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Signed Up October 24, 2013
Last Posted December 30, 2013 at 8:17 AM
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#45 BlackHUD in Customization

Bobb sachok rabak

posted about 10 years ago
#45 casting ugc asia highlander grandfinal? in TF2 General Discussion

Hello once again here is another message from my leader in response to Caldoran's post
"1. No.

3.They used 4 instead of the restricted 2 that they told me.

4.Yes. to Chrissy.

5a.All they told me is wait,they are getting players.

6.No they did not.

7.Yes they did told us they are trying to get more players,but ultimately dragged too long.

9.I think they should have inform us of mercs in matchcomms.

10.No.I also would want to add that daddy's match against my team on regular season,they did not post any matchcomms.They did not post
anything about agreeing on the time,they have mercs planned,6-7 hours before the match time change.When we agreed on the time few days
back before the match in steam chat, I even told them remember to agree on the time in matchcomms but they did not do so.

11.Yes.Which has been my priority,It's certainly not easy to do I must say, but I managed to do so.The pressure from
trying to get all 9 players together for scrims and matches,ultimately led me to not wanting to oraganize/lead a team for next season.
So, good luck to daddy's if they are participating next season, and all the other teams out there that are participating as well.A"

Thank you for your time

posted about 11 years ago
#30 casting ugc asia highlander grandfinal? in TF2 General Discussion

Hello I am a representive of my team Anyhow Only and this is a message from my leader Hunter to reply to Ellies message.
"Firstly about the regular match against daddys, they requested 5-6 hours before the match that they had requested me to forward the match by an hour, due to this we had to use mercs. While they told me both side will be restricted to 2-3 mercs,they used 4 which I did not notice until i was watching the stv demo.

Secondly HNM, they had 6 players in the server and were waiting for the rest of their lineup I had asked their leader how long more they wanted me to delay the match,but their leader had stopped replying and left us waiting for more than 30 minutes.

Lastly for APEX, we AGREED to wait for more than 15 minutes as we were free that day,but THEY told us they wanted to forfeit the match"

That hereby ends the message my leader wants me to convey and if I could drop a little advice please either get your facts right or remember to include important facts in your post.

posted about 11 years ago