bad" in pug/lobby/organized competitive websites then those new players lose interest. It also doesnt help you have the most power hungry discord mods moderating the leagues and pugs/lobbies websites.

If the competitive scene dies in EU, its because the community killed it

posted about 2 years ago
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