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Last Posted June 8, 2016 at 11:34 AM
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#256 i49 in TF2 General Discussion
EggplantHave the seedings for i49 been released yet?

Not yet. The plan is to have the top 8 teams in a single group to determine their seedings, and then have the lower teams in groups to fight it out for the knockout spots. This keeps the games fair and not having to see random pub team v HRG in the groups

posted about 11 years ago
#55 i49 Casters! in LAN Discussion
JackyLegsBoneSIf one of our casters goes on holiday, there are 5 others ready to jump in. If Pledge goes on holiday you can wave goodbye to your coverage.You really think that quantity is better than quality? so what if you guys have 5 casters to jump in, you got Mia to jump in and cast?, then I would rather watch a STV of the game rather than the actual stream, it's the sad truth.

I'm sure you've not watched one of our streams then, as we have a high quality stream. Yes, our casters may not be to everyones taste (heck, Im used to the Skully bashing, Ive had it since day one), however you cannot deny that what we have to bring to the table is high quality, with live stats, split screen and team coms

BoneSVTV has more casters, more streamers and the biggest TF2 Lan to dateYou guys have so many more things than TF.TV, but why not more viewers? why do people choose to watch TF.TV instead?

Ge, I dont know, thats like asking someone why the heck they would watch a CBS broadcast of NFL when Phill Sims is on the mics when you could listen to the local radio station call the game. Its personal choice, people dont like VTV because of certain people. On the other side I usually feel that TFTV's numbers are slightly slanted because their stream is on autoplay when live on the front page of this site

Also, I just want to say, it may sound selfish, but without the support of TwitchTV John last year, giving us Front page for big games, I highly doubt TF2 would be where it is now: still popular, gaining frequent 2K viewers on a cast was a huge help to promoting TF2 to the masses

The thing is, quality beats quantity, no matter how many streamers, how many casters you have, it will always depend on how good someone is.

refer to last 2 comments, personal choice, we have quallity 60FPS streams, etc etc

"Biggest TF2 Lan to date", well who else casted a LAN before if not you folks?

If you mean the Insomnia LANs then you have to look at the past orgs before VTV was formed, but we earned the trust and respect of Multiplay hence why we were asked

I hope, with all my heart, that TF.TV will get a chance to host the next big Worldwide LAN, they deserve a chance.

Competition is always good, I like it, TFTV.NA will get a lot of chances, TFTV.Eu on the otherhand.....

I would never want VTV to stop streaming or casting, the more organisations to cast TF2, the bigger it will grow!

I salute everyone in VTV to keep doing a good job!

Im just gonna leave this here

JackyLegsWell, from all the feedback, and the response from VanillaTV, it seems like doing this won't probably work, VanillaTV is dying slowly, and I think that if they don't bring some of their OWN casters and don't bring their best ones, Multiplay will probably be upset.

We can dream and wish to have the best casters up there on the grand stage, but in the end of the day it's going to be VTVs choise.

I love Arx & Beta, but please, learn from your mistakes, see what people are saying here.

Yup, thanks for the "support"

It may sound a little biased because I cast for VTV, but this is my own opinions. Like I said, I enjoy competition, but bashing is just stupid, if anyone feels I have bashed any org here, I do not intend to, TFTV earned their viewers liek VTv earned theirs, why cant we all just be friends

posted about 11 years ago
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