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Last Posted January 20, 2019 at 4:44 PM
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#543 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
FakeSnorry_After a bit of research, ive been able to locate some of the RAM settings in my BIOS. Honestly
You sick man, 1.5V for a CPU that supports (on its IMC) max 1.35V (DDR3L/LPDDR3) is astonishingly dangerous and can cause serious electromigration.

I agree with you, though i did use regular DDR3 on this computer for a good year at least prior to this and i'm still going strong.

But since i couldn't run 2133 or loosen timings any primary timings at 1866, i tried going to the regular 1.35v and it is actually stable. I suppose it doesn't say 2133 was supported.

Also I reran the benchmark at 3.7GHz for comparison. Gained about 27fps overall. benchmark1.dem, 214.55fps 13.4fps var

1) Your "i've tried ddr3 for a year and it was fine" it's the worst thing a person can thought, that .15V more will kill your system waaaay faster than a regular 1.35V DDR3L (like if you're overclocking a 45nm and lower CPU and break 1.45V of vcore. Even if you won't notice, your CPU suffers a lot more and it will die in 5 years instead of 10)
It would be different if we were talking about socket 775 and older, in which case its memory controller is in the motherboard and not that much of an issue.
2) Regular ddr3 can't be put on a laptop cpu/system/mobo, as well it's impossibile 1.5V SODIMMs are available if not 2133/2400.
3)If your mobo/cpu isn't very capable of staying on 1.5V due to power and heat constraints, it will significately throttle (even if you won't notice on gameplay/normal scenario, your mobo will probabily scream for help)

posted about 6 years ago
#541 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulMore or less expected in TF2.
You should do it properly though and use a bit lower timings as well. TF2 cares about those too.
Also tREFI is not a performance setting. Do not mess with it unless you're actually doing proper long tests afterwards to verify that you're not losing data.

+100 for this, but TF2 cares a lot on its main four settings (latency, tRCD, tRP, tRAS) +tRFC

posted about 6 years ago
#540 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
FakeAfter a bit of research, ive been able to locate some of the RAM settings in my BIOS. Honestly you should try tweaking RAM as well as CPU clock speed if you want improved fps.

Before I had no access, I had 1600Mhz DDR3 at 11-11-11-28. All i did was bump up voltage from 1.35 to 1.5, increased frequency to 1866MHz and increased tREFI to the max. Wasn't able to get 2133 working with my limited knowledge though unfortunately no matter how much i loosened the primary and secondary timings.

CPU: Intel Core i7 5700HQ @ 3.6GHz (HT on) core affinities 2-7
RAM: 16GB DDR3 11-11-11-28 @1.5V and 1866MHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M 2GB stock with 417.35 drivers
CFG: Mastercomfig low v6.10 @ DXLEVEL 81
Res: 1024x768, Fullscreen

3.6GHz2639 frames 12.719 seconds 207.48 fps ( 4.82 ms/f) 15.180 fps variability
As a comparison before at 3.7GHz2639 frames 14.052 seconds 187.80 fps ( 5.32 ms/f) 12.717 fps variability
Launch options:
-novid -noipx -threads 4 -nod3dex -w 1024 -h 768 -softparticlesdefaultoff

Windows 10 1809 x64 Home
No fullscreen optimizations
One single display

I wasn't seeing 100% CPU utilization on any active cores relating to TF2 before. Now i see much closer to 100%, which i speculate is due to NVIDIA and their copy system to the system RAM (optimus bleh). I say this because before I was getting lower FPS the higher resolution I went. Before I was getting about 21GB/s in memory tests at 80ns. Now I can get 26GB/s at 69ns. May be i'm wrong and these are expected gains from RAM tuning idk.

You sick man, 1.5V for a CPU that supports (on its IMC) max 1.35V (DDR3L/LPDDR3) is astonishingly dangerous and can cause serious electromigration.

posted about 6 years ago
#537 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

Oh hello again, i've upgraded my gpu/ram combo for 8GB ddr2 f2-6400cl5-*sumthingidr* and a 560ti overclocked to 980 core/ 2300 memory @1V vcore.

