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Signed Up July 10, 2016
Last Posted July 10, 2016 at 7:17 PM
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#9 Medic LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Thank you so much for all your help! :)

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Medic LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Thanks again for the info guys, you guys are great! Just one more question; should I change the title of this post "Medic LFT UGC Iron" to help me find an Iron UGC team to join? Or is there something else I need to do?

shit, that was more than one question. XD

posted about 8 years ago
#4 Medic LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)
harvestok so assuming you mean kritzkrieg

i like the idea of trying to shake up the 6s meta and try new things, but this won't work.
kritz is supposed to be unpredictable and spontaneous and that's when it works best, running kritz full game is predictable and the other team will know how to play around it and prevent you from doing anything. ESPECIALLY in open. full time kritz may have worked for you in tf2center but it wont work in open i promise you man

but keep being unique, cookie cutter can be boring.

if you only have 21 tf2center games, have never played in a league, and only have 700 hours, i wouldn't recommend starting in open. open can be brutal if you're brand new. starting in a UGC division like iron or steel would probably give you enough experience to move on to playing open after.

(also i would recommend using ubersaw as melee, since the amputator and bonesaw are garbage and the other melee weapons are banned in esea
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& just some advice, if you're only getting out 1 uber per game, that's not because the other team is targeting you, its because you have bad survivability and mechanics. try to watch higher level medics play and learn from that, you want to try to get the least deaths on your team every game.

if this post was just a troll i'm gonna feel so stupid

Thanks for the advice about Kritz, and sorry if I said the name wrong, I was just doing it from memory at like 2am. :)
Another note, I don't really know what leagues there are, and when I put open I meant it as "I am open for service". I kinda feel silly now for that. So what are these leagues from lowest to highest, and how can I sign up for them?


posted about 8 years ago
#1 Medic LFT Low Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

My Steam Profile:

Hello! I am Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen, but you can just call me Smitty. Let's get to the point. I've wanted to play medic on an official team for a while now, and I have been practicing! So here are some of my stats:

Time on TF2: 704 Hours
Amount of TF2Center matches played: 21
Mic: Yes
Mumble: Yes
Skype: Yes
Loadout: *Crusaders Crossbow
*[Melee Weapon Varies]
Take Constructive Criticism: Mostly
Take Bullshit: Only when the blue moon comes out my ass.

Why I Use the Kritzenburg
Now I know what your thinking, "HE'S RUNNING ON KRITZ??! WHAT IS THIS GUY'S PROBLEM??!" Well, I have a method to my madness. On pubs I usually go with a feztivized gun mettle medigun, which works very effectively. However, that Only works because since there are more players with COMPLETELY different skill levels, making me last longer; long enough to give that sweet 8 seconds of god mode. However, in my experiences so far with competitive, I get targeted and did WAY MORE than in pubs. I did so often that I only pop out one uber in an entire game with the medigun. This is where the Kritzenburg comes in. I decided to try using that instead of the medigun one day, and it changed the scene. I get an average of up to 3 charges per round. Not GAME, but ROUND! When these charges are ready my top priority pactients are Demomen and Soldiers. When ubering these explosive experts with Kritz, I have been able to wipe out ENTIRE TEAMS and then go on to capture two points before they even respawn. Sure, they may be able to push if the get Uber with the normal medigun, but with how much faster the Kritz is to gain charge than the medigun, that scenario rarely happens...if everyone knows what they are doing like you probably do! (Side Note: Kritz also has a better healrate than Medigun.)
Schedule Right Now
Well, sadly I am out of town as I am making this LFT, but I should be back on July 13th or later. I have steam on mobile so hit me up whenever. When I get back, my schedule will be mostly free as long as my family doesn't decide to make me do something. If I know I will be absent I will try to let you know ahead of time. When school comes around my schedule will be all over the place, but I will mostly be avalible Fri-Sun. If you have any questions about this, please msg me on steam.
My Goals
My main goal will always be to heal my team. I heal equally and only pocket either the PK Soldier or whoever is close to me. I hope that I can help the team become better as you will surely make me better. I also hope we can be great friends who have fun together in TF2, or anything else. I can't wait to be your medic. :)
Steam Profile:
Btw, the url is Bitlin21 because that was my original IGN.

posted about 8 years ago