The update (KB3097877) was patched late yesterday night, so it should be safe to install now.
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197988973054 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:28707326] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:14353663 |
Country | Canada |
Signed Up | November 28, 2012 |
Last Posted | September 17, 2021 at 9:06 PM |
Posts | 129 (0 per day) |
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Mousepad | |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
If you do decide to do something like this for SS, ask us for a db dump.
SizzlingStats v0.9.4.3:
- Fixed STV demo recording not working with workshop maps
- Fixed error on startup caused by the latest TF2 update
- Fixed a possible empty STV demo zip file on the match page
- Fixed a possible error in stats upload which caused invalid stats
To update, perform one of the following:
One map change, then one server restart.
Two server restarts.
Manual download link for new users:
The error seems to be that the record string put together by the ss plugin currently contains "workshop/" in it as part of the map name. This causes the game to attempt recording to a tf subdirectory that doesn't exist. I'll see about getting a fix out soon. Thanks for the report.
Check your cmos battery?
Cool, you're welcome.
A drained cmos battery can also ultimately show up as random fps drops or just low fps in general (or other sporadic pc behaviour). It's worth checking for anyone who has an older pc. PSA maybe?
Although doubtful, check the voltage level of the cmos battery. Weird stuff can happen when it gets too low.
you cant do heavy coding on a macbook
Not true, many engineers at various big names I've been at do use macbooks for development. Macbooks were also a staple of many classrooms of SE courses I've taken in the past.
I use Jengerereerersr's item manager to manage all of my tf2 item managing needs.
From Jenger himself:
"The item manager is the finest piece of software to grace our processors. With cutting edge technology like a custom OpenGL 1.2 [March 16, 1998]-powered rendering pipeline and basically everything happening on one thread, it's all you'll ever need." -Jengerer, May 24, 2015
Jengerer's Item Manager
Current release is v0., but I hear v1.0 is coming out soon...never.
chambsCL_Move is the client function which runs IBaseClientDLL->CreateMove and determines if the move needs to be sent to the server this tick. CLC_Move is the network message for CL_Move packets.
did you like the meme?
Gotcha, your meme makes more sense now.
chambs$layers review my new meme
CLC_Move, man. At least get it right.
Try using the 'flush' command at various points during playback.