Same settings (highest, no config, r_lod -1, no vsync or blur) on Windows 7 Ice Extreme.
CPU: Intel core 2 quad Q9550 @4,2GHz (494 FSB * 8,5 multi) @1,45vcore bios (1,440 fixed)
MOBO: ASUS P5K Vanilla (ouchie my mobo is really troubling me out with past 494 FSB, I wish I could do 500 FSB)
RAM: 4*2GB G.Skill FC-6400CL5S-2GBPQ 5-5-5-18 800mhz @1,9V oc'd to 989mhz 5-6-5-10-50 @ 2,05V
GPU: MSI 560ti Twin Frozr II/OC @ oc'd to even higher stock oc to 980/2300 @1V

2639 frames 26.837 seconds 98.33 fps (10.17 ms/f) 5.349 fps variability

I don't think I can achieve even higher frames w/o overclocking or not changing my current config.

posted about 6 years ago
#475 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
snwdrmCPU: i5 6500 @ 3.2GHz (3.6 speedstep?)

Have you tried overclocking by base clock?
There are BIOSes made for that, thanks for some previous bios with PCI-E and SATA frequencies locked to 100.
I suggest a lot this thing, with that CPU you can easily hit nearly 5 GHz.

posted about 6 years ago
#472 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

I tried again that first benchmark with some different settings on overclock, and results were astonishing.

GPU: ASUS 9600GT @ stock (with PCI-E 120)
MOBO: Asus P5K (vdroop/vdrop mod and AHCI bios)
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 @ 4.233GHz (498 FSB*8,5 Multi) 1.45V vcore (1.440V idle 1.456V load)
RAM: Same 4x1gb ddr2 (7-7-7-24-8-80-10-8-8) 995mhz

This time i had mat_queue_mode 2, snd_async_mode 1 and all highest settings (AA 16xQ CSAA Very high models mat_dxlevel 98)

Show Content
2639 frames 29.737 seconds 88.75 fps (11.27 ms/f) 7.277 fps variability

I got 30 fps more than my previous attempt.
If you got an LGA 775 system, I highly recommend you to overclock your CPU with FSB and your GPU via MSI afterburner AND by PCI-E frequency (never go above 120)

posted about 6 years ago
#466 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
Kierran_R9 290
E8500 Dual core
4gb ddr4 in Quad channel mode

Comanglias Config, all on lowest, no shadows, No AA, etc:
2639 Frames, 33.896 Seconds, 77.86 FPS, 10.42 FPS variability.

Same except with: Textures, Model details and Shader details on High and on DX81:
2639 Frames, 31.534 Seconds, 83.69 FPS, 7.602 FPS variability.

^High end graphics cards should have higher graphical settings enabled if you have a weak CPU; to draw processes away from it and onto the GPU. Old Cpu’s should also use lower DX levels. Overall this reduced variability by ~3fps and increased average by ~5.

Did you overclock that E8500? It's such a good overclocker, it can get 5GHz on 1,55V vcore.
Btw LGA775 CPUs all use only dual channel memory, even if there are 4 RAM slots.

posted about 6 years ago
#440 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulTo be bottlenecked by the GPU in TF2 you'd have to replace it with an Etch A Sketch.
Single channel RAM, possibly lower clocked/worse timings too and the updates that happened since 10 months ago certainly don't help.
Also different config andAdditional notes: also using nohats mod and the minimal blue sapper explosions thing

My GT 9600 (More powerful than a gt210) still bottlenecks (most of the time 99% or usually with vram) tf2...
Guess I'll plan on getting 8 gb ddr2 800mhz, than going for a discrete used GPU (i'm interested in a 780/780ti usually for productivity, due to CUDA acceleration).

posted about 7 years ago
#431 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion

Old C2Q system, I'm planning on getting some decent 1066mhz RAM/ made-for-OCers 800mhz RAM.

CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9550 OC'd 3.9 GHz (can't go higher due to RAM frequency limitations, I would love some 4.2 GHz with aftermarket air cooler)
RAM: 2x1 stick low-profile ddr2 800mhz 5-6-6-18, 2x1 stick ddr2 800mhz 5-5-5-15 (all oc'd to 931 mhz, if I go any higher it crashes even for 6-6-6-20)
GPU:ASUS custom Geforce 9600gt 512mb Gddr3
MOBO (if want): ASUS P5K vanilla (It has a lot of vdroop, no pencil mod done)

All settings maxed (excluding AA, set to off due to vram limitation and set to Trilinear), DX9.
Resolution: 1366x768 fullscreen
mat_phong, speculate and bumpmap set to 1.
No custom cfg set, other than mat_queue_mode 2

2639 frames 45.312 seconds 58.24 fps (17.17 ms/f) 3.600 fps variability

**probably going to test this benchmark with some comaglia cfgs, or messing with stock clock**

posted about 7 years ago