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Signed Up July 29, 2014
Last Posted July 7, 2015 at 5:01 PM
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#57 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion

i actually just checked yukon again, and the skyboxes appear to be a lot higher than i remembered, found some cheeky sneaky spots tho, if somebody does bother to make a pro version of the map, let me know ill post the sp0ts.

posted about 10 years ago
#53 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion
wareyaI hate yukon because of the ways it's different from other maps but I would not dislike playing it occasionally. I mean, I don't play in league, but if it's in league it'll end up in pugs.

If anyone wants a yukon pro and has specific suggestions I'm willing to make modifications for testing.

basically the things that are blatantly wrong in the map are:
1) the skyboxes are fucking low, like you can literally rocket jump on second point from the roof, and hit the skybox...
2) all 3 entrances on last are 2 miles away from the actual CP, that makes it really hard to push because there is no element of surprise since you see the attackers really early.

there might be a bit more that i cant remember since i last played it in like 2011 or something, but these 2 things are a big problem about the map atm...

posted about 10 years ago
#77 this is why we have LAN finals in TF2 General Discussion

i cant not be a bit suspicious of that amazing demoman headshot on lakeside, that near the end twitch thingy... cant know for sure though

posted about 10 years ago
#43 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion
MR_SLINi'd rather see a map like cp_logjam or something similar. i really liked what happened with sunshine, where the map maker was actively working on the project and moving the map along with suggestions from the community. yukon was a great map in its time, but we're probably better off moving toward a map with more developmental support.

logjam might not be ready for s18 though, but i heard it's close to completion.

close to completion? i hope not x_X

posted about 10 years ago
#33 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion

go go, yukon for president!

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion

what Kaneco said!

posted about 10 years ago
#9 Bring back cp_yukon for ESEA s18! in TF2 General Discussion

yukon was awesome tbh i never realised why ppl hated it

posted about 10 years ago
#67 Maps w/ your favorite Mids, seconds and lasts? in Map Discussion

mid - granary cuz airshots
2nd spire - cuz airshots
last - granary cuz airshots and headshots

posted about 10 years ago
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