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Signed Up October 8, 2012
Last Posted June 4, 2013 at 8:33 PM
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#18 Open Power Rankings in TF2 General Discussion
c4shEveryone who commented on the ESEA website agrees with me, Everyone tells him 2 fix his stuff, and it never happens. I'm not the only one calling deathanchor out.

I read through the comments of the recent article and only one person offered any actual useful information.

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Open Power Rankings in TF2 General Discussion
c4shSkaHow about making your case to everyone in the community and ESEA that you are perfectly capable of writing amazing predictions/power rankings by posting one. If you are by far better than Deathanchor than by all means take his position.
I am not saying that I am better at writing than deathanchor is but shouldn't the community be concerned that the only league that we play in has shitty write-ups that lack information and have bad grammar? What if a newer player read this and then decided that he didn't want to play because of the shitty coverage that open receives? Thank God fog knows how to write articles...

Negative threads calling someone retarded without any useful criticism or feedback on their work is what will drive other players to not want to play this game. If you're going to be insulting someone and don't even have the confidence to backup what you're saying by writing some rankings that are better than what you are bashing then take a backseat or change your attitude to be more helpful on improving the articles without being a prick.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Open Power Rankings in TF2 General Discussion

How about making your case to everyone in the community and ESEA that you are perfectly capable of writing amazing predictions/power rankings by posting one. If you are by far better than Deathanchor then by all means take his position.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Open Power Rankings in TF2 General Discussion
c4shCan someone that isn't retarded write some decent power rankings...?

How about you do it?

posted about 11 years ago
#133 Dumb Puns in Off Topic

Ben has a bar mitzvah.

Work turns into a eating utencil

Bman becomes a mutant super hero.

Domo comes out of the closet.

Snoopy starts in a New Jersey reality TV show.

SteveC is a famous porn star.

Blueberry villain plays some music
Bluesberry Villain.

Drogo joins a fraternity.

Manwich gets laid.

b4nny works for a nuclear power plant.

posted about 11 years ago
#24 Demo / Medic LF IM/Open in Recruitment (looking for team)
CranCARRYI got cut for Paddie - lol.

Long story short; I didn't agree with Ska's call of pushing 6 people (including a heavy) through 1 doorway from C to B, asked if we could send at least one person through long and was told to stop counter calling. Focused on DM the rest of the scrim and listened to Ska's calls which led us nowhere. Got on for practice only to be told they didn't need me.
8:01 PM - monkey suit: I feel like you weren't ok with listening to ska

I was okay listening to calls that weren't blatantly retarded and/or suicide.

Anyways: Looking to play the remainder of the season, preferably as demo but will play medic if needed.

League fees already paid up for IM as well as open, wouldn't even mind backing up for the rest of the season if needed; just looking to play the season out. Will consider playing next season with the right set of people but I already have a S14 team ready to go.

hit me up!

-4th Place CEVO-A season 5. 9-3 overall. (Sx2)
-2nd Place TWL divison 1 season 6. unknown overall. (BoNK)
-3rd Place TWL division 1 season 7. 11-3 overall. (EXG)
-1st Place UGC Season 6 PLATNUM. 12-1 overall. (BoNK)
-CEVO-M season 7. (BoNK)
-ESEA-O Season 9 10-6 and 2-2 in playoffs.
-ESEA-O Season 10 14-2 and 2-2 in playoffs. - Immortal 6
-CEVO-M Season 8 Champions - Immortal 6
-ESEA-O Season 11 12-4 and 4-2 in playoffs - 4th place Immortal Swag
-ESEA-O Season 12 - 4-12 team died mid season; Immortal 6
-ESEA-IM Season 13 - Watch the Throne / Not Bad For Offclassing

The reason you were cut was not because you disagreed with the my calls or your excessive focus on winning DM battles but it was your overall negative attitude that sucked the fun out of mumble and the game even before that gpit scrim. I know I am not a great caller and I make plenty of mistakes but that does not entitle you to rage or kill the team's environment just because strategies and scrims are not going your way.

A major flaw you have is that you are quick to point out the errors that everyone else makes but you never take a good hard look at your own even when you know that you were incorrect. I also specifically told you that the team itself is not very experienced and that it was going to be a learning process with mistakes and bumps on the road but the important thing was to keep on playing and not allow frustration get the best of us. You clearly ignored what I told you before you joined the team and applied a weird logic that every mistake can be fixed in one day of scrimming. The last thing I wanted to point out why the team cut you was because we came to the conclusion that eventually your anger/frustration fits were only going to get worse since we found out from a source you raged very hard at 2 individuals who are nothing but nice and relaxed.

I wish you the best of luck on your search for a team and I am sorry it did not work out but it would help your reputation if you take the time to listen/read what people are saying and maybe apply it one day.

posted about 12 years ago
#19 esea-im preseason rankings in TF2 General Discussion

Any team with mason on it is bound to disappoint.

posted about 12 years ago
#188 Post your setup in Off Topic

posted about 12 years ago
#90 Open Prediction Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Holy crap! Open has a ton of teams this season.

posted about 12 years ago
#32 YouMustMike looking in Recruitment (looking for team)

Easily invite caliber medic with his knowledge and movement. He can also put out more damage than gravegun when he uses the crossbow.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 Any class in Recruitment (looking for team)

Try me out?

posted about 12 years ago
#13 looking roamer or scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

Kirby is cool as long as he does not talk about CoD.

posted about 12 years ago
#11 Any class in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted about 12 years ago
#20 demo/pocket prolly lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

Has improved significantly and attitude got better.Gl on your team search.

posted about 12 years ago
#10 Gl in the poll in TF2 General Discussion

Arc might be the worst scout in IM these past 3 seasons.

posted about 12 years ago
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