Not saying that this is the issue, but check your cmos battery and make sure it isn't low. A failing cmos battery can affect things like drivers and system performance in general.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197988973054 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:28707326] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:14353663 |
Country | Canada |
Signed Up | November 28, 2012 |
Last Posted | September 17, 2021 at 9:06 PM |
Posts | 129 (0 per day) |
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I coded a cross-platform recording plugin a while ago when Valve first ported tf2 to Linux. At the time, I emailed Valve asking for a plugin signature, but got no response back. Since that time, other tf2 players have messaged me about it and even tried contacting Valve themselves. None of them got a response back.
Given this, I wouldn't expect anything from them, but it wouldn't hurt to try again.
ProctatoHey I recently picked up my first dedicated server to use for my team and I've tried installing, but when I run a comp match, when people type .ss the site shows up, but none of the stats do either, any ideas
Can you post a screenshot and the URL of the match the next time it happens? You can get the URL by going to and doing a search with the players involved in the match.
erkstonis sizz_stats_record_stv_demos 0/1 still supported? it doesn't seem to work for me (everything else works fine)
I never actually released a version with that cvar in it. I guess you looked at the github and saw a reference to it. I'm planning on doing a small update this weekend for some issues that I've fixed since the last one. Use of that cvar will be included in the update.
Check out the console command net_channels. I think I saw around 50 MB per hour on a 32 slot pub when I checked a long time ago.
I was notified of that a few days ago. I haven't got a chance to fix it yet though. Thanks for the report.
I googled mach vs altitude and got this:
Looks pretty close to what you have there.
You can use Link Shell Extension for windows to create a symbolic link from a folder on your other drive to a folder in tf. Then, you can set prec to record demos to the folder in tf.
I compiled that spec helper plugin for you.
miek's spectate helper plugin
Those are critical section lock/unlock debug prints. Set mat_queue_report 0 to turn them off.
Edited the second post with a new link to the plugin.
Funny story: I triggered an auto update for the plugin yesterday. 30 minutes later, dropbox told me that my 20GB daily bandwidth was used up... so they temp banned my update links. I'm not sure how long the temp ban is for.
The plugin is less than 1MB for the update, and I highly doubt there were even 2000, let alone 20000 servers that were updating the plugin. Something fishy is going on.
From what I know, the performance issues are with the database and queries to the stored information. I am not a web dev, so I can't do anything about it (sorry), but Techno has been meaning to address it (he's on vacation currently).
Also, both the plugin and site are open source. There is nothing stopping anyone from working on the project and submitting pull requests.
wareyaNote that if you run buildcubemaps you will be unable to play the map on servers which haven't done so.
Good catch, in that case, I think there's a command to disable the water reflections. Check out the r_water* set of console commands.