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Signed Up April 10, 2015
Last Posted April 21, 2024 at 11:22 AM
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#9 Sparkly FX: Fast 64-bit video recording and layers in Videos

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posted 8 months ago
#11866 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#21 sick new edit by reece and weatherspoon!!! in TF2 General Discussion

its ok

posted about 5 years ago
#7132 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

hello gamers here's the i65 intro made by myself, uil, and cyanic

posted about 5 years ago
#4 nick democall (any type of clip accepted) in Videos
bill_would you rather STV or pov demos?

either is just as good my man

posted about 5 years ago
#1 nick democall (any type of clip accepted) in Videos

hows it goin gamers its me nick im a video editor man ive made some things that you might have seen before

like this
or this
or maybe this

this year's tf2maps 72hr jam is comin up and i had the idea of making a video that includes any and all types of tf2 clips. whether it be frags, jumps, pub clips, mge clips, literally anything thats interesting and takes place in tf2. the video will probs be comparable to this excellent video by beater except you can throw me some "serious" clips if you'd like to, and id be editing it in my own usual style.

if youve got some clips that you think would fit in a video like this send me some demos, and make sure to include the tick, and your name.

the jam starts august 2nd so theres a soft deadline then, that being said if theres not that many responses past that deadline ill take what i can get.

also ill probably be streaming the creation of this video over at my twitch so follow me there if u care

tldr - democall, zero restrictions on what type of clip u can send in

posted about 5 years ago
#10 what's starkie smiling at? in Off Topic

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Castellum Visuals - TF2 Video Editing Community in Videos

hey there gamer bros
we got a brand new community for people who'd like to edit team fortress two (and other video games) videos

its essentially a discord server where you can get advice, talk about, and get some opinions on editing. if youre into editing or you want to improve, this is the place to be. you could think of this as a spiritual successor to funky visions. we also got a rly cool logo you can feel free to slap on any of your videos by the wacky uberchain.

castellum's founding members are
Hold on!

posted about 6 years ago
#17 TOTH 2018 Appreciation thread in TF2 General Discussion

b i g shoutout to everyone who made this event possible including those at the event and those off-site, this year's event seemed so much more ambitious than previous years and it was pulled off incredibly well

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Aphex twin Collapse EP in Music, Movies, TV

Physical copy arrived today and came with a sticker :D Should I stick it somewhere/where do I stick it? Or should I just keep it?

what the frick the vinyl didnt come with a sticker

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Holy Shit Se7en in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 6 years ago
#3 kanye west pornhub roblox music video ft lil pump in Music, Movies, TV

idk about you guys but this is pretty frickin epic

posted about 6 years ago
#984 Vent your anger in Off Topic

this happened on a video about 45 minutes after i unlisted it thank you youtube dot com

posted about 6 years ago
#6438 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

heres the i63 intro uil and i edited

posted about 6 years ago
#12 Se7en documentary in TF2 General Discussion
GetawhaleI'm still watching, but the idea of adding a manual/custom killfeed to clips was a small subtle touch, but one that really jumped out to me as super cool. Lots of potential with such a simple idea to kinda personalize/stylize clips how ever you want. I hope other video editors are watching.

ur gonna like the i63 intro then

posted about 6 years ago
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