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Signed Up December 15, 2013
Last Posted July 8, 2016 at 12:26 PM
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#98 flatHUD in Customization
flatlineIn the meantime, the winpanel has been updated to fit the top killstreak notification. It should be on the github. Remember, you can always post issues to the issue tracker on the github page--it makes it a lot easier on me!

Thanks. How do you post issues to the issue tracker? The only issue I have so far is the duplicate intel icon.

posted about 10 years ago
#87 flatHUD in Customization
flatlineSpadowJust noticed this with the scoreboard:

I'm using the latest version.
I must have pushed a wrong version--are you using the 4x3 scoreboard?

Sorry about being gone for so long, the latest winter storm knocked out my internet.

It's working good now after your last update. :)

posted about 10 years ago
#82 flatHUD in Customization

Just noticed this with the scoreboard:

I'm using the latest version.

posted about 10 years ago
#58 flatHUD in Customization

I installed 1.3. Now I have this weird crosshair on top of my usual one. How do I turn this off? It's very annoying to see.
When you list "various other bug fixes", could you elaborate on that?

Because I am upgrading just because of the bugs. But I don't know which bugs you've fixed since you don't tell that us. This hud is perfect for me when the damage effect is gone from the health cross and the black stroke is removed when you inflict damage. The damage effect that appears near the health cross has smoother edges.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 flatHUD in Customization

Okay, I got it working correctly now. Please dismiss that post about the colored rectangle. It's all good now.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 flatHUD in Customization
flatlineer...the /hud folder shouldn't even be there. I think it's a remnant of when I tried to do this on github. Just install the flathud base, the /hud thing shouldnt even matter and I can't do anything with it because it doesn't show up in explorer when I look at the contents of my hud.

Launching TF2 with only "flatHUD Base" in /custom will give me the default hud. Because when you released version 1.0, it only had the "hud" folder in it and I dragged that to /custom and it worked.

Sorry for the inconvenience. >_<

posted about 11 years ago
#31 flatHUD in Customization
flatlineIt is? It shouldn't be. Will hotfix if confirmed to be a bug.

At least for me.

But I just noticed that the UI looks different when I check my kill streak. It's different than in version 1.0. Might be a mistake on my part. I've never installed a custom HUD before, excuse me.

There are 2 folders "hud" and "flatHUD". I need both of these files in my /custom folder, right? As of right now, I have both in the /custom folder.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 flatHUD in Customization

Intel icon appears to be fine, but after a while another duplicate pops up. Hm...
I noticed that in 1.1 the colored rectangle that is behind the player model is gone. Is this intentional?

posted about 11 years ago
#25 flatHUD in Customization

First, I don't see the first problem you're having with the server label.

To fix the scoreboard, click the "switch scoreboards" label on the main menu.

Pretty sure the intel thing is a bug.
It might be possible to change the damage numbers, but I think it's a built-in valve thing.

A and D represent the hotkeys you can use to swap between backpack screens. A nifty little feature in rayshud and other huds that I decided to port into flatHUD.

Hope this helps!

In other news, I am almost done optimizing for 16x10. Optimization for 4x3 will come in a later update.

Oh, didn't know that the "switch scoreboards" was there. This is great!
One thing I forgot to add in my previous post about the damage. As you can see in the screenshot, the damage inflicted on the enemy itself looks a bit different than the inflicted damage shown near your health. It seems the damage inflicted on the enemy has a black stroke and the other doesn't. I prefer to see "softer" damage indicator without the black stroke and without it popping up near the health. Is this possible to change?

And I understand the A and D hotkeys now. Never mind about my previous post concerning these. They're good. :)

posted about 11 years ago
#23 flatHUD in Customization

Hey there,

I got here thanks to reddit. I was looking for a custom HUD and yours is just perfect for me.
I installed it, but there are a couple of things I noticed:

- The text that says the name of the server is cut-off. The name of this server is "achievement_idle_awesombox9".
- There are 14 players on Team BLU, yet I only see 6. I prefer to see this:

If you need to know the screen resolution I'm playing in, it is 1770x996.

- There are two intel icons. Bug?
- I notice that when you inflict damage on an enemy player, the damage appears twice. Why? Is it possible to remove inflicted damage near health?

- A and D. Not sure what this means, but is it possible to change this into "< and >"?

More color schemes would be welcome. From now on, this will be the custom HUD that I will use. I will be looking forward to your next release.

Good job and thank you!

posted about 11 years ago
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