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SteamID64 76561197996403345
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Country United States
Signed Up April 7, 2020
Last Posted August 7, 2024 at 4:42 PM
Posts 47 (0 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity .9
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
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Mouse Logitech G Pro
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#2790 Do you like the song above? in Music, Movies, TV
seekeerpendhonestly, love it. nothing much to say

I really liked the synths that played throughout the song. They take a back seat for most of it and then really show up at the end. Sounds really nice.

posted 6 months ago
#6 fyg lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted 6 months ago
#13 Spectre: Divide in Other Games

This is a problem I think I have with a lot of these types of games. They look extremely slow to play. Valorant for example has these insane "fast" movement abilities but they also feel really slow after playing the game a decent amount. Spectre seems like the same thing where the movement looks slow and uninteresting. They talk about how its a love letter to CS but it seems more like Valorant with this duality feature and also other abilities that they showed off.

The artstyle confuses me a lot. The characters and weapons seem super cartoony and flashy but the environments they're in seem more realistic comparatively and it feels whiplashy seeing the two interact together. The animations as well look really rough and like they're from a mobile game too. Whatever happened to making super sharp animations Side note, I'm a huge fan of expressive ragdolls, TF2, Titanfall, CS, and these seem really bad and almost mobile gamey sometimes.

Another thing I'm really tired of is games being made to be competitive. This was already annoying with games like Overwatch that started out really fun but then grew to appease the more competitive scene. I'm not saying games can't be competitive, but for it to be one of the main focuses of the game has always rubbed me the wrong way. I think the reason games like TF2, Titanfall, and CS were fun to begin with was because they weren't focused on being competitive, but more so on being fun games in general and that's why they became super popular. I don't think this is an unpopular take but I could definitely be in the minority with this one.

posted 6 months ago
#40 What did y'all eat today in Off Topic

My friend hypno eats 5 eggs in the morning, chicken and rice for lunch, and pasta w/ ground beef for dinner. Hes been doing this for the past month everyday

posted 6 months ago
#40 where r lan pics in TF2 General Discussion
MarioManzhey so uh are we getting photos anytime soon?

Youre annoying go somewhere else

posted 7 months ago
#14 struggling with consistency in aim in TF2 General Discussion

spend $200 on a bullshit mouse itll help a lot. Also a $100 on an artisan mousepad

posted 7 months ago
#254 Having a cup of tea. in The Dumpster

post about tea your fucker I dont give a shit about anything

posted 8 months ago
#5 cp_hydra in Map Discussion

Posting an imgur link to help illustrate my points a little bit better.

Image 1: Piggybacking off of DavyC, almost all the brazier's should be removed or the high up ones should be made so you can pass through them. Especially the ones on mid. It makes getting up there annoying as soldier.

Image 2: I like the idea you're going for but the hole definitely needs to be bigger. Jumping from the ledge to the hole/getting the hole in general is annoying and it really shouldn't be.

Image 3: Clip things like this off in the rest of the map as it makes traversing these walls annoying as you can get stuck in the pillars.

Image 4: Also like DavyC said definitely get rid of soldier being able to hid in these rafters in both mid and second, however keeping spots like this is fine imo as it gives soldiers good opportunities to potentially highbomb despite it probably not being a good spot anyway.

Image 5/6: There probably needs to be a better way to get on this ledge as having a pyro + this sentry spot thats super easy to get into seems unbeatable theory. You can just have the pyro sit on the ledge airblasting people off preventing any real way of countering this sentry spot besides just hard ubering into it.

Image 7: Just delete this. Its annoying and doesn't do anything.

Image 8: You can wedge yourself between the gate and the spawn. Not sure if you can do this on the opposite teams spawn doors to keep them open or not. Worth looking into.

Image 9: Same thing as mentioned earlier, probably shouldn't let soldiers sit up here in last.

Side note, I think the entire spawn should be moved forward. It feels kind of awkward to rollout on as well as the entire front of it not being the actual "spawn" so you can't b4nny bind.

Overall though for an alpha this map looks insane and I like a lot of the ideas that are going on here. Can't wait to see more from this map in the future.

posted 9 months ago
#4 lft skosgo in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 10 months ago
#4 soupcan team lfp main in Recruitment (looking for players)

miskyworks was fun to play a season with. super chill and good dm
dont know about anyone else tho

posted 10 months ago
#20 Grape Gauntlet in TF2 General Discussion

Decided to change the 1 hour time limit to 30 minutes for me doing T2's. Was fun trying to beat these maps as fast as possible.
I'll probably try to do 30 minutes for T3's as well and then change it to an hour for T4's since most of my T4 completions are anywhere between 20 min to over an hour

posted 10 months ago
#7 best frag movies? in TF2 General Discussion

Quad Damage will always be a classic

posted 10 months ago
#3 knsume/R.E.D lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

crazy player
crazy rockets
crazy mentally
do NOT talk to them after games, anything you say can and will be used against you until the end of time

posted 10 months ago
#9603 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

This exists solely for the last clip and nothing else. Snore bomb op.

posted 10 months ago
#2 lft skosgo in Recruitment (looking for team)


posted 11 months ago
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