Recently, I've undergone the laborious process of installing a Custom Crosshair to my Custom Hud. My Custom Hud is Skab Hud btw on ToonHud :) Skab Hud - ToonHUD. Upon correcting all of the errors that I had made during the install process like not understanding where the files must go, I ran into one final issue that I just cant seem to fix by myself. Ergo, I'm reaching out to the Community via the r/truetf2 subreddit. My Crosshair is working perfectly and is centered well, it also animates like I wanted it to. Actually, that was the sole reason I decided to install a Custom Crosshair. My final issue is that my Crosshair is visible on my screen when it shouldn't. For example it's visible on my screen when I'm loading into a map or spectating my teammate after a death. i've tried a lot to fix this issue, and I just cant seem to figure it out. Does anyone know how to fix this issue. Please and Thank You :)