harvestits okay the actual worst team in open will never die
disney channel celebs for strongest team building
honestly I'm pretty impressed with how well everyone's dealt with it.
For those who don't know, harvest asked me to play on this team when I wasn't going to play at all this season. I'm the only one on the team who has played in open before (I believe most of the team came from UGC Steel), so I'm okay with not being able to compete with higher open teams. When we got our schedule, we just decided to emphasize the small victories. We were really happy with how well we played against quantum flux, as we won half the midfights and took a round off them, and we also took a round off the salt miners before they figured us out and beat us. We're getting a lot better as a team and no one has really gotten too frustrated, so I think we'll really be ready to get some wins during the second half of the season.